Friday, November 8, 2019

#57.21: Perspective - The wider social view

You mentioned a dynamic, that narcissists attract predators. Would you say President Trump is a narcissist who has attracted predators? Another presidential hopeful who has caught my eye is Mr. Steyer, who seems to be an extreme narcissist, running as a charismatic billionaire outsider trying to take on the system. A populist platform. If this trend continues further, of more and more extreme narcissists being presidents of the USA, would you say the USA is being preyed upon? Has it always been so, or is it building to something more extreme? I appreciate any insight you can provide. 

Ok, narcissism is an itch with Narcissus, a fictional archetypal character who drowned from viewing his own reflection in a still stream and dove in after it. The character is drowned by his excessive self love. A narcissist would be a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.

Psychology associates selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, as characterizing a narcissist personality type. Psychoanalysis associates self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of a narcissist mental disorder. This last professional group associates this trait with very young babies! Remember that one of our characterizations of ruling elites is as savage babies. Yes, assuredly we are accusing THEM of narcissism, every last one of THEM. Recall our handy usage of THEM = globalists, bankers, elitists, technocrats, satanists, pederasts, scribes and Pharisees.

Origin of the term; early 19th century: via Latin from the Greek name Narkissos (see Narcissus) + -ism. (the itch) So this is a relatively recent term. Consider all the commercial implications upon society since the appearance of this word only 200 years ago. The other terms in common usage, socialism, capitalism, etc. are also fairly new. Remember we said that socialism and capitalism were invented by the same people at or about the time these words first started appearing in print around 200 years ago.

You asked whether President Trump is a narcissist who has attracted predators and you mentioned Tom Steyer. Whether either of them is or is not a narcissist and therefore subject to predation by predator sociopaths, might be irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. It's political. It involves THEM and their doomed system.

Remember folks, THEIR system will fail. It's way too debt heavy. It's all mostly stolen fiat currency; THEY have taken OUR WILL (fiat) away from us and made the issue of money THEIR illicit business to enslave the world with usury, the demand back of that which was never issued (the famous 11th marble). Our message has remained the same. There is no political solution to the attainment of monetary independence. None whatsoever. Oh, and what exactly do we mean by Pharisees? Political parties of all kinds are Pharisees, ok?

It's necessary to reiterate that narcissism has been sold to “the masses” as attractive, acceptable, desirable, through THEIR PAID entertainers. So it's not just political leaders who may be characterized as narcissists, it's the great bulk of advanced societies that have been turned from self reliance, real goods and services and natural reality, to anything NEW, anything fake, anything requiring a small fee be paid to inventors, or most likely to those who bought or stole patents (intellectual property). Along with it has arisen waves of entitlement, a general lack of empathy, a supersized usually phony need for excessive admiration, etc. Note how all the focus of attention on self esteem figures into it. 

We can learn something from whatever this is, by greatly expanding our view to the entire national society, the entire present world society in fact. What we will see, if we are honest observers, is that narcissism has had its effect directly on people through various levels of panderers. To pander is to gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.). Pandering is not strictly limited to porn, but expressively extends to goods or service that are expensive relative to other goods or services. Those entertainers that move product get paid the most.

Again, as previously noted, the role of entertainers is very important and impressive and the greatest of them have been and are tremendous narcissists, as all the real world knows. The first time Trump appeared to most of us, was as a subject of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, a TV program with a notable focus on narcissism as something to be aspired to and admired!

So Hollywood and Washington DC may be said to have this quality in common. Why stop at Trump or Steyer? Just name all the top players and you can infer a lot of narcissism, or of sociopathy, or both! Who has the most self respect? A criminal, particularly one who knows that he or she is so far up the power pyramid, that nothing will ever happen to them. You can assume that places that pander narcissism to “the masses” and set up various pop stars for the general public to admire, are also full of predators of various kinds that really have a very similar profile to that of a narcissist, except sociopaths always aim to destroy, to murder, to overthrow and their particular targets for destruction are narcissists. Is this the path of the flesh and the devil? Some might say that. We're finding out more all the time.

But this blog is for expressing something else; the essential importance of free PRIVATE enterprise and of innate wealth and in order to achieve that, it becomes a requirement to admit issuance of private enterprise money. We hear continually that we must shun socialism and spread capitalism. More political talk that's always beside the point. We hear nobody promoting free PRIVATE enterprise. The reasons for this are described in this blog elsewhere. It has to do with deliberate CONFUSION of free private enterprise with capitalism.  

