Thursday, April 4, 2019

0: Time to end the Federal Reserve and British Warlord Bankers by Douglas Gabriel

More information vital to an understanding of where we are and how we got here.  If you really want to know, in common parlance, how deep the rabbit hole goes, continue here: God or mammon? You can't serve both.  

Now, we also think it wise to recall what St Paul told St. Timothy, that the LOVE of money was the root of all evil.  NOT money itself which is just a human invention intended to save us time and energy by splitting our barter for us.  The LOVE of money for itself rests with what we have emphatically and specifically defined as capitalism, what is strictly speaking the making of money on money without work.  And contrary to common propaganda, capitalism and free PRIVATE enterprise are NOT identical.  In fact capitalism is the natural enemy and rival of free PRIVATE enterprise.  THAT is one of the chief problems with the present monetary order.

Now capitalism has some necessary contributions to make to an economy.  Unfortunately when these get going to the point of diminishing returns to scale and situations where "build it and they will come" ideas cost untold amounts of money what happens to all this money when the assets it purchased are no longer worth anything close to what they originally cost?  That money is gone forever, never to return.  The "commodity as money" gang that believe in the usual standard economics never take this obvious reality into any of their plans, because they have this weird idea that money tokens in what is essentially an accounting machine, must have some intrinsic value.  And who determines what THAT intrinsic value is?  That's right, some speculators in far away cities who control and operate that market for their own profit, not yours.  That's true of silver, gold and all cryptocurrencies.  Still want to monkey around with something that's based on fraudulent economic reality?  Be my guest.  But millions of us the world over will NEVER accept such solutions.

Who is behind all of it?  The same people who invented state socialism to sell to the poor downtrodden by THEM "masses" - never people like THEM, mind you - as a CYNICAL consolation prize for not being able to be as good capitalists as THEM.  Something THEY never teach you in any of THEIR schools is that THEY are predators upon society and you.  Why would THEY tell you that?  It's not that some of Marx' allegations against capitalists weren't in some sense true, it's that the solution, communism, which is really all any socialism is, was a solution devised by the same people that invented capitalism!  Marx himself was a paid British agent.  So any Lefties out there with an idea that their solutions are to overthrow the oppressors are falling for what was invented by the oppressors, the killers in fact.  The curtains are springing open more widely all the time so more people can see the ultimate connections that lead back to the same evil places and evil people where money of and for itself is truly LOVED by THEM.

The clarity you seek always begins with acceptance of better terms, like sharpening your mental equipment:

Work - time out of your life devoted to earning money.
Capitalism - the making of money on money without work.
Socialism - always the state variety that is emphatically run by and for THEM with genocidal purposes and agendas in mind through THEIR transnational or supranational non-governmental organizations, etc.
Nationalism - that a country has a right to exist to establish its own society based on a unity of language, religion and culture; what THEY hate.
Populism - that the average person should not be held down or prevented from exercising his/her natural right to free PRIVATE enterprise by some elite with special interests above the average person; also what THEY hate.

Now in closing, we also remind our readers that there is no political solution to matters of money or economics since the only reason governments and bankers have power over us is through THEIR money, which as more of the world is waking to understand, is a PRIVATE monopoly intended only to serve the greed and avarice (are they the same thing?) of those that run it.  Yes, THEY run THEIR money as a gigantic machine intended to get all the world in debt to THEM so that THEY control the destinies of everyone else ... until THEY don't.

We have not known enough to make what this blog proposes happen.  No government should be issuing any money, period.  That's a sure way to ensure endless government spending and taxation.  No bank should be issuing money because the only money THEY get back in return is the interest THEY collect, which is all from uncreated money.  That's why, though you can get commodity price inflation, there is never enough money to repay all debts all at once in the system where money is issued in this way.

So We the People, NOT through our government, but by mutual association, must determine to make our own money that we truly issue and own, a reality.  Because sooner or later, because it has happened before, THEIR Ponzi-scheme, bloodsoaked, military-industrial complex linked, death culture sponsored money, that was never ours in the first place, will fail.  And when it does, after millions of people's savings and everything else based on that money are ruined, what will THEY do?  Turn around and offer the people some more of THEIR money operating just the same way except now it will be gold based or silver based or blockchain based or something else that nobody wants.

What people really want is a cash instrument.  Our proposal brings that back.  Most people want their money to retain its value.  We have achieved that with this proposal.  All we require is a little of THEIR money to get started and a good deal of personal and social will.  Would you rather crawl into another hole and just accept the worst as if you can't do anything about it?  Perhaps you can't.  Perhaps you can walk away, gradually at least from THEIRS until we have ours.  Once it gets going, its favor will spread.  The proposed international standard value unit or Valun is designed to beat anything THEY have to offer long term as a standard for money.  Best

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