Wednesday, February 28, 2018

#57.13: Perspective - Correcting the Underlying Frauds

A very basic design for an obverse side of a V1/2 or V1 V-Check
Again, so as not to clutter the pages too much, THEY are the usual suspects, the enemies of mankind (male and female) and are roughly listed as globalists, bankers, elites, technocrats, pedophiles, satanists, scribes, Pharisees, etc. Notice we did not include governments, as we regard them as the chief prisoners of THEIR system; THEIR lowest risk, best credit customers.

What is THEIR goal? To take over the world, place it under THEIR private rule -no voting anymore, just sit back and relax and let THEM take care of it- to purge most of the rest of us from an earth THEY will claim to own. What's THEIR chief weapon? It's right there in your pockets, your wallets, your bank accounts, those pieces of paper with numbers and heads of dead presidents on them, etc. You and I did not issue that money, none of it is truly ours, but we are required to use it; all taxes and any other obligations contracted in it must be paid in it.

We have been asked over the years a number of questions which all boil down to asking what's wrong with THEIR money? Why can't THEIR system be fixed? etc.

We'll begin this discussion with some fundamentally flawed assumptions:

1) That all money must be issued by a bank as a loan at interest is perhaps the most basic poor assumption; neither a bank nor a government per se has any more right than you or I to be doing what they do. Let's say that $100 is borrowed at 10% interest, just to keep it simple. The bank issued you $100 but demands you pay back $110. The $100 was added to the money supply, but the $10 interest was not. Those paying debts must come up with the extra money by any means and always against the interests of their friends and neighbors and the rest of society that trades in that money.

The result is a widely felt social alienation -part of it deliberately encouraged and further milked for more profits from suffering THEY caused- and it is felt subconsciously because we are all aware of the frauds operating in our lives but we cleverly devise ways and means to keep the objective truth at bay just to survive. It is after all possible to break any human mind. We can only take so much. How we unconsciously feel about money is all related to this too. Just multiply this a few hundred billion times and you have the current frankly ghastly situation with THEIR system; money representing debt on debt eventually squeezes any economy to the breaking point. What's the breaking point? Either, “I have no money to pay you” or “I will no longer accept your money.”

Where this fully comes into view is when we consider who initially borrows the money to place into circulation and collect it back in taxes: the government is the biggest debt slave of the bank loaning it money. It too has to pay the interest and guess who is required to pay that back before any principal borrowed can ever be repaid? That's right, the taxpayers. Meanwhile nearly every taxpayer idiotically parrots the same wrong slogan that government spending is taxpayer's money when in fact it says right on it to whom it belongs, so who's the idiot? Time to get oneself better informed and stop being an idiot; all the money in existence with very few exceptions is THEIR money, not yours or mine.

You know what one of the oldest and dumbest con games in the world is? That some LIAR with a bogus message who has a bunch of phony credentials in front of or behind their names contributes anything more meaningful, authoritative or honest to any discussion than the plain truth. We try not to play those kinds of games on this blog. For instance, we don't give a rat's ass about what ANY economist has to say about anything, except about THEIR system, institutions, currencies, etc. People with economics PhDs may know plenty about THEIR system (and I do like and respect a few of them), but THEIR economics is not what's required to raise the people's expectations into the future for the billions who want better lives for themselves and others. Recall that we pointed out how disgusted we are that so many refer to the people as “the masses.” People, natural people not the phony corporate kind, have value and any object that is of value to people is determined by people, not by mere objects including any and all machines.

Guess what? We can't do anything about THEIR system. Politics is not only a waste of time and energy, it's largely irrelevant. So is most economics. Politicians; what have any of them ever really done for humanity that humanity couldn't have far better done for themselves? What was required and without which actually prevented useful and corrective efforts? Money! Even the present moves to correct what may be beyond repair in the present system fail to address the basic issues concerning money.

We don't advocate doing anything at all about any part of THEIR system. Let it run down until it can't run anymore. We can't do anything to save it, we wont bother and it wouldn't help anyone for trying when what we actually need is our own money as a natural extension of ourselves. Our own individual private will or FIAT matters, because if it doesn't matter then it proves we live under a tyranny. Once a tyranny is exposed and unmasked, one no longer participates in it or openly seeks a way out of it.

2) E. C. Riegel claimed that the source of price inflation was not bank loaned money but government issued money that was not taxed back into the Treasury and spent the next time. A dollar taxed back into the Treasury is a backed dollar, one that never comes back is an unbacked dollar. In order for the government not to contribute to inflation, it would have to tax back every last dime it spent and within every year. You obviously couldn't run an economy that way. So how much political action is ever likely to settle this issue? Forget about it! Do not expect a back seat passenger to be able to affect very much about the way a car he's riding in is being driven. It's the driver's car or maybe the driver is only being paid to drive someone else's car in which the backseat passenger is merely in the car for the ride. You see what we're saying here? All national currencies (all issued by STOLEN fiat) created in this way naturally inflate. They buy less and less, they depreciate, their purchasing power shrinks. Government spending over taxation causes inflation and eventually a Weimar meltdown as is happening in places like Venezuela. THEY and elements of THEIR media cry that it is socialism that ruined Venezuela's finances. No, it was government spending over taxation that did it. Whatever the money was spent on by the government, since it was not taxed back sufficiently and spent back into Venezuelan society, prices there eventually rose so high that no pile of their money could buy it.

