Hypothetical Value of a Hypothetical Value Unit

To be seen on all the proposed circulating V-Checks. The symbol for the proposed International Valun Exchange Society or IVES is a simple circle intended to represent a solid rock with the embossed letters for the organization and the interposed VU for Value Unit which together show a down to earth point and gathering together of the values associated with the people.
NOTE: There is no such thing as a Value Unit (Valun) either as a trading vehicle or a circulating currency. These estimated values represent the results of an experiment only.*

This page illustrates the exchange relationship between gold, silver, US dollars and hypothetical Value Units, Valuns (V) as developed under the papers accumulated on this blog.

On 6 August, 2020, the 22nd inception set the lowest exchange rate for the proposed international standard value unit - Valun - rises from $2.55 to $2.59

Former value as of 6 May, 2021
1 Valun = $2.91

As of: 7 May, 2021
1 Valun = $2.89

Anticipated 9 May, 2021
1 Valun = $2.90
Exchange rates for precious metals per oz.

AU (gold) closing spot price:
AU acceptable bid price: 
AG (silver) closing spot price: 
AG acceptable bid price: 

1 oz AU (gold) =
(At inception V1,000)
Deviation from Valun inception 12% in favor of the Valun

CGP **: $2.29

$1 = V0.34
$100 = V34.19

1 oz AG (silver) oz =  
       V11.87  (was V14.17 at 22nd inception on 8 August, 2020)
1 Putin Crimea Medallion (silver) = V381.62

Comparable exchange valuation of Proposed V-Checks

1/2 Valun = $1.45
1 Valun = $2.89
2 Valuns = $5.78
5 Valuns = $14.45
10 Valuns = $28.91
20 Valuns = $57.81
50 Valuns = $144.54
100 Valuns = $289.07
500 Valuns = $1,445.36
1g AU (gold)V25.46
Since the Value Unit's 22nd hypothetical inception on 6 August, 2020, the dollar has lost 12% of its value against the hypothetical Value Unit.

A "Constitutional dollar" was defined by Act of Congress under the original document in 1792 as 371.25 grains of silver = .7734375 of a troy oz.  $1 Cont. = V9.18 

* These are the exchanges for dollars into hypothetical Value Units through the precious metals. Were you to purchase these metals with hypothetical Value Units, your expected prices would be higher, but perhaps not. As the price of gold falls, an ounce of it as measured in dollars, buys fewer hypothetical Value Units. The hypothetical Value Unit began as pegged to a particular price for these precious metals on a particular date plus a generous range within which these precious metals, as bullion ounces, would physically trade. It will be noticed therefore that at inception the hypothetical Value Unit was VU 1,000.00 equalled 1 oz. of gold. When the dollar price of gold rises, a dollar buys more hypothetical Value Units, as the price of gold falls, dollars buy fewer hypothetical Value Units. The same holds true for silver at a lower exchange level.

** For more on this topic see #64 The Calculation of the Valun

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