Saturday, September 21, 2013

#13.12 Peace Revolution Podcasts 74 thru 81

After listening to this podcast, #74, it became clear that this represented an intellectual blockbuster of the first magnitude.  Therefore I've chosen to highlight it with first place in this entry rather than including it in the previous entry in this series.  Links to the Peace Revolution Podcasts will be continued on this blog as they share high frequency resonance with precisely what this blog's mission consists.   As new podcasts appear they will be added here (and in future posts). 

2013-7-26: #74 Intellectual Self-Defense and How to Validate Knowledge 

7 hours and 12 minutes, a key episode beginning with an ad for State of Mind.which I guess will go off the internet with its “public” release on October 1st. It is worth seeing.

This lecture is so good that it deserves to he spread far and wide and heard many times so all its excellent information sinks in. How about a long overdue frontal attack on the New Age movement? Jan Irvin's almost 7 hour lecture (based on this presentation by Mark Passio in fact everything is largely Passio) delves into this fundamental area and far more. It's time to pull the curtains back and take a look at who has always been adjusting the knobs and moving the levers, etc. of so called New Age mysticism. Irvin also comes down on scientism and religions, atheism that rejects natural law, many other ingrained thinking patterns, and of course who benefits from this socially bifurcated situation for purposes of their continued political and economic control and dominance (authoritarianism, which is the faking of real authority, which is truth based in natural law).

Mark describes impossible thoughts as the result of mental imbalance, the “parent” and “child” in the mind, etc. He describes natural law as impersonal forces like gravity. He slaps Stephen Hawking down (thank-you) ... and any foolish enough to have followed him, as followers of scientism, which leads nowhere. Meanwhile, “The New Age movement is more dangerous than Satanism,” says Passio (he had personal experience of Satanism).

Passio (Irvin too) belongs among those who would form a new cadre to construct and teach worldwide consciousness raising moving forward; service to truth (the ultimate authority). Perhaps if he'd been alive in the 1770's in Boston or Philadelphia, he'd have been among those who were the Pat Henrys or Tom Jeffersons of those times. This time, I think we'd best listen and get prepared to take our natural rights to action back. If anyone out there really agrees, as do I with what Mark Passio is saying, they'd best start making copies of this podcast and spread his words everywhere, because it is time they get around!

Passio says rights are based in truth (the ultimate authority) and must be in harmony with natural law, when “rights” do not or are not in such natural accord, they are wrong and deserve challenge, immediate cessation and justice where necessary! He runs down many deceptions of the New Age movement, they are all relevant and well argued. Identity gives us solipsism as the religion of the New Age movement. Solipsism -the new old buzzword that more people need to know, understand and use- is associated with narcissism and renders those infected into victims! Passio calls this "spiritual infancy." Think what that says about those “savage babies” we've identified at the top of the elitist heap. Guess what folks, there are those out there who sell solipsism and all its forms, but they themselves never accept solipsim, because they know that it is a scam. They sell solipsism / narcissism to create and manipulate victims among “the masses!”

Passio defines truth as that which has happened, or and including everything that has taken place up to the present second and it does not exist in the future. He contrasts this with perception which wavers. He describes perception having a frequency to align ourselves with reality.

Those who do not know their rights do not say no. That's a key concept throughout this lecture; the power to say no needs to be regained.

Passio strikes at meditation and yoga as a means to draw people's minds away from perception and discovering the truth and later operating from what Jan describes as the “Great Work” which he claims is raising consciousness. He does however express the real benefits of both meditation and yoga later.  Likewise Irvin tears down their “don't react” teaching as again another message; don't take any action to change it, accept it. He calls this irresponsible use of the feminine and considers it disgraceful.

Passio discusses how The Law of Attraction is warped in the New Age movement, overwhelmingly involved with self service. Action is required to make change in the world. There's so much more and it is all very interesting and he saves the best for last, building from all his previous material. This lecture contains essential information which should knock a few ingrained mental blocks loose; yes a real blockbuster.. In particular reference to the purpose of this blog, our proposal is clearly in alignment with freedom as Irvin and as we all should begin seeing it.