There would be no way of correcting this by going on some gold or silver standard either. Why? Because the bankers control precious metals and have for far longer than the paper credit instrument money we're used to using or lately the swipe cards. All of it is THEIRS to keep ever greater tabs on us, to make sure those taxes are paid on as much as possible to keep paying them the interest from supplies of money THEY know to be artificially scarce.

Now we have cryptocurrencies, “thin air” being wagered on like the hottest 17th century Dutch tulip bulbs. And the people selling this fraud have no clue what money is or how it must behave in order to satisfy the demand for commerce where it is needed most; among the lowest tiers of society. THEY assume so much, as that the borderline illiterates in society don't deserve any monetary consideration at all, etc. “Take away their cash, let them eat cake!” is THEIR attitude. To this we respond, “People have value, not things!” Therefore, the money the people actually issue themselves shall have an ENFORCED exchange rate with all THEIR money. There wont be any speculation on the Valun allowed. Anyone trying anything like that deserves to be thrown out of our system maybe not forever, but for perhaps a very long time. Why? It is a matter of breaking trust with the rest of us that's the issue. Forgiveness? That's what's wrong with society; the unforgivable is forgiven. A predator can't be forgiven as he has no intention of being anything other than a predator. Why can't people get certain things through their heads? Brainwashing, I know. Certain things, we simply wont tolerate, after all this is to be a PRIVATE enterprise venture NOT open to the general public per se.

Bank loaned money enters the money supply (expands it) and leaves it (deflates it) with repayment of the loan. The interest repaid sucks money that belonged to someone else out of the money supply, since it was never issued and hence someone must invariably go bankrupt; musical chairs economics. Sometimes it takes a long time, but eventually, it's how all these Ponzi like schemes crash. Oh, and in the process everything belongs to fewer and fewer people who can and will care far less about maintaining any of it. Think along the lines of what the USSR began to look life and stayed that way for 70 years.

Typical STUPID economic thinking is to assume that the fiat money economies crashed because they used fiat money, therefore all fiat money must be bad. NO, STUPID. You've fallen straight into THEIR trap. ALL that fiat money was issued for those who got the right of first purchase in the economies; the governments. Both the right to issue money by fiat and the right of first purchase were assumed and or stolen from us by the banks and governments. THEY have been waiting for “sweetness and light” innocent little tykes like you to assume that some chunks of rare metal THEY also control will somehow save the day.

Precious metals as preservation of wealth? Where's the income stream? There isn't any. Even some stinking dividend paying common stock at least pays something in return for holding it even if it's measured in THEIR inflating money. All wealth must produce income or it ain't wealth. Nevertheless buy and actually hold some of those precious metals. At least they are tangible things -and they will buy Valuns. None of the rest of THEIR money is worth fooling with as it represents debt instruments (notes) of THEIR businesses as defined by THEIR intellectual property law. Hence, buy none of THEIR equities or debt instruments as you are leaving THEIR sinking Titanic, not attempting to make money on THEIR money without working while the ship sinks. Same goes for any and all cryptocurrencies; stay away from them.

Money holding its value? THAT is purely a matter of the exchange with all THEIR money and the proposal solves that. We decide, not THEM. Our organizations begin with IVES, the proposed International Valun Exchange Society, that with a very simple spreadsheet, will calculate each day the present value of the transaction representing the Valun and transmit that information to all the exchanges in the system. Right now, V1.00 = $2.68 (2/27/18).

3) You simply can't loan money you don't have, unless you're a bank in THEIR system. We wont allow that in the proposed system and you'll pay your rent up front for all money you borrow. If you borrow V100 for a week at 10% interest paid up front (the rent of the money), that interest must come from already issued money. You'd pay V10, get your V100 in return. In a week you pay back V100. You get a completed credit contract point, allowing you to become a better credit risk within the system. Yes, the proposal must include finance, but usury (the demand back of what was not issued) and its pawl on the money supply is eliminated.

