Sunday, August 4, 2019

#57.16: Perspective - Membership and Business Accounting

People have asked me whether some natural people (not organizations, etc.) would ever be forbidden to join our exchanges. In answer, we have all become vary well aware of certain kinds of “business” which are less than honest. Again, for the awake, two words; gift and graft. 

Most have heard of graft. That's where someone enters into a contract with some “insider” for the intended purpose of defrauding a third party: two parties/entities agree to defraud a third party. That's graft in its simplest form. In our common parlance, graft is described as a form of political corruption, being the unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain. Our definition tells you exactly what graft is and shows you exactly how it is usually accomplished. Those engaged in such activities we'll call grafters from now on, not to be confused with anyone engaged in agricultural grafting of trees or plants. 

Following our definition, graft includes all kick-backs, payoffs, all inflation and cost overruns, everything that increases the bottom line for the third party, the intended victim, usually some government. It's commonplace to regard money stolen in this way as from the taxpayers. That line of argument assumes wrongly, that taxpayers' contributions to their government(s) implies that taxpayers deserve some sort of accountability or influence over policies, etc. As George Carlin said, you don't. You can't reasonably deserve or expect any accountability or influence, because none of the money you have ever used actually belongs to you. Besides which, you are not willingly paying your taxes, you are FORCED to do so and part of the reason this coercion works so well is that the taxpayers are cajoled into believing that political participation really means something while those doing the tax collecting know exactly whose money it is and where it's going. Our position must be to regard taxes, THEIR money, everything to do with THEM as FORCES of Nature that must be endured while they exist. Meanwhile, we must go about our own lives and businesses, helping each other, since this is not anything anyone can do all by themselves, to build our own grass roots economy. When THEIRS falls apart and THEY come after us with some new scheme, we can say, “sorry, we won't need you any more, in fact we won't have you any more.”

Grift is the general term for a swindle and a grifter is a swindler, pure and simple. The usual kind of fraud is to promise something and then deliver an inferior product or service, or even nothing at all, taking the majority of the proceeds directly into the fraudster's accounts, whether they be foreign or domestic. 

Beware. Many private and public non-profit organizations, various so called charities, etc. fall into this category, as grift. We have every reason to regard these organizations generally as tax dodges for the rich, or money laundries, where money comes in from some illicit trade, is socked into one of these foundations and then distributed to those who made the money through illicit trade, attempting to cover their tracks and avoid taxes. 

Our proposal has nothing to do with such arrangements and that's why no non-profit organization can ever be B members of any of our exchanges. This proposal is neither a tax dodge nor a money laundry. All so called “publicly held” corporations are also excluded from our membership. We jettison a lot when advocating for a complementary monetary system that actually belongs to us. We do not see fit to include businesses whose owners are anonymous and own something without the liability or direct responsibility for owning it. Shares in any “public” corporation are under limited liability protection, which means that THEIR corporations can literally get away with murder. 

Every potential natural person A member must fulfill certain basic requirements; must be 18 years of age or older, must be legally entitled to live where they are (domicile within the boundaries of the exchange), must be sponsored by two other A members. But I can assure you that every exchange will be asking in addition whether any prospective A member has ever been convicted of a crime. Obviously, we can ask such a question and will probably be legally required to do so. One could just say no and if one is later discovered to have been a convict, can be thrown out of the exchange and a prohibition placed on their ever being a member again, or for a sufficiently long time, perhaps five years. Of course some have made mistakes and paid for their crimes and that's fine. If you admit it and explain yourself adequately, you're probably in. 

We have as well to consider the needs of the tremendous homeless population. There are some who literally live on the road and these people need to be helped to have their own too. But most places require some residency requirements, in most states it's six months. If one has been homeless, but is a real citizen of the United States, one can try and move somewhere else where meaningful work is available and rent for lodging is still cheap. Stay there for six months, establish state citizenship in that new state, etc. and go on with one's life. But few will be doing this. There may be many reasons. We suspect that drug abuse and mental illness, stress disorders, any number of things, contribute to this situation. Our message to any of them who are still able bodied and mentally capable, is that real wealth begins with you. We call it innate wealth, since you by your own efforts are capable of producing an income. If you have certain skills that can help anyone else live better, your chances for finding a place in society are better. 

Another group we will watch carefully are people claiming to be what they aren't, fake professionals without valid credentials, required licenses, insurance, etc. If you're a fake professional and are caught, you're out. But we'll want sufficient proof of your right to practice where that is required by law. OK students, in which category of scoundrels do we class fake professionals? That's right, they're grifters. 

How many other attempts at a complementary monetary system ever address these kinds of issues? Did you guess none? That's right. The basis for any and all money is TRUST! Ask yourself how much trust is assumed or disregarded when buying into any of THEIR cryptocurrencies. It's all on THEIR internet and there are numerous terms and conditions that limit liquidity that those advocating their use never mention. Again, this is all just more of THEIR money, not yours. It's economic basis is FALSE too so don't be deceived. They all follow the WRONG limited quantity of a fixed commodity as a basis for money. It's a fine basis for a “buy and hold” asset perhaps, but not for a unit of exchange. Besides, most people don't want it! 

