Wednesday, April 16, 2014

#0 Warning Signs of Anarchy

[sic - words as they appeared in original]
by Bill White Source

Our intention in posting this is to draw your attention to certain words, the way they are used in this article and how they are intended to convey their message.

We of course begin with the word “anarchy” - commonly defined, and meant to be understood by the sheeple masses as, “a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

Notice of course that “authority” in this case, is just someone with FORCE telling you so and nothing more. Accordingly this definition does not equate authority with truth. Appeals to authority in arguments are usually nothing more than appeals to FORCE.

"he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy" synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil, etc.”

However, when taken apart, the word anarchy reveals exactly what it really means, it becomes “without a ruling class” or “without a ruling elite.” Is it just possible that some out there perhaps want to cast the wrong light on anarchy? Here  is a place to begin further enquiry.

Our position is that a state of anarchy is probably an oxymoron and that ultimate pure  anarchy is probably impossible, but we're not political activists. It's just that this stuff is in the news and someone brings it to my attention. It is relevant as a number of people out there are thinking about these things.

The word “anarchy” dredges up images of third-world countries, overrun by rival warlords battling for control. [what we'd like to call warlordism] Yet anarchy can mean a number of different things. By definition, civil war is a form of anarchy; because any society in anarchy is one in which the government has lost control. It can manifest in lawlessness of many types, even without a total collapse of the government.

We'd like to acquaint the author and everyone else with two concepts; control and command. One could and in the past often did have governments that ruled by command. Most of the time they got the respect of most of their subjects, even though, as often said on this blog, the state of life in the past was at incomparable levels of brutality and of course for the vast majority of the people, living conditions were poor. It might get that way again. Control is a method tried by despots. It's like trying to keep the lid on a steam kettle. Eventually that pot is going to blow, unless the energy is turned down. That too is happening; when the frog is already cooked, there's little point to applying more heat. By analogy, we can assign that turning down of the heat to policies like gradual diminishing of quantitative easing (QE) and of course the host of FAKE environmental legislation, etc. Command usually works better if those giving the orders are really respected. Often times they too become tyrants, because that's the nature of state power. How much more is that possible if there are no limits to “good credit risk” borrowing from central banks and their backstage “stakeholders?” There's a direct relation between the way money is conceived, created, issued and used and the generation of war.  

For governments to function, they must be able to control the society. Whether this is through fear tactics and bullying or through a just system of laws and authority, the government must be able to predict what the members of society are going to do, as well as direct their energies into productive directions. To the degree that they lose that ability, anarchy has set in.    

[18 April, 2014: What was your take on “the government must be able to predict what the members of society are going to do” and “direct their energies into productive directions?” After all, you underlined them.

I found it rather interesting that the article so blithely suggested these were good and essential things that a government should be doing. I don't see it anywhere in the Constitution that the government should ever have an interest in knowing in advance what the members of society are going to do. Who or what would be concerned about this and want the government to be providing this service? We all know the answer to that. As for directing members of society into productive directions, that's not granted the government as a valid power either.

But, I'd have to ask whether you are aware of some of the things they are doing and what they intend on doing, because they are certainly doing some of both of these things right now and it has nothing to do with any local concerns we might care about, but answers to another higher agenda with far more sinister goals in mind for most of humanity. I think we need a serious discussion of what we want a government to do and not to do and we need to have a frank discussion about what a nation is and isn't and what constitutes a people as well. As stated other places on this blog, the idea of amalgamation and uniformity via the globalist objectives seems intended to produce a culturally and ethnically sterile world for most people, where nothing but the usual corporate providers are ever considered and come to economically dominate to the point of driving any natural rivals into extinction.]

Sometimes someone hands you an article and you read it and you think, “you know that just about nails it.” What would be a just system of laws and authority? It would have to respect the truth, it would have to admit that the truth is the most relevant information about anything worth discussing. It would have to understand from a rational basis that in most relevant instances, truth certainly can be known by very simple means usually open to understanding by most people. It would have to rest ultimate authority for its actions on facts outside itself, because to act in any other way is to act tyrannically. Thus we have the just definition of law, which cannot be made by any legislators.

