Monday, April 7, 2014

#13.13 Peace Revolution Podcast 82

2014-04-04: #82 The British Elephant in the American Living Room

Subtitled: The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets 

Playing with people's lives for money is tied directly to empire building, the so called right of a free trader to make money, etc. At 14 hours in length, this is another episode best taken in suitable pieces, after all most of us have busy lives, even the unemployed are nevertheless busy. But as usual, it's a formidable fusillade against the establishment that has been in place and functioning the same for a few hundred years or so now.
The history of the British Empire and of the East India Company are intertwined and so is the trade in things like opium. Behind them of course stands the first great central bank, the Bank of England. The architecture of the organizations from thence to now are identical. It's the same disease that had been global better than three hundred years ago and now brazenly proclaims itself as such. Anytime anyone uses the word global, they want you to think of them and of course to agree with their claims, prerogatives and programs.

It is also wise to understand that from this standpoint, that anyone at all who was connected with this cabal is tainted; their ideas, as they show up again and again in common education, deserve the flush. That includes much that springs from Adam Smith and his Wealth of Nations, no, there's no help there.
There is no help in any of their economists, since they support the existing structures without criticism, including Karl Marx. (The others, and there could be perhaps hundreds more by this time, are likewise tainted by their association.)  The only stand out is the autodidact (he didn't study their economics), E. C. Riegel. That's why we're here; because we know that the present order, whether it proclaims itself as New or not, is nevertheless the Old World Order, and that it is thoroughly rotten and shall ultimately fail in whatever kind of calamity precipitates it, probably something of their own doing or undoing. Knowing your history in this regard matters as improving your awareness.
For instance, meet the man behind modern communism, David Urquhart (1808-1877).  He is identified as Karl Marx's handler, which is just as it implies in modern espionage terminology.  You'll learn of the rise and growth of the so called "Venetian" empire, that went underground (it was no longer especially prominent in Venice) and spread its tentacles throughout the world.   

You should also see clearly that the spy networks and trading networks go hand in hand and have done so for hundreds of years. The real power behind government is the spy aparat and behind them stand the banks and corporations. Those of us who have been at this research for a long time usually take all this for granted. We know of their work going back to Woodrow Wilson's time, and we really suspect that something concrete yet mostly unseen was in place long before that. It's frankly the mark of a clown to think otherwise. Consequently, there is no good honest earthly reason to trust any government. As we've said, they are not yours. They do what they do by FORCE. You take this for granted and live under it. You willingly pay their taxes. To do otherwise is simply not worth it. It is what it is until it isn't. Meanwhile, life goes on.

We are living in a world of lies and myths as Richard Grove knows. He is not alone. Our purpose is to increase the number of those who are aware of the world we live in. As Grove says, this is the answer to Common Core, to its refutation, to becoming its antidote, to accomplishing its ultimate failure and abandonment. We agree with Grove and his intentions and his vision of the world, which is why we present these episodes here. The rest is up to you.

We were not meant to learn what Grove presents here. What this has all been about is pulling the curtain back to see those very little men, and a few women, who act as did the Wizard of Oz. This trend will continue. If you happen to be part of the curtain, you will be swept aside by the currents of history as exposure of the truth to the general public brings on “letting Nature take its course.”

Meanwhile, you can't tell where you are unless you know where you've been. That's essential to this series as well.

[From (7h48m-10m25m) in this episode, one hears from one Anton Chaitkin who the wikipedia article takes some pains to describe as a disruptive individual. We want to distance ourselves from this kind of activity as far as possible. Nevertheless, the information this man reveals is not gibberish. It wouldn't be here if the material facts he recounts were not corroborated by other researchers. His entire lecture in video form appears here.

Anticipating many inevitable questions, we respond to Chaitkin's attempts to lionize Hamilton and his ideas concerning the 1st and 2nd banks of the United States as both wrong and irrelevant as we have no intention whatsoever of ever going back to these as institutional solutions.  We have other reasons to suspect that his attempt at drawing an ideology between British empiricism and American realism, or whatever, is an intentional attempt to deflect blame away from those to whom it belongs; bankers (usurers) and statists all.  

Questioning the belief that a nation state has any more right to credit than you do is the beginning of wisdom.  If you grant the state the right to credit, why don't you grant the same to someone you know?  You imagine I suppose, that the state doesn't really have to pay anything back.  Imagine what the meaning of that amounts to.  THAT is the exact meaning of "backing" any money, but that entire matter is for another paper.  At this time, it's fair to remind everyone that one's right to credit as we see it on this blog, is as an extension of each one's private property and within that consideration, granting that right to anyone else, as if they'd do it better, is a superstition, a usurpation and illegitimate.  This blog's proposal, even for very large and needful projects, makes all past institutions as solutions ... stupid.] 


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