Again, this proposal involves people, people to people in action. Normal people live in the PERPETUAL EXPECTATION OF CONTINUING PEACE and are usually aware of anything that causes a disruption in that flow. We're not talking about natural or other tremendous disasters. We're discussing ordinary day to day interactions among people. Yes, it involves an implicit trust, just the same kind as most people observe at traffic lights. Concerning our proposal, let's break it down: 

We begin with E. C. Riegel. Everyone reading this probably needs to read all of Riegel's works, posted on this blog. He observed that money springs into existence to settle barter using credit instruments instead of actual goods and services. Barter never goes away even though money is used. We have by now all heard of economics prattlers trying to convince us that trade by whole barter and trade using money are somehow different. The primary usefulness of money is to split barter. Barter itself never goes away and settling terms of barter is completed when services or goods are finally exchanged for goods or other services. Money is used as the go between and is able to assume this role because its ability to measure value in any sale is trusted by all who use it.

Right now, we all use money that, those of us who have read and fully understood this blog would know, is illegitimate. It's money all right, in that it still settles the terms of barter for billions of people a day, but its provenance, where it issues from, is not legitimate, because it was all issued by non-producers! Legitimate money proffers something in exchange for something else, either a service for a good, a good for a good, a service for a service or a good for a service. 

What do you have? You have something you can do for someone else that they would pay you to do if they had the money. What if they don't have the money? The work doesn't get done and you don't have a job. Who has control over this? Right now, that would be the point of issue of all that money, the central banks and the governments that are their perpetual best customer debt slaves. The central banks lend what they do not have and charge interest from uncreated money. That automatically makes it impossible to pay all the debt at once in such a system and results in a “musical chairs” economy; someone else might have gotten the money to do the needful work and the jobs went there instead. Who decided? The bankers. It's THEIR money, stupid! 

So you still have that innate wealth inside you and someone needs your help, but they don't have the money, until now. Well, everyone gets two hundred Valuns to begin with, but we've been talking lately about how the various accounting nuts and bolts fit together to make it all work. 

So now, we get down to the nitty gritty. Here's something THEY never taught you in school because THEY didn't want you to be self-aware, self-actualized, self-assured, any of that. You were all kept from understanding the basics of simple accounting and why it's absolutely essential to all of you. Some of you may not be that smart, might be terrible with numbers, but someone else among you is naturally very good with numbers and probably would not mind as much the effort involved in helping others to get themselves properly set up to run on their own. How many of you were ever taught how to balance a checkbook? Not many. Most in fact use running balances on their bank accounts without doing much account balancing. But to stay “in the black” one usually uses some form of intuitive balancing anyway. 

The new understandings that come from the new accounts we have described are that everyone has assets and liabilities. One has assets that are fully and partially paid for, the remaining debt is considered a liability. In standard double entry accounting, there is an equality between assets on one hand and liabilities plus capital on the other, outlined thus: 

assets = liabilities + capital 

Accounting considers anything that can be determined in terms of money. In our case, Valuns. Every A member has three balances on their account with an exchange; Issuance, Income and Escrow. Issuance is an asset and also capital. If one listed one's Issuance, it might look like this: 

Asset: Issuance V200 = Capital: Issuance V200 

If one had a debt of V30, it would show up as 

Asset: Escrow -V30 = Liability: Escrow -30 

Were this all there was to balance, the result might look like this: 

Asset: V170 = Liabilities: -V30 + Capital: V200 

Now, you still need to raise your issuance balance, which means you will need to issue Valuns for something to buy. We allow you to issue Valuns through a labor contract. This does something automatically to every single Valun issued in this way; it is all backed by the work performed by the A member. You issue it to either a B member employer or to the exchange itself as a stand in for those employers that cannot be B members. You buy a job with your own money, you get paid back with the money you issued. That money is now backed by your work and your ability to pay the extra taxes if required. 

How much money are you allowed to issue? What are your restrictions? Income taxes is one. You will need enough money of THEIRS to pay taxes. The more Valuns you issue, potentially, the more taxes you will be required to pay in THEIR money. So in conducting business using Valuns, your prices for goods or services would be in Valuns and however much of THEIR money you will need to pay taxes. Your labor contract will not include anything about THEIR money, so you will have to determine what that percentage of your income in THEIR money will be required of you to cover taxes. 

Now, each dues paying A member gets an account with V200 in it. They also get to do something else, to set up as a B member as well. Most exchanges will want to see a DBA 'doing business as” usually from the county the exchange serves. An A member with a DBA can open a B membership account without charge. The exchange will still collect one tenth of one percent of all transactions from one account to another and there is no difference between accounts as far as transaction fees go. 

The B member account also has three balances, Equity, Income and Escrow. The key element to begin with is the Equity that can be assigned to the account; what tools, accessories, etc. that are fully paid for, without extenuating debt in any of THEIR money These are listed as assets and added to the Equity balance. As well, you can take all of that and add 10% of it as goodwill. You would be determining what all this is worth in Valuns on a particular date. If you have product you intend selling for Valuns, you list that and give your approximate purchase price in Valuns for the items and these are listed among the assets in the Equity balance. 