In order to lend money as a B member financial business within the proposed Valun system, you must have it beforehand. No fractional reserve lending is ever allowed. In order to have it, you can buy it if you have precious metals, with certain restrictions, but usually you must borrow it from those who will have most of it when the system gets going; the pensioners, elderly, families, etc. You must borrow low and lend higher in order to make anything from this useful capitalism (making money on money without work). Finance (being able to buy what you can't afford) is necessary and contributes to the stability of society and must be on a sound accounting basis

Many seniors, veterans, retired police officers, etc. will enter the system with what to them might seem a fabulous windfall. The reason is that under the rules,we allow all pensioners 100% of the equivalent in Valuns of what they were paid in national currencies extending back to Valun inception on November 2, 2011. That's already seven years ago and nobody has really bothered to contact me about any of this. Anyway, it could end up being tens of thousands of Valuns, which is a lot of purchasing power. These people may not really need to spend all their new found funds (wealth) right away and may be willing to lend it at interest to be paid up front.

[3/1/18: 4) Yes, there's just one more thing and it is kind of important.  We do not want just another system where loan capital is snatched away to where it may be rewarded the most.  It is a privilege to be able to loan money at all in any system and the practice must serve the local people who lent the operations their money!  Finance must serve the needs of local people first.  Therefore we have, as someone reminded me, another 80% rule which states that any finance business operating within our market must have 80% of their loans within the geographical service area of each exchange.  This means that each finance business would have to operate B member accounts within the exchanges in which they're doing business, chiefly by raising money and lending it, 80% of the time to local people within the geographical vicinity of that exchange.  This practice over time will tend to build stronger communities.]

Example: Charlie has V2,000 to spare he'd be willing to lend at 5% per year. Clark borrows it from Charles paying him V100 up front and getting V2,000 which he must pay back to Charles within a year as specified in whatever terms the simple contract between them describes. 

Charles issued those V2,000 from his Issuance balance. The V100 he gets from Clark go into Charles' Income balance. When Clark pays Charles back the V2,000, they go right back into his Issuance balance to be lent again if Charles wishes

Anyone's Issuance balance is where their innate wealth originates in the system and is where all Valuns come from. All Valuns originate from an A member's Issuance balance, usually used to purchase a job, the self financing of labor, so that no one may have to ever again say that they are bought by another, a practical end to slavery at every level of society.

[3/1/18: I just had to add that indeed there is another way Valuns enter the proposed system and that is when they are literally bought into existence with THEIR money.  We will only accept gold or silver bullion, still THEIR money, in trade and we will abide by all existing law regarding how much money of THEIRS, if any, would be allowed in such a trade.  Further only A members may make these kinds of trades.  Also there is no way back: you buy Valuns, unless someone is willing to sell you something in Valuns that can be sold in THEIR system, the purchasing power remains in the Valun network until what?  Until someone buys something they can no longer sell for the Valuns that paid for it in which case that difference amounts to Valuns that are lost, gone, dead, never to return.  It is this undeniable and obvious fact that renders most of THEIR economics completely fraudulent and it is no wonder most people have a warped perception of monetary ideas.  But in fact, since the exchange to buy Valuns involves the account of the A member who is issuing them, where do you suppose those purchased Valuns are accounted?  That's right, they are added to that A member's Issuance balance, so again, all Valuns originate from A members' Issuance balances in their accountsIt is all about accounting! ]  

We explained this elsewhere: Valuns, from an employee's Issuance balance are lent to an employer at no interest and placed in their Escrow balance and paid back to the employee's Income balance as described in a very simple contract between them. Labor contracts are best at intervals of six months to a year and may be renewable, etc.

Cost accounting for all businesses in the Valun system would be streamlined to account for savings due to this self financing of labor feature. Businesses get the entire amount of Labor contracts up front and may use it for other expenses before the employees need to be paid. Employers get the float on all money issued to them and get it at no interest. Far more attention can be placed on correctly budgeting for materials and capital equipment costs for a project or production run.

The economies of the future will feature far more economic redundancy, far more specialization and smaller service areas. We expect a great deal of business in recycled or repurposed materials will emerge. Other “back to the land” scenarios everywhere are likely within the developing Valun system. Eventually, the Valun network will have an effect on the rest of the world as it takes up more of the economy, probably beginning at or near the bottom of things everywhere.

This proposal was aimed at eventually eliminating poverty and war worldwide. We do not accept that there isn't enough for everyone. We do not accept that even the worst natural and man made catastrophes cannot be repaired were we to have the money power instead of THEM.

How does one finance the colossal cleanup of something like Fukushima? The clear answer involves nanotech, but where are the foci of nanotech research directed? Weaponry and geoengineering! Stop it, you fools! You'll kill us all! But it is all being paid for with THEIR money to follow THEIR frankly selfish globalist objectives.

You are all riding as passengers in a car driven by THEM and so far you have no other means of transportation. You can't just jump out and start walking. You wont get very far or last very long. You need your own car and need to be driving it yourself. How will you accomplish that? By joining with all the passengers in the present car and organizing to leave the present car (for the most part) and begin driving their own cars as they develop.


David Burton

A very basic design for an obverse side of a V5 V-Check

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