This page will be updated as more relevant material comes to our attention:
[25 November, 2020: I had considered removing this page because of the current worldwide situation. It's updated instead.
We're talking about OUR OWN MONEY on this blog. Yes, it is intended to run, as E. C. Riegel suggested, as a complementary source of capital to THEIR STOLEN fiat, precious metals and cryptocurrency false concept of a monopoly commodity pricing all other commodities.
We have pointed out many times in this blog that ALL MONEY IS ACCOUNTED FOR - that money and accounting are nearly the same thing and that the circulating tokens are just external instances of said money. We have great quantities of some of the oldest relics to prove it.
Likewise, we have proved by extension that ALL MONEY IS ISSUED AND ALL MONEY EVENTUALLY DIES.
These are subjects that no school of economics really ever touches upon because - to be perfectly frank - THEIR ECONOMICS IS FRAUD MASQUERADING AS SCIENCE! Specifically, none of THEIR schools of economics ever challenges the role of government or bankers in the issuance of money. Nor is the monopoly position granted a scarce commodity of purchasing power, whether that be real; precious metals, or fiction; crypto-currencies. THEIR schools of economics always provide plenty of space and encouragement for the role of price speculators, who are people who make money on money without contributing any product or service to any economy. THEIR economics excuses many forms of villainy; larceny, privileged positions that few who get to set rules for everyone else, graft - cheating the general public through stealing from some government, or simple grift; stealing value from others as a form of swindle, often using either bait and switch or dialectic trick. THEIR economics embraces many forms of criminality and even excuses them as supposedly necessary evils. THERE ARE NO NECESSARY EVILS. ALL EVIL IS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY OR IT WOULDN'T BE EVIL.
Is THEIR economics valuable at all? For describing THEIR money and systems, yes, of course it's valuable. There are a few concepts that are observable and repeatable over time and can be proved as solid scientific observations, AND THESE ARE WORTHY TO BE KEPT FOR OUR OWN ECONOMICS. BUT, THEIR ECONOMICS always relies on acceptance of certain PERNICIOUS realities; that THEY alone issue all the money and to some degree determine how all ACCOUNTS for said money are going to be organized and calculated. THEY get first right of purchase. THEY get to set speculators up everywhere to maintain price levels and PREVENT COMPETITION. There are also some necessities that must rely on the models for products and markets that apply to luxury goods. Above all is the limiting curve of DIMINISHING RETURNS TO SCALE which is what THEY always seek to avoid, deny or overthrow. But the best parts of any of THEIR economics are the bare bones realities of supply and demand, competition, where money is concerned; circulation rates, quantity of money vs. supply of products and services, and the death rate of money; how much money disappears from all accounts due to DEPRECIATION OF ASSETS?
We need to take a hard look at plenty of assumptions people make without thinking them through. Why does a bank or government deserve any more right than you or I to issue money? Why does a bank get to loan what it doesn't have? Why does any government deserve the right of first purchase in any economy? To what size does any business deserve to grow and what are the limits to growth in various fields telling us? To what extent should economic redundancy be welcomed and expected?]
1. Riegel Exchange
Lawrence Gilbert had been at the business of educating the public concerning E. C. Riegel and his ideas for many years. I first heard of Riegel through him, and after I'd read Riegel I realized that Riegel had put the capstone on other material that I had read going back over 25 years searching for the answer to our present situation.
[3 May, 2013: Unfortunately, Mr. Gilbert showed his true intentions by daring to copyright the use of Riegel's name and other terms which made him in some people's opinions, a traitor to serious monetary reform. By securing copyright he has in fact placed a value on whatever he chooses to devise, in dollars not alternative money, ideas and labels which he can then sell into the very system with which he seeks to compete.]
[11/25/20: His website seems missing or not active for a long time.]
2. Beyond Money
[11/25/20: Dr. Thomas H. Greco's blog is invaluable and will remain so. He has probably more experience than anyone else in this field and his commentaries are always worth reading and referencing as we move forward.]
3. Reinventing Money
Another of Dr. Thomas H. Greco's websites. Their Mission
"The mission of is to demystify money by presenting the best leading-edge ideas on monetary and non-monetary exchange. It is a resource devoted to the advancement of economic democracy, self-determination, and global harmony."
[27 February, 2014: This appears to be a shell of its former self. Those interested are advised to scan the links on this website for more information.]
4. Dishonest Money
Joe Plummer has written a book for laymen interested in understanding the present money and banking system which is easy to read and understand. Joe understands why we need an alternative to the present system and why getting a substitute up and running before the present one crashes, as it inevitably must, is so important.
5. Consumer Protection Information and Resource
Darleen R. Miles has written a book called An Invasion of (corporate) Locust and has been a victim of some of the outrageous crimes designed to further agendas of those with the illegitimate means to forward and sustain them. Everything she describes is directly related to our contention that one gets what one buys if one is the buyer, the originator of money. When the governments have the power to create money, they get to spend it the way they want, against the lives and interests of everyone else. After reading what Miles has gathered together on various subjects, you should be asking yourself how any of this would even be possible without money flowing from somewhere, then tracing that money creation back to its sources. Certainly none of us would be spending money to do these things.
6. Tragedy & Hope
Richard Andrew Grove has put together an ambitious site aimed at giving people an alternative education to enable clear thinking about everything that would relate to a potential trading system or alternate monetary exchange system. After all, we would not be doing anything to improve matters if we just duplicated the same errors perpetuated by the present system. Links to his series of podcasts will be updated on this blog and will all appear under #13 in the series of papers presented here.
7. Bill Still
[11/25/20: Bill Still, a widely followed alternative news commentator has written many books concerning money, but he is more properly an advocate of reform to a system that cannot be reformed than an advocate for alternative monetary systems. THEIR money and banking system cannot be reformed by us because none of us actually owns it, and so it's economics, mostly propaganda for THEIR money and banking systems, including precious metals and crypto-currnecies, can be of little help beyond the obvious observations made by more of the micro-economists than the macro-economists. We do follow Bill's reporting however, though he isn't our only reliable source for reliable information.]
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