The idea that legislators are “law makers” is almost blasphemous; it puts them on a level with nature and perhaps with God, certainly not what the Founders of the American republic intended. They knew what real natural law was, not this civil law, which is a mere plaything of special interests. Of course we're not living in the American republic anymore. We are the free range sheeple of the corporate United States of Amerika, soon to be turned into the biggest managed (Soviet) concentration camp in the developed world unless their system crashes first. Should they ultimately succeed in their “progressive” drive to enslave the world, who then will care about anything that is just or truthful as the “vision of the future” more than imagines “a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” It really is up to you.

The American Revolution was a time of anarchy. Our brave forefathers broke off from British rule and established what later became the United States of America. Britain reacted to this by sending military units to put down the rebellion. For a time, neither side had full control, leaving the people to govern themselves until the revolutionaries won their freedom.

While these sort of revolutions always seem to take us by surprise, there are signs that they are coming, just as there are signs that the government is losing control.

How Do You Know When it Starts? When we see a number of these signs happening at the same time, we can be sure that a country is on the road to anarchy, even though they might not be on the brink of revolution or of a complete breakdown of society.

We're glad he's that optimistic.

1) Supply shortages – When people have a hard time getting the things that they need for day-to-day survival, they are likely to react in anger and violence. This happened in the Argentinean financial collapse, with hundreds of thousands of people turning out into the streets in protest. Many of those protests turned violent.

This is the biggest challenge. Why not start to get to know people locally who you don't know and start finding out where things that you commonly use actually come from. You'd be surprised. Better think up substitutes because you may need them.

2) Increased crime rates – One of the principal purposes of government is to protect the people. This is manifested through the various police departments and court system; apprehending, trying and incarcerating criminals that threaten society. When the government can’t deal effectively with these criminals, [the government] encourages others to join their [criminal] ranks. 

Of course when a government gets so corrupt that its biggest officials or their families are involved in horrendously crooked business deals, and everyone knows about it, respect dies pretty fast. Who then become seen as more likely to be criminals; those who are just trying to survive or those who already have more than any of us will ever dream of and remain just as greedy for more?  

3) High unemployment and poverty – People who are fat and happy are not anywhere near as likely to rise up in revolt as those who are hungry and angry. When a government can’t create an environment which provides financial and material security to people, their anger spills forth in acts of defiance and lawlessness. 

Too many still try to live dumb, fat and happy when they should be ... living much wiser lives. But rising unemployment and poverty is actually the key social issue and will cause the tipping point to be reached sooner or later and will even rock the fat and happy out of their complacency. The world needs liberty from the tyranny of central bank debt based money and they need it right away. Certain people around the world are acutely aware of this, but none of their reform schemes will ever work because they enshrine the same age old frauds, of which more and more people are gaining awareness. The core culprit turns out to be something so simple people never give it much thought anymore, but at one time it was considered a capital crime; the lending of money at interest – usury. Once you truly wake up, you heartily resent attempts to put you back to sleep!  

4) Government ignores citizen’s wishes – When a government stops paying attention to the wants and needs of their citizens, the people begin to distance themselves from the government; “divorcing” themselves from it. It is easy to rebel against a government that you don’t feel is yours or that you feel doesn’t care about your needs.

Well yes, but without MONEY no politician ever gets very far. The only way any politician gets selected, oh a few get by without being challenged, is based on their passing litmus tests that matter little or nothing to most people. People care about a rising standard of living for themselves and their families. That's natural law, that's what Riegel meant when he talked about the personal drive to improvement as a natural force. When a government imperils that too much, then it is in trouble.

5) Financial instability – The financial climate of a country greatly affects people’s ability to take care of their basic needs and those of their families. A government which doesn’t provide an atmosphere of financial security is ignoring the people’s most basic needs. 

