Wednesday, December 28, 2016

#0: Warren Pollock-Clinton & Trump Will Fight to the Death

This is really more than the title suggests, although that subject is covered as well. Over all his analysis has a probability of better than 70% and we agree that since there is nothing secure in any of the globalist managed economies, that the future scenarios all lead to WORLDWIDE economic collapse. This is a DIRECT result of the drive toward centralization and concentration of power and wealth into fewer and fewer hands. It will lead to an explosion and then perhaps the return of the Dark Ages, which since Fukushima still spews will gradually kill off all organic life on earth will become permanent. We told you our proposal was serious and might end up helping save the planet. We're yet to hear from very many who seem at all enthusiastic.

The preppers may be ahead of the curve. We WILL have to re-establish basic skills, with some reasonable and energy efficient technical strategies. All THAT is really part of the very simple, single page, contracts we believe would sufficiently run this system. Recall that our solution is lifeboats away from the Titanic and the only way to get free of it is to have your own money. Despite the precious metals certainly being something, and we will take nothing else in exchange for our money, they are certainly not yours or mine as long as someone else determines the value of them. Money is an accounting mechanism, a machine, not the visible tokens. If we also establish a usury free financial system, we can place all bonds and debt on a sound financial basis which is the real biggest problem with the present system, and oh it has LOTS of built in problems, which is why it will fail. 

Near the end, Warren really describes matters which are of clear importance. Our proposal WILL need sound financial institutions based on our rules for the loaning of money. Will some kind of market for such funds ensue? Probably, but it will be an expensive thing to get going the way we intend it. Again, for the most part, Pollock is spot on!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

#0: I have heard - Steve Sims

I have heard many different deadline scenarios but I dismiss them all because the future is not written. we are co-creating the future by our constant choice-making process. there are obvious and not so obvious probabilities, and the black lodge is constantly implanting outcomes (predictive programming), but still trying to find the ultimate LIE which triggers all the bad stuff, but no matter how much they try to dominate the subconscious, they will never gain control of the collective soul of mankind.

We are all tuned in to it on some level or other at all times. We are not naturally inclined to hurt each other, but some of us have been broken down to perform insane acts. I wont go into all that except to say the practitioners of the dark arts are continually operating in deception, attempting to exploit whatever level of trust they find themselves in. Sadly in America, we have been giving away our trust for so long, the black lodge has derived much of its power from us.

Their goal is to gain higher levels of trust, estimate the level of trust needed and assess whether or not the effort would be worth the reward. some individual scams may take decades to mature, but organized scams often have more immediate results. In fact, the higher you climb, the more insider you become (unless you become the target), the more empowered you are with their currency and the sooner you get in on the action. With ancient bloodline scams, they are so institutionalized (ingrained and codified grandfathered benefits hidden from the public) that enforcement is carried out by the victims; the masses, by their very habits and lack of judgment based on facts, or lack of facts to begin with; it's called uninformed consent. That has to change. People have a decreased capacity to process facts due to being targeted via toxified, weaponized, food and drugs. It's been successful enough to get them this far, but the word is getting around, even though many are afraid to say it publicly.

We always need those who are willing to step out and speak truth to power. I don't have a website or a radio show, and I admire those who step forward and take the heat while providing that higher service. I don't even mind inaccuracies, not mentioning any names, because the truths they have to tell remain well after the mistakes fade away, be it intentional or not.

What I do have is a fb page, and the impetus to put my thoughts into words, and let the universe take it from there.

We can intellectualize these deceptive practices, but they make them habit. That's how insane they are; obsessed with control and how to get more. Addicted to power. It's a mental game where the paperwork is a mere formality. The playing field is the here and now, and the game is always on. Ignore it, it will go away, and you save yourself. Or, you can do your best to expose it and help your fellow man in many different ways.

Forewarned is forearmed. Or maybe I'm totally wrong, and all the times I've been abused, neglected, vilified, cheated, robbed, injured, placed in harm's way, betrayed, ignored, maligned, and misjudged have been my fault. Then I remind myself that the dominant game running is the black lodge. There are countless hierarchies, financial, intellectual, spiritual, to name a few categories, which are controlled at the top by insiders while the rest of the members are being used. They target what they see as threats, not realizing their judgment is clouded from above. It's the black lodge that assesses the threat, determines the vulnerability of that threat, and weighs the consequences of acting on it.