Truth, love and freedom, the Great Work, is bound up with imagination. Imagine something being better than it has ever been. A world without money may in fact represent working against reality as that would plunge us back into whole barter, but imagine money as E. C. Riegel saw it working, and further imagine a system that would rise from the people rather than falling from some state or oligarchy. Irvin calls our present situation “free range slavery” and that's a great metaphor. Also pay very close attention to his disclosure of the true meaning of anarchy; the absence of masters: freedom). Anarchy does not mean without rules. The proposed VEN will clearly operate within rules. Irvin's analysis is in high frequency coincidence with our proposal. We would probably encourage all potential A members to listen to this lecture, it's that important and that good.


Mark Passio - "New" Age Bullshit and the suppression of the sacred masculine - extended with slide 
Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion 

2013-8-23: #75 The Individual vs. The Collective: Just Say No 

6 hours and 4 minutes in length, this episode opens with references to Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning (now, supposedly claiming to be a trans-sexual?, if that can even be believed, or is indeed an intentional means to get back at him by destroying his reputation to enhance their own, or perhaps even worse) and of pop singer Lauryn Hill. Mark Passio on Natural Law follows. This covers the basic building blocks of a rational philosophy. Following this, some history everyone needs to know concerning the Anglo-American establishment.

This episode includes: Solutions with Mark Passio (How to Escape the Psychology of Control), History… Interview with Jon Rappoport (How to Analyze the News), History… Interview with G. Edward Griffin (The Individual vs. the Collective) and History… The Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment (featuring Kevin Cole and Brett Veinotte -of School Sucks Podcasts).

Mark Passion's fundamental understanding of what lies at the base of current problems individually and as a society are parental abandonment issues from which he establishes how the state as parent gets into people's minds. Richard Grove's interview technique of Passio is excellent and he adds plenty to the discussion. The law of freedom states that freedom is proportional to the level of morality. These are interrelated issues and cannot be separated. We're not talking about Rand's alternate morality either and certainly not her “straw dog” or bourgeois morality, we're talking about morality that must comply with natural law; life, liberty and property, individual sovereignty as the objective. To us therefore the “Nuremberg Defence” {we were only following orders) and “limited liability” as understood in connection with transnational “public” and state licensed corporations, are identical propositions, both attempting to justify that which is harmful; violence, etc. (We're considering from now on making all references to the word FORCE to the word VIOLENCE instead, because the distinction between the two words is significant). If government is ultimately a euphemism for violence and slavery (living under a constant state of duress), then what does that make the concept of a world government?

Jon Rappoport and the rest are about essential history confirming, of course, the role of the unseen elite. Crucial to Rappoport's understanding is that no mainstream media will ever discuss basic principles. Those behind the media couldn't endure this scrutiny for very long.

Griffin, Cole and Veinotte as well as Richard Grove all add their perspectives to knowing essential history in the sense of knowing some things the insiders know. This is very deep stuff, in the intelligence sense of deep.


Gary Allen – None Dare Call It Conspiracy
Sir Anthony Kenny - History of the Rhodes Trust
Carroll Quigley – Tragedy and Hop

2013-9-28: #76 Life Management Skills for Success and Serenity

At 8 hours, 54 minutes, this episode is a bit longer than usual. It's concerned with breaking old habits and acquiring new ones in order to get things done in a better and more efficient manner. As usual, there is more intelligence in this podcast than in most on the internet. Enjoy.


David Allen - Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
Charles Duhigg - The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

2013-10-31: #77 The Rise of the Surveillance State / Freedom isn't Free

At slightly over 7 hours, this episode features presentations by a constellation of researchers; Richard Grove, James Corbett, Jon Rappoport, Jan Irvin, Philip Shenon, etc. You'll get a wide range of information concerned with recent history. In particular the role of Ed Snowden is surmised by Rappoport as yet another “intel operation” by competing interests in the intelligence community, rather than as a public hero into which he seems to have been presented by the mainstream media, for propaganda purposes. This is correct as observed as an attempt by the mainstream to co-opt (take over) alternative news viewpoints. Attention: Snowden, the latest in a long line of these, is no hero; we should long have known that we were being universally spied on.

For the record, presented here are the words of Walter Cronkite (he was in league with the globalists), Gen. Albert Stubblebine (revealing intent to impose a caste system on Western nations; more of the noble lie, etc.), Philip Zelikow (former manager of the 9/11 Commission teaches free standard propaganda history lessons beginning in January, 2014) and others.

