Tuesday, September 26, 2017

#0: 'Fire and Fury' in Korea It's really all about China - AIM RADIO

A lot of verified information here and as usual, all of it underscores exactly why we need our own money and why there is no salvation AT ALL in precious metals.  Recall our fundamental message, "come out of her, my people, lest you be guilty of her crimes."  We've seen lately a lot of fake protests that of course do not change a thing.  Want change?  Want to do good?  Why can't you?  Recently someone connected the word abomination with a really bad smell, something to be cleaned up as it causes things to degenerate.  People are usually repulsed by bad smells.  Even unconsciously everyone knows that "the system" is evil, that there never were any good old days, that we have been free range slaves under a piece of paper drawn up in secret under armed guard that basically handed the new grand republic of the United States over to the international bankers because all silver and all gold are still THEIR money, stupid!  Think I'm joking?  Better wake TF up!  Be seeing you.  

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