In some cases, the minions do see it, but put dealing with it on hold. That works so well in this semi-Orwellian state in which we find ourselves. It's spiritually-Orwellian as well as financially, and definitely intellectually Orwellian. they have succeeded in compartmenting all of the mental components, from wisdom and knowledge to intelligence and memory.

I'm not intending to give them power by giving them attention; I'm pointing out how they operate so they can be recognised. It's just as important for the petty criminal and the keeping-up-appearances crowd as it is for the sycophants of high degree to aspire to higher moral principles, and drift away from the overt and covert worlds of control.

Steve Sims
(appearance here granted by the author)

#109: The Top Ten List Minus One

These are the top ten reads in subjects related to money, economics, history and their interrelations. We're talking about many more than ten books. We're listing authors and even lumping some of them together. Books of all the major economists are specifically omitted as the “pulp fictions” they are. To get anything useful from them, they would have to be mercilessly exorcised of all references they contain to the presumed origins of money as to us those casually assumed omissions conceal what most needs to be revealed and recognized concerning the present system.

1) We begin with the collected works of E. C. Riegel (all available on this blog) who clearly makes the list as these works propose the penciled sketches of an entirely different and quite obvious perception of money, a vital human invention used to split whole barter in half between buyer and seller. Without his brilliant observations, we wouldn't have the present humanitarian proposal as a clear and present way out of all the important dilemmas facing mankind, including poverty, war and extinction.

2) But then we have Carroll Quigley's Tragedy & Hope, available as a free download on line, a work that literally changed how I view everything. I divide people into two rough categories, those who have read this book and those who haven't. It's big; 1,310 pages. If nothing else, read the material on Great Britain and draw the appropriate conclusions. Quigley wrote two other major works, but they are less weighty than his masterwork.

3) The Wall Street series by Antony Sutton ranks right up there with Quigley's work and offers a few more interesting details. There are three of them and they describe the financing of the Soviet Union, the making of FDR and the rise of Hitler. However he may have characterized the revolutionaries, FDR or Hitler is not relevant as his focus was rather on money and business. No understanding of contemporary political-economic affairs is complete without knowing this information. Of course the other books by Sutton are certainly worth reading for more excruciating details of some best known conspiracies, all of which can be laid to the usual sources (globalists, bankers, elites) and their willing dupes and minions. Really, if you're still working for any of these people, what are you doing?

4) The New Underworld Order by Christoper Story FRSA is one of the better compilations of all the connections that are apparent to the average student of state, deep state and extra-state espionage and mercantile networks, syndicates and mafias. This work is available on line, here.

Oh, and if you haven't guessed it yet, this man was my mentor and gave me the mission to find something else that people could use as money because the present system couldn't last long and what they had planned was terrible. He was the editor of the International Currency Review and of course knew a lot about money. So what are the rest of you clowns out there taking me for anyway? You think I know nothing? Some rank amateur perhaps? Some of you get your egos in a bunch and assume you could do better with the existing system. Go ahead then! You see how easy it is to get many dupes to follow, all you need to is provide it, like bitcoin and you have a market. It matters not to you that all you've accomplished is the creating of yet another “scarce” commodity for speculators to play with. This is NOT a reliable yardstick of value and you never know how much anything will cost so you can't plan constructively at the level it needs to be done; locally not globally. Which of you knows exactly and precisely how money is issued and how it inevitably dies? How many of you know that money is not best served as a scarce quantity that can be speculated upon in rigged markets but must be a renewable resource else economies literally die? Best think again and reconsider this blog's proposal.

5) The fifth spot belongs to Eustace Mullins. Read all of him you possibly can. It's all on line. It's all relevant to the present moment. G. Edward Griffin's work goes here too. Together with Mullins' works, that's four or five books you'll have to read. Much of it deals with the Federal Reserve. It's vital you understand how and why none of it is OUR money and never has been.