We need to know more about psychopathy. We consider this material the core of this episode; if you listen to nothing else, start at around 6:30 and listen to Stefan Verstappen tell it as it is. We all need to hear and understand this material as it describes in precise terms, our natural enemies. There are clear reasons why this material is presented alongside the previous material regarding the Surveillance State; the former must by necessity be run and ruled by psychopaths. Of course psychopathy rises at all levels of society. A psychopathic society is one where a predator mentality is preferred and rewarded.

Then we learn more about the Psychology of Authority. The episode concludes with the audio from this video.  More than half the population on average would follow orders beyond rational or conscious actions if someone parading as sufficient authority told them to do so.


Kevin Robert Ryan - Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects
Trevor Aaronson - The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror
Philip Shenon - The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation

2013-12-8: #78 Rise of the Whistleblowers / How Freedom becomes Free Again 

8 hours and 16 minutes long, this episode offers us the latest news, for the record, concerning official and unofficial snooping and how society is being turned into a surveillance state, etc. The original material from public forums like the National Press Club, Boiling Frogs Post, etc. is highly informative.

Thomas Drake offers a real definition of American exceptionalism that we can understand; that all our public laws supposedly rest on the concept of natural rights that are above the law. But this episode is a warning to all Americans (and really to all mankind) regarding just what their governments are doing as the principal buyers in economies around the world, “the dark side” as Thomas Drake describes it, just as E. C. Riegel pointed out so long ago; governments have nothing to offer us in return for what they spend but war and now surveillance. All statist approaches to remedy anything involve government spending. Even Bill Still's remedy relies on government spending. And yet Riegel's insight still holds; governments spend on that which the government needs, not what the people require. Why should we expect anything different?

Our message continues to be “come out of her, my people.” If you work for any of these organizations and have an ounce of intelligence, you are aiding the monster in your own eventual destruction. This blog has outlined the elites as those who are ultimately the only possible beneficiaries of the present system. Some lately have told me they now understand the notion of the “free range slavery” they feel they are living under. It's better or worse of course in various places. And where does this episode eventually resolve? They end discussing self reliance! Self-reliance, my friends, at the individual, family, group and community levels (yes, it does take a village, but not at all how HRC thinks of it), is the correct approach. E. C. Riegel was on to the solution: this blog attempts to offer a workable structure for its implementation. The fit for the proposal of this blog and what they discuss is considerable.

We advise our readers to pay close attention to what Chris Duane and Richard Grove discuss in relation to the ideas presented on this blog. Clearly we do not want civilization to break down. We do not want to be plunged into the 4th century, when life was brutish, nasty and short. The ideas on this blog represent a serious proposal that could be applied anywhere to accomplish exactly the mutual self-reliance that more and more people really want.

2013-12-24: #79 No Masters & No Slaves / YOU Are the Illuminati  

At over ten hours, this episode gives one plenty to chew on. This episode highlights Mark Passio's Natural Law seminar, so you can count on an intellectual tour de force. First of all, in his opening monologue, Richard Grove says it as well as anyone I know of ever has. This blog stands firmly with him. Do you like the idea that the general public are complicit with the crimes of whomever are the Illuminati? How about that the Whore of Babylon of John's Revelation is none other than the general public in the advanced nations of the world, eating and drinking up all the poisons of the world's military industrial complexes, wars, engineered famines, genocides, etc. that the beast dishes out? That one's my own, cobbled together from an insight received years ago from someone in Japan. 

We say that the powers that be are psychopaths, so why join them? Why work for them? Instead, “come out of her, my people,” lest you participate in their crimes? Feel guilty yet? You think, “just let me get my hands on enough dollars and then I'll quit.” Baloney! As long as you are on your knees with your head in the sand and ass in the air, you are a free range slave, like it or not. If you really want something better, you have to come away from the present world system, as Riegel said, we must ultimately intend to renounce it, and change yourself before you can ever hope to change the world around you.

We continue to present links to these podcasts here because they can and will help us all make those needed changes. In that way and joining together, we can hope to make a better world for ourselves, our families, nations, etc.

Notice that Mark Passio says that money as the god of this world. Doesn't the proposal outlined on this blog address this issue? But what about a body of knowledge hidden from sight, held by the few? Sound familiar?  Lessor arcana: monadal individual units of human consciousness. Major arcana: universal laws, natural law fits in here. He gets pretty deep. Power differential is for example, operative for a small group of people, if they have sufficient knowledge that they keep to themselves. Passio decides to share this deliberately hidden knowledge base openly. One should probably take one's own notes as one listens to these lectures. This is the current state of the art, as far as concerns the best contemporary education available these days.