Financial security is only remotely possible with a reliable monetary unit and a system designed to support it. You can't expect that from a system designed to be anything but secure and tilted in favour of special interests.

6) Class and racial warfare – When a society becomes divided, people are more likely to turn against one another. This can turn to low-level warfare between different races or classes of people. Left long enough, it can lead to genocide. 

This is the deepest darkest menace imaginable. They, the elites, want nothing better than to provoke civil unrest since they intend to take advantage of it for further genocidal programs of their own.  

7) Police brutality – Police are always outnumbered by citizens. When police feel threatened by the citizens that they are sworn to protect, they often [in] turn respond with aggressiveness and violence. Police can only control the people when the vast majority of people are not involved in any social unrest. When the police are outnumbered by dissidents, they have to turn to more violent means of control, which can easily spark retaliation from citizens. 

This is why people are watching these confrontations more closely than ever. Word is getting out and of course those involved in these activities, the people on both sides, are placing themselves in greater danger. There have already been too many “accidental” shootings and deaths, etc.  

8) Lack of confidence in elected leaders – While there are always dissidents who are opposed to the elected leaders, when the vast majority of society loses confidence in them, they stop listening and stop obeying.

We should have lost confidence in these people long ago. Obedience is a learned and enforced social behaviour pattern. What happens when natural patterns of obedience are substituted with phony state or corporatist or globalist pandering to obey this or that idea or scheme, most of them intended to take more of the money they have deigned to allow you to use? These “public relations” schemes will not work on everyone, so their intention long term is to simply sideline all those who don't fit in and eliminate them; genocide. Will they get away with it? Wait and see: it's up to you. 

9) Lack of government funding – If the government does such a bad job of managing the economy that government revenues start to shrink, it can cause government services to be curtailed. Typically politicians will react to this by increasing taxes, especially on the middle class. Eventually, they reach the point where people find ways to stop paying taxes, further reducing government revenue.

Look at this one closely. See what it recommends? It recommends government spending as an answer. Yeah, just keep the addiction to government money going. It's really time for another source of funding that must be “backed” by each one of us. It's long past time to stop being fooled any further. 

10) The law stops having meaning – When the government stops obeying the law, it sends a message to the people that they too can stop obeying the law. Without the law to protect us, we are only a step away from anarchy. 

This has been an ongoing process long before any of us were born. The seeds of it were planted in past centuries. What do we do about it that wont result in getting a lot of people hurt or killed? That's up to you, but we recommend getting away from the Titanic as much as you can, as it will go down and when it does, there are all sorts of the same elitists that will attempt to resurrect it in some new form. They already plan to do that. What's their solution to anything? Form another bank to lend more money at interest. Everyone focuses on the fiat nature of their money, because that's what their economists (Austrian or Keynesian, take your pick from their dialectic) want you to focus on, when that's an irrelevant issue. The real issue, the real issue, is and always has been usury!  

11) A major disaster – Any major disaster can bring on anarchy in a moment; it doesn’t matter if it is a man-made or natural disaster. Plagues have been known to bring it on.

Major disasters can be man made with all the obvious political motivations for taking advantage of situations.

Anarchy doesn’t necessarily start at a particular point in time. Often, a society slides into anarchy as government gradually loses control. The government might technically be in place and operating, but they are ignored by the vast majority of the population. As this increases and government influence decreases, others step in and try to take control.

While any one of these things can be a harbinger of anarchy, the greatest danger is when you see a combination of them working together. The more signs off of this page that are going on at the same time, the closer a society is to falling into anarchy.

Nah, don't be scared. As long as it's not happening to you, you can remain secure in your dumb, fat and happy life, right? Just go back and waste more time watching stupid comedy stuff on their commercial saturated TV. Keep taking in that mental diet, a lot of jeers disguised as humour. That's what they want from you until you're too ... whatever to be useful to them anymore. Then they sell you out. Having a nice life? 

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