6) The Babylonian Woe by David Astle sits in the particular spot to show the connections between banking and war and the preparations for and making of war between nations and peoples from ancient times; the weapons, slaves, precious metals and drug trades are all integrally related. It is a rigorous but well footnoted classic.

BTW: what's so different about recent events and atrocious behaviors involving major crimes alleged to have been committed by high ranking political officials and anything that was alleged to have happened among the same ruling circles in ancient times? Check what you might know about ancient Rome or Greece while they were in decline. For that matter what of the connection between the Hell Fire Club of Ben Franklin's day and Eyes Wide Shut partying that really does go on right up to this moment?

7) Gertrude Coogan's Money Creators, available on line, is particularly good at describing banking, the ways it works, etc. You'll get a better idea of why it is best to let lenders lend money they actually have rather than other people's money without their real understanding or knowledge. Such practices lead to economic bubbles, cycles of booms and busts, and bank failures, all our proposal eliminates by design.

8) Ferdinand Lundberg comes next, his America's Sixty Families is chock full of information that makes a lot of plain sense. One could do worse not reading all of his works including those authored in collaboration with others.

9) George Orwell, particularly 1984 but also Animal Farm and Aldous Huxley Brave New World, etc. Both of the social engineering experiments in Brave New World and 1984 have been tried and are in the process of being tried in various degrees all around the world up to the present moment. Some would add the works of H. G. Wells. They are all linked together because they were all insiders and involved directly with the international plot to rule the world.

10)? We can't think of anything that is indispensable to have read on the subject of money, finance, banking, economics, etc. that would have told you anything more than what this collection can tell you, but we'll give you one anyway.

Intellectuals by Paul Johnson. Johnson is uneven, but if you read nothing else of his, don't miss this book. It's quite literally what you see when all these supposed super brains are picked apart down to their philosophical underwear. Johnson is terrifically funny and very revealing and what's most concerning is the effect these people, many of them unscrupulous rascals and scoundrels, had on their societies. Why we bother with any of them is beyond reason. I'm being kind.

So, there it is. Hats off to any and all I can hear from who have read any or all of these works.

Merry Christmas!

David Burton

Current Hypothetical Value of a Hypothetical Value U

Saturday, December 24, 2016

#108: Animalism as an Analogy

Before moving on to other papers and series, we thought to give our readers some tools of perception with which to better perceive the present world and current events. One contributor who cannot be ignored would be George Orwell (1903-1950) whose real name was Eric Blair. Orwell wrote Animal Farm, a satirical novel based on the Russian revolution and its aftermath. His other masterwork, 1984, is on our top ten book list and should be read by everyone.

Animalism is a communist philosophy (ideology) of all of the animals being treated equally and sharing equally in both the responsibilities and rewards of the farm. Here are the seven commandments of animalism and their analogies:

1) Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

Enemies are those on the other side of any ideology: us vs. them. If one has enemies, one needs protection and one usually buys one or is FORCED into supporting one, known as states, the greatest protection rackets known to mankind down through history.

2) Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

Friends are defined. You don't decide who your friends are, the state decides for you. Unbeknownst to you, people who got rich had these tax dodge institutions formed to tell the government what it wanted done and the results were and are social engineering done on such an insidious scale that eventually we all wake up in a fake world. That process is ongoing right up to this second.

3) No animal shall wear clothes.

No friend will ever adopt the inclinations, preferences, ideas, attitudes and proclivities of the state defined enemies starting with one's outer garments; everything about you will conform to what the state expects from you.

4) No animal shall sleep in a bed.

extended to the enemy preferences for any comfort including housing, extended villages, society, etc. Examples are ever smaller dwelling units and everything sacrificed to the level of having or owning or dealing with as little as possible. All minimalist trends.

5) No animal shall drink alcohol.

extended to the enemy preferences for food and drink or possibly any drugs or cognitive enhancement nutraceuticals. Anything the state forbids, you shall accept their edicts and obey accordingly.

6) No animal shall kill any other animal.

