Part II
Part II
In the first part, Wattles told you that sooner or later you MUST interact with other people. Nobody is alone and being alone or completely self sufficient is not the answer. You can't even expect a monetary system or anything else that goes with a civilization without ORGANIZING with others, whether it is at the level of making a sale, or taking an order for something long term via a contract, all of it involves interactions with other people.
One impression from this part is that Wattles wished to express the idea that to think what you like, to have reached the conclusions you have done and will do based on your own research, that you have thoroughly done your own homework into the process leading to your chosen conclusions, all of that, is the core part of the Certain Way.
So now you begin to know that he means literally what the words mean; you do things in a Certain Way and you can become successful if not rich. This means of course that you should be aware when you are no longer thinking what you like, but what someone else likes; what THEY like for instance. THEM collectively to us are globalists, bankers, elites, pedophiles, satanists, technocrats, scribes, Pharisees, etc. Most live as economic parasites on the rest of us. These are the enemies of mankind. Ultimately, we want nothing to do with THEM. The Uncertain Way would be to believe (accept) anything from anyone else without making up your own mind about it and in the end thinking what you like. Think about it: we usually respond far better to those that think what they like than any who are obviously under someone else's influence or will.
We will now find out more about the Certain Way.
CHAPTER 4 - The First Principle in The Science of Getting Rich
THOUGHT is the only power which can produce tangible riches from the Formless Substance. The stuff from which all things are made is a substance which thinks, and a thought of form in this substance produces the form.
Original Substance moves according to its thoughts; every form and process you see in nature is the visible expression of a thought in Original Substance. As the Formless Stuff thinks of a form, it takes that form; as it thinks of a motion, it makes that motion. That is the way all things were created.
We live in a thought world, which is part of a thought universe. The thought of a moving universe extended throughout Formless Substance, and the Thinking Stuff moving according to that thought, took the form of systems of planets, and maintains that form. Thinking Substance takes the form of its thought, and moves according to the thought. Holding the idea of a circling system of suns and worlds, it takes the form of these bodies, and moves them as it thinks. Thinking the form of a slow-growing oak tree, it moves accordingly, and produces the tree, though centuries may be required to do the work.
In creating, the Formless seems to move according to the lines of motion it has established; the thought of an oak tree does not cause the instant formation of a full-grown tree, but it does start in motion the forces which will produce the tree, along established lines of growth.
Every thought of form, held in thinking Substance, causes the creation of the form, but always, or at least generally, along lines of growth and action already established.
The thought of a house of a certain construction, if it were impressed upon Formless Substance, might not cause the instant formation, of the house; but it would cause the turning of creative energies already working in trade and commerce into such channels as to result in the speedy building of the house. And if there were no existing channels through which the creative energy could work, then the house would be formed directly from primal substance, without waiting for the slow processes of the organic and inorganic world.
No thought of form can be impressed upon Original Substance without causing the creation of the form. Man is a thinking center, and can originate thought. All the forms that man fashions with his hands must first exist in his thought; he cannot shape a thing until he has thought that thing.
All of the foregoing up to the emphasized boils down to this as a literal observable assumption; someone thought of something before it took form. All one's aspirations are the same: they begin with a thought, an aspiration; I want to be able to play the piano; to bake a cake, etc. In more complicated cases, one determines what skills or tools one must have in order to do particular work, one literally begins to assemble tasks according to how much greater one's efficiency and time might be best used. AGAIN, the Certain Way involves THOUGHT before ACTION. Those who think before they act will usually do far less harm to themselves and others and that's just for starters.
And so far man has confined his efforts wholly to the work of his hands; he has applied manual labor to the world of forms, seeking to change or modify those already existing. He has never thought of trying to cause the creation of new forms by impressing his thoughts upon Formless Substance.
When man has a thought-form, he takes material from the forms of nature, and makes an image of the form which is in his mind. He has, so far, made little or no effort to co-operate with Formless Intelligence; to work "with the Father." He has not dreamed that he can "do what he seeth the Father doing." Man reshapes and modifies existing forms by manual labor; he has given no attention to the question whether he may not produce things from Formless Substance by communicating his thoughts to it. We propose to prove that he may do so; to prove that any man or woman may do so, and to show how.
As our first step, we must lay down three fundamental propositions.
First, we assert that there is one original formless stuff, or substance, from which all things are made. All the seemingly many elements are but different presentations of one element; all the many forms found in organic and inorganic nature are but different shapes, made from the same stuff. And this stuff is thinking stuff; a thought held in it produces the form of the thought.
Thought, in thinking substance, produces shapes. Man is a thinking center, capable of original thought; if man can communicate his thought to original thinking substance, he can cause the creation, or formation, of the thing he thinks about. To summarize this:
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. It may be asked if I can prove these statements; and without going into details, I answer that I can do so, both by logic and experience.
