Friday, April 12, 2019

#0: Gold DOUBLED in price for the central banks AIM

This report should be a wake up call to all so called "hard money" advocates.  This report tells you a few more things about precious metals and what goes on behind the scenes with them.  Of course Thomas and Betsy haven't made the ultimate leap that we have, NONE of the precious metals are OUR money.  Silver and gold are THEIR money, two of THEIR oldest brands.  As for ALL fiat currency, that's all STOLEN FIAT currency to us, since no bank or government has any legitimate right to issue money.  ALL of it is frankly illegitimate.  In a day when so many FAKE institutions are falling and people's perceptions are changing and once changed they cannot be changed back, THE most importabnt perceptual change concerns money, that NONE of it is ours and ALL of it, including precious metals and certainly cryptocurrencies, are all ILLEGITIMATE as money because of WHO ISSUED IT and hence to WHOM debt is owed.  It's all a giant FRAUD and that's the primary reason this blog continues.  The only way out is OUR way.  If WE as members of our local exchanges do not issue our Valuns, THEY will crash THEIR latest brands of money and demand that we use another of THEIR brands.  Anything as long as THEY remain in control.  Getting it yet?  Understood?  This should be one of the strongest wake-up calls you will ever get.  So, we need our own money and ours is better than ANY of THEIRS, so let's get busy and organize this alternative.  If not, remain slaves.  It's as simple as that.      

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