No friend will kill another friend. So if and when a friend kills another friend, it was and is the state that made the decision according to its own needs to preserve its power and extend and consolidate its control.

7) All animals are equal.

All friends are equal a
nd the state determines the nature of that equality. It is never up to you or me. If you and I are friends as defined by the state, then we are equals.

What can we learn from this?

A few things actually. Let's try to begin with ideology. It has two definitions:

1) “a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.”

The trick word is of course ideals and we know what happens when one has a social irritant concerning ideals; they become idealism, a poisonous social solvent deliberately concocted to cause division, chaos and catastrophe from which the people with money expect eventually to gain. (The character of Mr. Potter from It's A Wonderful Life should come to mind).

This definition includes things like, "the ideology of democracy" with synonyms: beliefs, ideas, ideals, principles, ethics, morals.
2) “archaic - the science of ideas; the study of their origin and nature.”

So we use the first definition which is far narrower than the second which used to be more inclusive. Notice morals are included.

So morality is defined as “principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.”

This definition includes “ethics, rights and wrongs, ethicality, virtue, goodness, good behavior, righteousness, rectitude, uprightness; morals, principles, honesty, integrity, propriety, honor, justice, decency; ethics, standards/principles of behavior, mores, standards, particular systems of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society: the extent to which an action is right or wrong.”

What I've said for a long time about morality boils down to two things:

1) Awareness of right and wrong, etc. cannot be assumed of everyone and
2) The purpose of morality is to keep its followers safe.

Basically, a moral person is going to be in a safer position most of the time than an immoral or amoral person. But, can moral awareness be impaired or absent? Dare I ask what in our present worldwide distraction service may tend to cause impaired or absent moralities?

What this blog has always intended is to deal fundamentally and honestly with the question of money. Not where it does come from now, hence all the various weird economics associated with that, but where it really belongs; where money MUST come from, if we intend on proceeding further.

Animalism, like communism, socialism, fascism, even nationalism, and what we might even call weaponized democracy, are all forms of statism; a social irritation with the state (various ideologies spring forth from this) which demands that the public uniformly and unquestioningly accept state pronouncements as if issued by God; the authority of the state. Why did we look to the state for so much? Because the money power left most of us no alternative. Most of us have taken it for granted that none of us has any power except those with money without asking how or where it came from because frankly the whole subject was mighty mysterious to us and we thought we'd rather not bother with it. But we complain about it all the time. So it doesn't make any sense, does it?

Hey, this is the 21st century. Don't you suppose we might have learned a few things about subjects like this down through the centuries, come on, like money, to have some better ideas than to just content ourselves with something that did not work well for the vast majority when it was in place? You know what I mean, the so called “gold standard.” What a hoax that is!

First of all, even under THEIR gold standard, the money is still lent to the government at interest and the governments get to spend it before anyone else gets any and the rest trickles down … You know what? Gold per se, is NOT the solution and that retired congressman baby doctor from Texas knows a lot less than any of you imagine on the subject. The “Austrians?” Their stuff proves what I've said consistently in this blog about all economics; nothing but an apologetic for the present system and that is all. Base an economy on usury as the “Austrians” do and eventually the money lenders own things that didn't at first belong to them. Understood?

The other dragon that must be slain is inane panegyrics against fiat money. We accept that all known fiat money has eventually failed and we know why it has failed and it has NOTHING to do with the money being issued by fiat but WHOSE fiat is used to issue it. ALL known fiat currencies were issued by BANKS and lent to STATES at interest. The currency that is most visibly failing right now is Venezuela's and it is no exception.

As Riegel pointed out, states have nothing to sell back to the public for all the money they issued by spending it into the economy. The most they could do would be to tax back as much as they spend, and that would “back” it, but we also know why they can't do that; because of capitalism, we must allow some socialism else the people would revolt.

