Wednesday, October 18, 2017

#114: Private Currency

We accepted that all currency we know of is evidence of debt, as evidence of an open split barter situation; all money is uncleared barter transactions.

What's more important, the tokens used or the accounting? The accounting is, dummy!

So we are all aware of what a “public” money is and looks like, though few of us are aware of the accounting from issuance by central bank STOLEN fiat to death of all money in depreciation of assets, not the money.

What we propose to do is to continue to watch without doing anything as silly and pointless as political involvement, the end to the monopoly of central bankers and ultimately the end to government right of first purchase in any economy. While they have it, they will continue to use it, until no one will take their money.

The theys and thems in the previous paragraph were not capitalized on purpose, as they referenced governments, which are only THEIR (usual suspects) best credit risks and because as we have been finding out more and more lately, none of the so called government public servants, or public officials are really in charge of anything. They get their orders from THEM (an inner circle of the usual suspects, the enemies of mankind, represented by every last one of the vast array of NGO's, private think tanks – where more tanking than thinking usually goes on – and private foundations peopled by impressive sounding babblers, where nothing of any consequence is ever discussed that would be of benefit to anyone to support). The public figureheads are often much less important – or potent - than even that.

We seek a PRIVATE currency that will supersede, supplant and ultimately replace all of THEIRS all over the world. Wikipedia has a very succinct article on the subject, which shall be the basis for this brief piece. Please read it here before continuing. 

A private currency is a currency issued by a private entity, be it an individual, a commercial business or a nonprofit enterprise.

So, we accepted that a currency is a unit of debt. That wasn't the issue, it was debt to whom that always mattered and was usually swept under the rug. We dispensed with the token vs. accounting argument in favor of the accounting. We described cash as valuable in that it allows anonymity in all sales.

Our proposal to cash is the open check circulating among us for up to six months, that functions as advertising as well as a medium to convey real units of our money; the V-Check. We settled on paper and ink because these are the media that more people know how to deal with than anything on-line, dependent on grid electric technology, etc. all of which may fail at any time. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES. That goes for all healthcare related concerns too. There's not a single person out there capable of guaranteeing your next breath or heartbeat. Yes, it was stupid of you to ever have thought so.

The proposed international standard value unit or Valun would be a currency issued by each A member of every local exchange. Each A member must be a natural person by definition and all Valun issuance is under contract through either their fiat or work.

We define work as any time out of the rest of your life that you get paid for in some form of split-barter, usually the “public” money and since we acknowledge that all legitimate money IS by fiat, OURS, not THEIRS, then under circumstances constituting actual poverty or dependence, we accept that the penurious have the right by FIAT to issue Valuns up to a basis determined by community standards; what we call natural socialism. After all, we accept the FACT of dependency, but we do not accept voluntary sloth as a life choice; no one has the right to a living based on another's labor but anyone has a right by choice to bestow and bequeath to whomever and for whatever reason, whatever measure of a living is theirs to begin with. Likewise we wish to encourage wealth (all of which must provide an income) and that means the most productive will become the richest among us.

Now we have lots of very energetic people out there who are monkeying around with cryptocurrencies, they are living PT “perpetual traveler” lifestyles, and they worry about someone else's money, never really their own, because it hasn't occurred to any of them that all value originates in the buyer who is prepared to trade something for what is wanted.

Notice this:

Today, there are over four thousand privately issued currencies in more than 35 countries.

And what is mostly never mentioned is actually how much business is still done in these currencies, all of it splitting barter for all that use it. Now some of this “currency” is coupons for some recognized goods that are on sale and the offers have expiration dates, etc. Anytime something is accepted in lieu of exchange for labor or goods for sale, whatever that is becomes money. This is why all the money in our accounts will be considered money backed by either our labor or fiat except that which comes from our issuance balances.

We accept that no money ever becomes money until it is accepted in trade for a good or service. Whatever the government borrows from THEIR central bank is not money until the government buys something with it. If the government decides to give it to whomever they give it to; the poor, disabled, indigent, disaster victims, whatever ... the government has still bought something and the results will be felt in the economy, because the poor must spend every dime they receive whereas the better paid among us have more that they do not need to spend month to month and so can become wealthier (their savings or investments where they are paid money on money without work). But it would be nice if the money they saved actually retained or increased its purchasing power over time. The Valun does. None of THEIRS has or can retain its value, including the vaunted precious metals that, “hard,” “sound,” “backed,” money or not etc. you wont even see, so it is still a matter of a gentleman's conjecture (you're being defrauded once again but are asked to just accept it as a necessary evil of society).

THAT is why this blog exists; to tell you the obvious. The “kingdom of heaven?” It is among yourselves, not as some government, not as some institution that imposes some outside will FIAT upon you, that will always insist on you paying THEM in taxes (takes) etc. No. All real evaluation of value comes directly from each one of you. So only you can make it any different and for the better. But we recognize FORCE and are obliged to respect it:

In many countries, the issuance of private paper currencies is severely restricted by law.

And in any localities where it exists, it is actually the acceptance of the FORCE of some mobsters who have long since any of us were born, taken over the controls of … the money, stupid! THEIR money, not yours or mine.

So the proposal is simple but ample. It will take a big grass roots movement to get started. In most places we are getting ready for accepting the obvious. But what we aren't ready for, many people are not yet, is that we will ALL have to get back to work to make anything happen better than it is right now.

We have to be willing to actually work and have to be willing to stand by our work, to be paid in our own money as described herein, and to accept for the moment a standoff with THEM until THEIRS utterly fails, and since THEY have the wrong idea of wealth and the wrong idea of rent for money and have allowed THEMSELVES the theft of everyone else's fiat to issue money and for certain practices that defraud people and ensnare them in debt, well … we will need something else, that's all. Else … well there wont be any “else” because THEY are already failing and nothing will save them. Most are as you see exactly as Christ said of them, “whitened tombs full of dead men's bones.”

While you contemplate the significance of that, read the rest of this blog and get the ideas proposed in your heads as well as you can. Most of us have a lot of really nice productive work to do that we'd be able to do for anyone were there enough money to justify it. Don't expect more of THEIRS as all that will always go where it is treated the best; making money on money without work. See? Sloth is rewarded in THEIR system. We'd prefer one where real work is actually rewarded.

David Burton

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