Students, what is capitalism? That's right, an itch with capital, the making of money upon money without work. What is free enterprise? That's right, it's the individual's will to do work. What's work? The time out of the rest of your life in which you do something to earn money. 

Why do you earn money? Well, in this world, unless you're not competent, you are required to pay for government in one way or another using THEIR money. All users of THEIR common ordinary STOLEN fiat money are encouraged to examine the cash instruments which says right on them who owns them and what it concerns; in the United States, a debt obligation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, always capitalized, as it refers to the corporation forced upon us by the bankers back in 1871. What does it mean when the name is all capitalized? Students? That's right, a corporation, a body, not the real entity, but one representing it as a creditor to whom? That's right, the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the country. These are Federal Reserve notes. What's a note? That's right, a debt obligation to pay it back, to whom? That's right folks, the Federal Reserve system, a set of banks set up by THEM back in 1913. It's all THEIR money, not yours or mine.

The government you pay for has jurisdiction over you as you live in this country and there are 50 states, each with their own set of governments. In the United States, it was always implicit that government was to be decentralized, to bring it as close to local public command as possible. But central banking and its stolen fiat money thwarts this and turns everything upside down. Now, the federalized power merely clamps down on each local area, subjects it to the common corruption of the grifters and grafters, and dictates the terms of their obeisance, all because of the source of all the money. It's THEIR system. All clamor for THEIR money and it comes out of legislative appropriations.

These legislative appropriators in particular are entrusted with the most important economic task facing the nation, determining what the government should buy. Why is this dangerous? Come on students! Did someone get that centralization by itself causes negative decisions to affect everyone? Did anyone get the tremendous waste in the purchasing of technologies and materials that might be unconstitutional within the United States as properly understood? Did anyone get the tremendous depreciation of some assets the government buys? That amounts to money that's gone forever, but must still be paid back with interest from that never ending stream of taxation. 

Yes, all of that is true. But our purpose has nothing to do with reforming THEM or anything like that. It's beside the point, literally beside OUR point, which is to recapture our will, our FIAT! 

So government is as some have put it, mind control. Government is the installation of a system of regulation of the mentalities of its … contributors, taxpayers, citizens … slaves. We have said that the proper purpose of a state is to enforce the law, specifically the civil and criminal law, even though there is a third branch of illicit law, commercial law, that the state must also enforce. 

Law is FORCE and is judged as nothing but FORCE in all cases. These include natural laws as they are discovered to exercise FORCE independently of the will or whim of any one of us. If you jump off a cliff, you may very well sustain injuries sufficient to kill you, due to the FORCE of gravity. If you circulate two sets of monetary tokens, one made of paper and the other gold with the same monetary units, the paper ones will circulate while the gold ones will be hoarded. Another FORCE is at work here. A third instance is of an activity or enterprise that can not be sustained. Sooner or later, it stops simply because it can't go on. That's also a form of death which itself is an instance of FORCE. A government has jurisdiction over you. That means that this mind control racket you are FORCED to pay for, using money that isn't even yours, actually tells you what the law (civil, criminal and commercial), also FORCE, happens to be. 

An essential part of the waking up process is to walk away from THEM, to walk out on THEM, to leave THEM to THEIR devices and avoid getting enmeshed too much in any of THEIR panders. You will still need to pay taxes and anything else that must be paid in THEIR money. Otherwise, you'd do better to rely on Valuns. But this isn't a “build it and they will come” idea. This must be done by each natural person out there deciding to organize to give it some time and yes a little of THEIR money too, to get it off the ground. 

Most people have no idea how businesses are organized, how they function, what any of the natural flows of products and services are. Each of these are deserving of study. A vertically integrated business is one that controls everything from production to final sale. A horizontally integrated business is one that engages in a variety of retail lines that they don't control and projects its business in as many local areas as possible before what happens? Come on students! Did someone say diminishing returns to scale? Of course, and it is different from industry to industry, from farm to farm, etc. Al kinds of things can change this dynamic too. Nevertheless in most going concern businesses, there are knowable diminishing returns to scale calculations. 

Some activities fade in usefulness and are gradually removed from business. These are termed structural changes by most standard economics. If one is structurally unemployed, it means that there's no market for one's skills, one's innate wealth has become structurally obsolete: something about the structure of goods and services in trade changed and rendered it so. Manufacturing and agriculture also undergo many structural changes, as when some crop can not be grown where it once thrived or that there is no market for it anymore. 