We hold to precise definitions here on this bog: capitalism is making money on money without work and unless you are rich you can't be a capitalist by definition. If you have been conned into using this word to describe what you do, which is probably free enterprise or PRIVATE enterprise, then kindly drop capitalism from your vocabulary and avoid further cognitive dissonance. Just because one is not a capitalist doesn't make one a socialist. Socialism is the inevitable result of capitalism, the two systems were deliberately devised to take over the world materially, socially and politically, to seal the fate of the freedom of the vast majority of humanity and to ensure the continued power structure's continuance in power. THEY (globalists, bankers, elites) do NOT care about you. In fact for the vast majority of you, THEY propose that you … go off somewhere and die quietly, so as not to disturb THEM at THEIR destructive and self-destructive games.

Those out there with some artificial political-economic axes to grind had better trace every last fact and idea you think you know right back to its original source before accepting any of them as absolutely true. It's time to drop a lot of conceits. I did. So can you. It's the path to perhaps learning something new every day one is alive, rather than assuming that knowing things is something one does when young and thereafter gives no further care for the time and effort it takes to learn anything more.

David Burton

Friday, December 23, 2016

#0: The Targeting of Conspiracy Research - The David Icke Videocast

The Targeting of Conspiracy Research - The David Icke Videocast 

These #0's are posted here as contemporary news. Icke has gone through quite a transformation and I expect him to continue in his present trajectory; it's a good thing he hasn't said much about alternatives to the present money system, that was and is my calling. But Icke has demonstrated his quest for the Truth and that has to be the basis of more and more people's consciousness if we have any possibility of survival going forward. First we are ignored, then laughed at JEERED, then they fight us, then we win.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

#107: Concerning Members' Pensions

An escrow is a bond, deed, or other document kept in the custody of a third party, taking effect only when a specified condition has been fulfilled. Can you discuss more about this feature? Kent in Ont, Canada

Yes, the Escrow Balance on each account feature does relate to all credit and labor contracts in the entire proposed system. It functions as a way to manage personal and business debt. The 80% rule allows only debt up to 80% of a person's or business's income stream through the Incoming Balance. We have to make this distinction as what we are saying about each of these balances represents very different things. The Escrow Balance represents all Valuns placed there in anticipation of “specified conditions” described in contracts being fulfilled; for the paying off of debt.

Issuance Balance
Incoming Balance
Escrow Balance

The Incoming Balance gets all Valuns paid back to an employee in any labor contract. Note, all the Valuns placed into the Escrow Balance must come from either the Incoming Balance or from labor contracts. One could also get paid for trades, gifts, occasional services, other things customarily paid in CASH and all those Valuns would flow into the Incoming Balance.

The Issuance Balance is what represents the allowed overdraft for each member, as it is usually described in discussions concerning Riegel inspired systems. But we choose to represent this usual negative as a positive number as none of this represents income, it rather represents our WILL, our personal worth. We elect to allow each member two hundred Valuns to start (V200) which is placed in everyone's Issuance Balance as part of each member / OWNER'S will FIAT to issue money directly out of themselves by their own worth. Notice further that the use of these Valuns comes uniquely without transaction fee of one tenth of one percent. Just remember that it takes V1 in transaction fees, to move V1,000 from one member account to another member account. Here's what everyone's opening account looks like:

V 200.00
V 0.00
V 0.00

In accepting this agreement, members agree to receive Valuns for goods or services they offer for sale. Nothing in the Issuance Balance ever relates to income as it isn't income. This is also the case for any and all members who are pensioners.

We also said we would honor any and all legitimate pensions from any state or union source with a comparable number of Valuns and we would do so as representing Issuance Balance Valuns. We also said we'd allow such members to have these Valuns stacked up all the way back to Valun inception; 11/2/11. So if your pension was active at that time, you could start your account with accruals extending back that far. We only require that you give us only one amount in “public” money rather than all COLAs since then.

Example: The problem is to offer pensioners the equivalent value in Valuns of their “public” money each month, whether it is spent right away or not. This money is NOT income to the pensioner. It springs forth directly out of his will. It will show up in the Issuance Balance of the pensioner's account. 

Let's say a pensioner / A member / OWNER was receiving payments at the time of Valun inception and that at month of November, 2011 they received $1,285.00 . We'll call this number the seed number or SN. This amount in “public” money may determine how many Valuns each month are added to the member's Issuance Balance. You can see that the amount of potential purchasing power could turn out to be quite large, and we want it to be and we want this segment of our people NOT to be in want.

