Saturday, August 10, 2019

#57.17: Perspective - America's Opportunity

AMERICA'S OPPORTUNITY (from Chapter IV of Private Enterprise Money by E.C. Riegel)

Today, I had the opportunity to share this passage from the end of chapter four in Riegel's Private Enterprise Money with someone who is committed to the vision this proposal represents. In celebration and as a reminder concerning what this proposal is about, I decided to repost this passage here now:

America gave to the world the greatest political document ever conceived by man. America now has the opportunity and the challenge to give to mankind - through a universal, non-political money system - the greatest of all charters of freedom. That charter will liberate society's vast wealth producing forces, unify the peoples of the world on the economic plane, preserve and effectuate democracy – and banish war and poverty from the earth. Such a charter can be written only in terms of money freedom.

All the issues of the great war in which the nations are now engaged, all the problems of postwar planning, all the hopes of humanity for a better world, resolve themselves into but one question: can man in this crisis master money? Our whole thinking on this subject must be revised. The obvious lack of a science of money, after centuries of experience with it, should suggest to everyone that there is involved in past thinking and practice, a basic error. One may go to the parliaments, to the academies, to the counting houses, to the market places, in search of an understanding of money and it cannot be found. Instead of mastery, we find mystery.

No one need feel any inferiority in confessing lack of comprehension of this subject, for ignorance is universal except among those who dare to challenge the orthodox concepts. There is not lack of sufficient intelligence to master the problem; it requires only the courage to break with the old concepts and open the mind to new. If we have not this courage in this grave crisis, we are lost. If we cling to old ideas while men are sacrificing their lives, the dead shall have died in vain. The blood of the dead cannot requite the brains of the living.

Money freedom is a new cause in human progress. It has as yet no clarion. Ours is but a thin small voice in a world clanging with steel. But all the greater is our responsibility. We are custodians of an idea - and ideas are more powerful, more enduring than steel. The inscrutable wisdom that inspires men to undertake new causes, often, and in fact usually, commits to humble and obscure persons the task, the honor and the privilege to nurture the struggling cause, and, by so doing, not only serve humanity but become lifted out of their obscurity.

Let each of us assume leadership in the circle of our contacts no matter how limited, with the devout purpose of bringing to our fellows a new gage of freedom, a new inspiration and a new hope of a better day. And this day and every day can be bettered by devoting the mind to a constructive cause, rather than leaving it prey to the depressing thoughts of war and destruction.

Let us not ask despairingly, "what is this world coming to?" Rather, let us assert confidently, "this is what the world is coming to and I am part of the great constructive power that moves it." If we here and now resolve to grasp the opportunity that fate has brought to us, we shall have recollections of this day that will pay dividends of satisfaction and pride as long as memory lasts.

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