2014-1-27: #80 JFK 50 Years Later / QUI BONO?

Amazing! This episode is more than 19 hours long! It goes consequently quite deep, so take your time. This is going to be about a lot more than JFK, so be prepared for some significant messages. This is an episode concerning our enemies, not that we'll ever be able to deal them justice, ever.  That is not an option.  Rather, it's our conviction that they will be exposed and then, “nature will take its course.” It's our position to encourage a spirit of “come out of her, my people,” and to offer a vehicle to use, rather than any possible conflict with any powers that be. It's worth reflecting on JFK's words and to compare them with the words and actions of our present leaders. Once again, Richard Grove has put together a tremendous collage surrounding the assassination and many impressions on this key moment in history are made.

Richard Groves's lengthy monologue, beginning 43 minutes in, tells us a lot about him as well as matters of increasing importance to all of us, specifically as individuals. He tells us about the origin of “rednecks” which is not what one usually supposes. He tells us of “the terrarium life” and gives us a concrete and useful definition for greed; an insatiable appetite for more than one can possibly use; they can never get enough of what they don't need. The antidotes he's talking about are very much how I would like each potential A member in a local IE to think of themselves; free, independent, self-reliant, etc. Pay close attention to Grove's description of “traps.” The proposal of this blog is only applicable among a society of trusted equals. That's why it is private and local first and foremost. We will have more to say about this in a future post. The VEN is intended to be the absence of traps, the sanctuary, conservatory or oasis from them. We have certainly not tried reason, we have accepted countless solipsisms instead.

You'll certainly find out more connections among the usual suspects. Exposure of who the “bad guys” are is always good for “good guys.” We'll again ask why people aren't resigning in droves from known enemy organizations? Don't they know what their involvement means for them? Most honestly do not. Who have they sold out to? Has it been worth it? Those who know too much of course, as noted in recent weeks, end up throwing themselves off tops of the enemies' towers, etc. “Come out of her, my people, lest ye share in her crimes.” Make no mistake, things can go wrong for a long time before “nature takes its course,” but you can't put off natural law forever. Where do you want to be when it all falls down? Better start building your lifeboat NOW. Everyone does need someone else in order to make it too. Don't be foolish enough to think you can make it alone. Survival lifeboats require the voluntary cooperation of people first. Computer programs or technology are merely tools to accomplish something else, not ends in themselves.

After hearing this episode, I'm sure you're ideas about who's who in American politics may be changed forever.\

2014-2-25: #81 Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering 

At just under six hours, this episode opens with a frank discussion about diamonds. Then the story moves on through the development of intelligence aparat, manipulations of culture, justification of high pay for sports stars, note the desire to turn everything into an “industry,” etc. Find out why it is that people can't think for themselves, outside the box. What box is it they mean? TV mostly, what some colleagues think of as “the image of the best.” This episode, which explores the subject of social engineering, as all of them, are to tell people the truth, which we remind everyone is the ultimate authority. We'll hear a lot more frank talk about where the sources of the problems lie. Those of us who have been awake a long time know all these well travelled avenues quite well.

About 40 minutes in, Richard Grove's monologue gives an “executive overview” of the entire subject of social engineering and the requirement for any thinking person to wake up, grow up and assume responsibility for their own thinking. Social engineering is artificial, it is not natural, therefore it stands against natural law and shall ultimately fail. The power and statist solution is not correct. Since it is not correct, it shall fail, pure and simple.

Those fascinated by planning should have a good listen to Alan Watt's summary of the present situation from about 1 hour 30 minutes in. Listen in particular to his remarks concerning technology. We regard most of it as another “tower of Babel” attempt on behalf of the would be rulers and leaders to set up their “New World Order,” etc. When we thought about money as basically circulating strips of paper (seeing in our wallets money that we knew was ours) or marks in ledgers, we were looked upon as advocating a return to Mayberry. As we've seen, the technologies are all placed at the service of the powers that be, making a return to more basic technologies a revolutionary act. Not mentioned by Watt, the Amish (Mennonites, etc.) “stick in the craw” of the powers that be, but they don't seem to have the same disdain for gypsies. Observe how the two groups are stylized and romanticized and you can see right through the propaganda and understand the message behind it; the former groups are self reliant and self sufficient, and stick to themselves; the latter groups prey on the general populations and live thereby. In any case, the powers that be live by creating discord and disharmony and taking advantage of it to sustain their power.