Every member, regardless of circumstances, is given V200 to begin and this amount shows up in the Issuance Balance of each A member account. This is included in the following example. We're assuming the member joined this month (12/16) and using this SN, here's what happens from inception for this member's example:


$s per V
Vs per mo. and (fees)
Pre-Issuance Balance
$ equiv
Issuance Balance after fees
At Inception 11/11
V594.91 (.59)
(inc V200)+

*You'll notice that on rare occasions the $s per Valun falls below inception. Had this trend continued, IVES would have determined that the initial transaction would have been breached and established a new higher (never lower) transaction for all Valuns. All existing contracts would just figure Valuns based on the new inception transaction from the month it takes effect. 

+The initial V200 is without transaction fee. 





** Occasionally the valuation in dollars may fall during periods when the price of gold is rising. But you can see that in this example that eventually all temporary falls were soon corrected. Meanwhile all values recorded in Valuns continued to rise.




So when this new member gets their account, it would look like this:

V 31,056.88
V 0.00
V 0.00

Removing the initial V200 leaves V30,856.88 and V30.86 were also taken by the exchange in transaction fees for moving the pensioner's Valuns from where? From the pensioner, from his will, into his account. He presented the exchange officer with evidence of his claim to the original seed number or SN. Remember that? It established all the rest of the transactions we have just seen. Will the monthly payments continue? They could until the pensioner / member / part OWNER of the exchange either dies or cancels the contract.  
What we also want to make clear is that no Valun ever represents a claim on any “public” money. This proposal is not some great money laundering operation that results in making money on money without work. What we are doing this for is to offer everyone lifeboats away from the present system so they will be able to function when THEIR system fails for the last time and fades into oblivion.

There are no transaction fees charged for moving Valuns within one's account only for transfers out of it; you pay to move your Valuns to some other account, but not to balances within one's own account.

The possible transactions out of an Issuance Balance include all transfers to other balances in the same account: these are:

Transfer of Valuns from member's Issuance Balance into the Local Exchange V-Check account and the member is tendered V-Checks in exchange. There is no transaction fee for this transfer as we want to encourage members to use our cash. Members pay a transaction fee upon depositing V-Checks into their Incoming Balances.

Transfer of Valuns from Member's Issuance Balance into member's Incoming Balance is allowed without fee. Since there is no contract associated with these transfers, this is not taxable income. Likewise there is no transaction fee for transfers from member's Issuance Balance into member's Escrow Balance. The member keeps a ratio of no more than 80% of the Incoming Balance in the Escrow Balance. This provision allows the pensioner or indigent to function within the intended world of credit and labor contracts.

You will notice that right away we are allowing pensioners a terrific amount of potential purchasing power. None of these Valuns are money until they are offered in trade for something (until something is bought using them). The pensioner is allowed this provision because we do not anticipate pensions in the future as this system would make them unnecessary. For the time being they are part of our “natural socialism” which is temporary until all vestiges of poverty are mostly removed.

We are in transition between THEIR system and ours and we need lifeboats and the most likely people to bestow extra benefits on are those with the majority of their working lives behind them. They are not relying on anyone for this understanding as all the money they may issue comes directly from their own fiat, their will to live. As part of their living will, they can through our rules, pass onto any other member their unissued or accumulated Valuns upon decease. They belong to the people that issue them. As part of the membership contract, which included the free V200, it would specify who gets the contents of the Issuance Balance and any and all debts would be cleared from the contents of Escrow Balances. Then the Issuance Balance would be divided among one or more members named by the donor member upon decease and that dead member's account would be closed. Transaction fees apply for transfer of Valuns and the beneficiary pays the transaction fees.

David Burton

Current Hypothetical Value of a Hypothetical Value Unit
[12/22/16: Q: Was wondering why the six months limit on V-Checks? If they're ours and we make the rules, why can't we make them expire in a year? Ted, Utah

A: Without further confirmation from people in each American state or wherever else we intend on operating, we'd need to know what the exact restrictions each state or location may have on alternative or complementary money. As with any other form of state oppression, this one -restrictions and regulations of complementary money- are intended to protect the public from scams, or of course to enforce the monopoly of the state's chosen scam, which has in turn imprisoned all its state customers. For now, we accept such things and proceed where it is easiest.