Now you also consider that you're just starting and have no income. So we allow you to project six months of income in Valuns in the Income balance. We may decide that income for this purpose can't be any more than 10% of the total Valuns in the completed Equity balance. 

Now the 80% rule that says you can't have Escrow more than 80% of your combined Equity and Income balances. Let's give you some ranges to consider: On 8/2/19 a Valun was $2.51 

Company ABC 
Equity: V1,000 = $2,510.00
Income: V100 = $251.00
Escrow: V880 = $2,208.80

Company DEF 
Equity: V2,500 = $6,275.00
Income: V250 = $627.50
Escrow: V2,200 = $5,522.00

Company GHI 
Equity: V10,000 = $25,100.00
Income: V1,000 = $2,510.00
Escrow: V8,800 = $22,088.00

Company JKL 
Equity: V50,000 = $125,500.00
Income: V5,000 = $12,550.00
Escrow: V44,000 = $110,440.00

Company MNO 
Equity: V100,000 = $251,000.00
Income: V10,000 = $25,100.00
Escrow: V88,000 = $220,880.00

These examples will cover the range most encountered for single proprietorship businesses. The amounts in Equity are permanent or subject to changes effecting inventories, depreciation, etc. Those in Income are for six months.  Those in Escrow, including your job, could be for any contractual duration.  Most labor contracts would coincide with a tax year and be renewable or not as required.  Pay particular attention to the Escrow balances because these limit how many Valuns you may issue to buy a job in your own company. 

Your Issuance balance now has V200 in it and you decide to leave it there, but it can be increased right away with a labor contract you have with your own company. Let's say you're ABC. Let's say you have no existing credit contracts requiring regular payments so the entire ABC Escrow balance may decide how many Valuns you presently want to earn. That's V880. Carried over twelve months, that's V73.33 per month. 

Your Issuance balance V880 
to ABC Escrow balance
Your issuance balance V0.88
to local exchange

Congratulations! You just raised your Issuance balance from V200 to V1,080 and each month as you collect your Valuns on whatever payday you choose, your Issuance balance is reduced back to V200 and you increase your Income balance by V880. That might be something like $2,208.80 over a year, hardly enough to rock anyone's boat. BTW, you pay the transaction fee of eighty-eight cento / fen to the exchange and that is paid back to your Issuance balance as you get paid in your Income balance. 

Now you can look where you might fit into this design. What size is your projected business? Whatever you earn in Valuns you will also need to earn some of THEIR money to pay all those things that must be paid in THEIR money. But these examples give you some kind of framework from which to proceed. 

What are you building in the Equity balance? The actual value of a business in Valuns; what someone else might be willing to pay for your business in Valuns. You might be of a kind that starts something, gets it up and running and then sells it off to someone else and moves on to do something else. Doubtless there are other ways of figuring out what your business might fetch in THEIR money. You would merely add the Valun basis into the basis in THEIR money and come up with what it would cost someone else to take over your business. Of course the larger your Equity and certainly your Income balances become, the more debt you can take on as included in your Escrow balance. 

Another thing you can do is advertise with your local exchange. These matters are expected to be conducted in THEIR money and all advertising with an exchange would be tax deductible because advertising is certainly to be one of the primary businesses of each and every local exchange. 

Figuring how much you will need to take in, in THEIR money as well as Valuns, is based on THEIR local sales tax percentages and any other taxes which apply plus whatever figure is needed to cover overhead that must be payable in THEIR money. 

Let's say that the sales tax is 8% and the item(s) for sale are V100. So that's V8 required for taxes. Today a Valun is $2.51 so that's $20.08 on a sale of $251.00. You'd be asking for V100 plus $20.08 for your trade. 

We have presented here a framework to better understand how to visualize, set up and get running your own business, when the time comes. It's actually pretty simple. But one thing you'll notice which is quite different from anything THEY have to offer; you are really doing everything yourself and it all belongs to you. These Valun based businesses are not some “build it and they will come” concept by some nameless faceless corporation that has officers and other responsible people far away in some city you never intend to visit. These are businesses that you build yourself, with less of THEIR money and more of your own. You pay your way in THEIR money and make your own money in ours. It's really the only way forward because there is something I just saw called “Stein's law.” Herbert Stein, yes, one of THEIR economists said, "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." That applies to ALL of THEIR money for a variety of known reasons. It's not a new idea, but the issuance of our money belongs to us, is the only truly legitimate money and we used Riegel's fixed basis point of time determination of our unit of purchasing power to beat all of THEIRS in fair trade over the long run. All of this takes organization, as described, and will involve, in issuing our own money, retrieving our rightful fiat (OUR will) from the gross liars and fiends behind contemporary economics, none of whom bothers to challenge the underpinnings of the old existing corrupt machine, what they must do to rid themselves of delusions and false paradigms. You know what?  To Hell with THEM! We expect most of THEM will be going there anyway. But we won't care because we will finally have our own. 

David Burton

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