You'll hear from Antony C. Sutton (2 hours 30 minutes in), the British researcher, whose work is all crucial to an understanding of modern times. He says that information in a socialist society (which we do live in) is suppressed. The Establishment version through the mainstream of society is clearly losing credibility. It should have nothing left to believe about except that they control all the present monetary systems. The Revisionist version is based on facts that they deem can be released. The New information versions when published are at first never believed. They are based on genuinely hidden real information. Listen to what Sutton knew about the Russian revolution. This is not debatable information; it has many other sources to back it up now. The implications and consequences are of course immense. We really can't help you if you doubt any of this. Hear his comment about gold and fiat money as if that solution would save the day. Well, one can't be right about everything. We note that what he says however is correct entirely due to the fact that governments control the issue and spending of most of its fiat money. Then he talks about the natural trend toward smaller units of association. Globalism is inherently impossible, no matter how many rich psychopaths earnestly want it. It hasn't worked and will not work EVER as it runs counter to nature. PLANNING is on such scales the source of all that goes wrong in the world, not its salvation. When anything gets too big to operate efficiently and responsibly, it becomes dangerous and ultimately falls of its own dead weight. When it fails, those associated with it fall to the ground with very often nothing much left.

Then John Taylor Gatto (3 hours 10 minutes in), well before his stroke, talks about the FORCED exposure to pathologies in public education. Hear what planning did to Roumania and elsewhere. He further gets into what teachers do not know about the subjects that they supposedly profess to represent. Students can't really read either, by design. But intellectual development wasn't the purpose of public education. Gatto dates this back to 1905 though experiments extend back 100 years earlier. It's all about social control. Gatto of course credits Hegel. Further, hear Gatto describe all kinds of intentional attempts to subvert natural abilities to learn and to the mass “stupidification” (his word) of the common people he traces back to England in the 16th century. Education? Gatto really nails it. The enemies are the experts. Not only do these people have terrific gal, they should be treated more roughly; their authority is false, there is no truth in them. Standardizers and certralizers that work for the states and the elites are all enemies of freedom. Never forget this. Gatto's remarks all by themselves are so good that they should be copied and sent around to anyone with any brains left. Consider the hard words of Gatto concerning the system, make the people in charge personally responsible for their actions. The ideas are at present largely unassailable, though we and numerous other bloggers will continually pound away at them until they and their tyrannies are rendered the dustheap of history. Gatto advocates violence toward thieves and bullies on schoolyards. Consider the applications of this to adult life and it leads in the usual directions: pro freedom, anti statist, anti corporatist, anti banker. That's where it all leads folks. That's why we've turned our attention to money and to a suitable replacement system for the present one which is a fraud and a curse.

Finally, Manly Hall (4 hours and 20 minutes in) takes up may questions under the heading “I Beg to Differ with the Darwinian Theory.” But that's not what this lecture is about. He does not deny evolution either. This lecture is about basic assumptions. He discusses the ultimate unreliability of incomplete facts, etc. Hall credits the doctrine of evolution (that's what it is) with solving difficult problems; it was promoted for political reasons to support a state aparat and protect the pretencions of a ruling class and nothing more.

Hall makes some points concerning “idealism” which, for want of a better word, we would consider misused. He likewise uses the word “religion” to cover more than the matter of going to church or believing in some bourgeois morality of sacrifice. “Knowledge without integrity is deadly,” he remarks. He asks for science to become moral. We doubt this is even possible and that Hall's prescriptions are idealisms in the sense that he wants people and organizations to conform to notions of integrity and morality that lie outside science.

Further Hall says nothing concerning the connection between organized money and scientific research. Until people begin to wake up and understand that their money is not theirs, their governments are not theirs, their education has nothing to do with reality, their accepted ideas were all placed there by organized money with agendas for mass mind control behind the scenes, nothing fundamental will change. Science is just one more of their tools as were the religions in previous ages. The scientists themselves are nothing more than a new priesthood for a new religion. Intellectual selfishness (and ego) are mentioned in passing. This lies at the heart of all real problems. Hall is as usual quite interesting and profound. 


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