Some states have restrictions which indicate any number of things but make immediate likelihood of our success limited. We know for example that one can't coin anything and pass it around as money as the governments everywhere pretty much have a monopoly over that. So until they are no longer in a position to literally FORCE that monopoly on coinage, we must abide by their law. We also know that one can't circulate anything as an alternative currency that has a value less than a dollar. That works out just fine by us as the lower end of things must be handled in THEIR money because of taxes: pay Caesar what is Caesar's. We except these restrictions. The ½ Valun V-Check will be somewhere less than $1.50 and always more than $1.08 which is where it began at inception.

Most states allow private checks, which these would be, to be made pursuant to a standard contract, which membership / OWNERSHIP of each exchange would also accomplish. So the six month expiration on proposed V-Checks usually flies under most state laws. But we need real legal research into these issues to know exactly what the restrictions are and they probably need to be undertaken by people in each state or other area or countries where we might most easily begin operation.

The other purpose of the V-Checks is to inform people of who are the John and Jane Galts of their communities, the “pillars of society,” etc. as the reverse sides of all V-Checks would be sold as advertising and all of that would be conducted through IVES and in “public” money so businesses could write it off as genuine advertising. These would be better looking and on better paper than standard coupons but they would have a universal function within the community and presumably among communities, because V-Checks could certainly be sent in the mail, hand delivered, taken on trips, etc. and used in other places. When another exchange encounters a V-Check that is to be deposited in one of their local member accounts, that exchange can contact the issuing exchange (phone app possibly) and determine everything necessary concerning it, the V-Check is deposited, the check itself is retired/destroyed. Probably all exchanges will have paper shredders.

There are certain proportions of V-Check blanks that will be sold as advertising among participating member businesses. We'd need to produce blanks for the ½ Valun, 1 Valun, 2 Valun, 5 Valun and 10 Valun. That's a range right now between $1.45 and almost $30. As commerce demands, we can begin to use the larger proposed V-Checks, 20 Valuns, 50 Valuns, 100 Valuns and 500 Valuns. That gives a range of between $60 and almost $1,400 . THEY are determined to get people off of cash, but that strategy wont help them long term as their premise is incorrect and since it is, nothing can ultimately save them.

Q: You decry usury but your example shows a seller making like the equivalent of 66% per year. Please explain. Cid in Georgia

A: The buyer doesn't have money for the lowest price offered on the day he wants to take possession; he can't afford it. So rather than wait, he applies for and gets a credit contract to handle his purchase for a third more than he'd normally have paid had he had cash. In our system, the V-Check would have been cash. So all the money he pays the seller came from somewhere else; either he had a job, a labor contract, or he was living from his will, which might include proceeds of a pension. In any case he always maintains no more than 80% of his Incoming Balance in his Escrow Balance and he pays for his purchase over time and gets the use of it right away. Many things are very expensive but still necessary. We provide the way to run these necessary finance businesses without having to ask back anything more than was created elsewhere.

Now let's say someone needed some pocket change for some event, like V100 to be paid back in a week, but the rental of that V100 was V10. How is this settled without resorting to usury and what are the implications?

Did someone say the borrower pays the V10 up front? That's the answer. The lender has the V100 to lend, the borrower has the V10 and agrees to pay back V100 in a week. They merely exchange V-Checks and shake on it. How much has the borrower actually borrowed? Did someone say V90? That would be correct.

The borrower must have the price of the rental of the money up front. It had to have come from somewhere else; it was issued under lawful means, and the same would be true of the lender's Valuns. No one gets to lend what they do not have. We eliminate bubbles this way because literally one usually can't afford to evade natural efficiencies to scale unless money is too plentiful or too cheap. Rent for a week at 10%? That's pretty good return and it doesn't involve usury because nothing is asked back that was not created. This goes far to eliminating many artificial scarcities.]