Any structurally sound enterprise is also spoken of as a “going concern” and implies that it has maintained itself over many years, perhaps a long time family business. Most of these are involved with production at or near the wholesale level; they are the most productive, again considering factors of size relative to return on investment up to a certain size where diminishing returns to scale sets the upward limit to profitability. 

What do capitalists frequently do? Recall that to us, capitalism is the making of money on money without work; the person having a lot of money to risk in a business does not actually punch the clock or contribute very much of anything, other than money to the business. Capitalists are looking for sure things. They very often don't succeed. One reason they fail is that they bought into a business that is nearing its structural end. Another is that they anticipate growth at scales they insist must return to them more as the enterprise grows in size. I can easily name half a dozen big nationwide concerns that are no longer in business simply because of their hubris of attempting to break through the diminishing returns to scale law. Market saturation plays a role in this, but it is a bit more complicated than supposed. 

One reason this blog exists is to alert everyone who reads it that the globalist plan is to take over the world. THEIR plan does not consider civilization as we have come to know it, to be essential or even desirable. How much better to flourish with all the gadgetry and illicit luxuries in a world that is otherwise a dystopia of death for most and a great suppression of the vast majority of whatever is left of the world's human population. THEY have written about it (THEIR scribes and lawyers, journalists and other presstitutes, etc.) and have made movies about it. Pity, the audiences that just thought they were watching fiction. 

So when I'm insisting that widening your vision amounts to seeing appeals to narcissism everywhere and always, I'm hoping to point out to you the depth and breath of what is usually described as narcissism. Once you begin to see the blazé, empty headed, common ordinary varieties of mass narcissism, it's difficult to see the world as you thought it was before you took notice. 

So now, I lead up to one of the capstone concepts that would characterize the way out of the deadly morass in which THEY have placed us. What is structurally required to have a sustainable civilization? It begins and ends with what we in America used to call the middle class. Without a sufficient middle class, nowhere can one have real civilization. Therefore: 


This statement has the status of a law, which means that it has natural FORCE behind it. If a civilization loses its middle class, it sinks into poverty and barbarism. Any society that increases its middle class becomes more prosperous and civilized. You can't have a stable civilization with a fraction of the people being extremely rich compared with the vast majority of the people in any country, anywhere on Earth. Think of the dark ages in Europe, any other area or time when civilizations went into decline. Their middle classes were gone, either through wars, famines, natural disasters, and so on. History has adequately proved this and all ancient civilizations were actually held back by their rulers flouting this law, which of course they knew nothing about. Craftsmen and producers were always prey to the rulers, as they are now.  

Therefore, one reason this proposal exists is to promote the enlargement of the middle class, everywhere. Key to this is free PRIVATE enterprise and the issuance of our own money, separate from THEIRS, as described in this blog.

What are the structural imperatives of a strong middle class? How about the obvious ones that THEY always want to twist, mangle and obscure from everyone; ethnicity, family and nationality. You are who you are and no one else is you. You have will and most of you can work. There's always plenty to do. With another supply of money available through this proposal, more entrepreneurial ventures can spring up. Local trade causes living standards to gradually rise, because of the compounding of will and work, the only compounding worth considering. So this proposal specifically strengthens the potentials of every ethnicity, family and nationality that is capable of applying it. This is something we do for our kids and grandkids. Elsewhere we've said that all A member accounts were assets capable of being inherited. 

We could dive into the importance of supply lines, of wholesale and retail, uncovering the basic facts of life or death for any business of any size moving forward. Those who have pursued this neighborhood of topics, would begin to understand the realities of prices, of price points and quality features, of the various kinds of trade in used or recycled goods. These subjects await being tested using the proposal's accounting features, such as the 80% rule regarding the relationship between the Equity and Income balances and the Escrow balance as a means to determine what a diminishing profitability to size amounts to and how to optimize the balances to achieve the highest productivity and profitability. Regardless, there are natural limits to scale for any operation. Any business contemplating moving into the Valun exchange world would consider suppliers and whether they too would like to participate in the Valun exchange world. This is one way that this proposal can gain traction. 

As we have always said, whether this proposal becomes anything more than an academic exercise is a matter of personal and group will as none of us can do this alone. In fact, the whole concept of money loses its meaning if only various individuals act alone.  These must organize themselves into recognizable institutions that can manage the accounting (where all money ultimately resides anyway) and furnish a means of letting members know of each other, as advertising using the reverse sides of our circulating cash instruments provides. The proposal has largely been presented. The proposed international standard value unit or Valun has been in existence since 2011. It is up to you to take individual and group action to bring the proposal into reality.

David Burton

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