Reasoning back from the phenomena of form and thought, I come to one original thinking substance; and reasoning forward from this thinking substance, I come to man's power to cause the formation of the thing he thinks about.
And by experiment, I find the reasoning true; and this is my strongest proof.
If one man who reads this book gets rich by doing what it tells him to do, that is evidence in support of my claim; but if every man who does what it tells him to do gets rich, that is positive proof until some one goes through the process and fails. The theory is true until the process fails; and this process will not fail, for every man who does exactly what this book tells him to do will get rich.
I have said that men get rich by doing things in a Certain Way; and in order to do so, men must become able to think in a certain way.
A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things.
To do things in a way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think; this is the first step toward getting rich.
To think what you want to think is to think TRUTH, regardless of appearances.
Every man has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts which are suggested by appearances. To think according to appearance is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious, and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work man is called upon to perform.
Literally then, one thinks about everything one does before one does it. One adopts a generally more thoughtful attitude about everything starting with themselves and one acquires the ability to think what one wants to think, not what anyone else wants you to think. You might happen to agree with some consensus of opinion, but you got there by your own thinking; you thought what you wanted to think. So this is the beginning of acting in a Certain Way.
There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world. This is especially true when truth is contrary to appearances. Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding form in the mind which observes it; and this can only be prevented by holding the thought of the TRUTH.
To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health.
This is essentially Christian Science, a related offshoot of the same New Thought philosophy (if one can even call it that). But we are posting this here to postulate the attitude that it conveys to the reader. Wattles advises us to avoid dwelling on the downsides of life. This is particularly popular these days; all the memes and talk one hears constantly against “negativity.” This is a very difficult position to advocate, but if taken truly, this dwelling on the downsides of life can be seen as a hindrance to ACTION or to cause one to assume much thoughtless action and therefore be wasting one's time and energies and not getting rich or even prosperous. Wattles continues from the New Thought perspective ...
To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance.
To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease, or to think riches when in the midst of appearances of poverty, requires power; but he who acquires this power becomes a MASTER MIND. He can conquer fate; he can have what he wants.
This power can only be acquired by getting hold of the basic fact which is behind all appearances; and that fact is that there is one Thinking Substance, from which and by which all things are made.
Then we must grasp the truth that every thought held in this substance becomes a form, and that man can so impress his thoughts upon it as to cause them to take form and become visible things.
When we realize this, we lose all doubt and fear, for we know that we can create what we want to create; we can get what we want to have, and can become what we want to be. As a first step toward getting rich, you must believe the three fundamental statements given previously in this chapter; and in order to emphasize them. I repeat them here:
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
You must lay aside all other concepts of the universe than this monistic one; and you must dwell upon this until it is fixed in your mind, and has become your habitual thought.
So this is it, the Certain Way. It is single minded, it thinks before it acts, it is creative rather than competitive, it accepts abundance and certain success as veritable givens.
Read these creed statements over and over again; fix every word upon your memory, and meditate upon them until you firmly believe what they say. If a doubt comes to you, cast it aside as a sin. Do not listen to arguments against this idea; do not go to churches or lectures where a contrary concept of things is taught or preached. Do not read magazines or books which teach a different idea; if you get mixed up in your faith, all your efforts will be in vain.
So go back to it. This is the Certain Way to act to become rich or even prosperous. Think before you act and create beforehand what you want in your mind and work toward its completion and it will be manifested to you, should that is be your fate to live to receive it. This is what he is saying. He's saying to hold to it as though it was at least a regular discipline too, or even a religion. But is it more likely that the Certain Way is similar to a pianist deciding to finally stop putting of conquering Chopin by deliberately not playing any music but that by Chopin? Eventually he either plays Chopin and well or he leaves off playing the piano entirely. It is a similar single minded quality that is required. But what lies under this? It applies to all work as we define it on this blog. One must be convinced of one's own value, of what one can and cannot do, of what one would like to do, etc.
Do not ask why these things are true, nor speculate as to how they can be true; simply take them on trust. The science of getting rich begins with the absolute acceptance of this faith.
You see in this final paragraph the attempt at allying religion with science and therefore sacrificing what each represented before the unfriendly merger. How much these days is there something passing for science that is piped about with about the same cliché; don't ask, don't speculate, simply take them on trust. Regardless of these considerations, it is the attitude of thoughtful action that provided sufficient motivation to post this here.
CHAPTER 5 - Increasing Life
YOU must get rid of the last vestige of the old idea that there is a Deity whose will it is that you should be poor, or whose purposes may be served by keeping you in poverty.
We'll underline this by suggesting that it was the LOVE of money that was the root of all evil, not the money itself, which is nothing but a human tool to acquire greater wealth in order to live a better life, etc.
The Intelligent Substance which is All, and in All, and which lives in All and lives in you, is a consciously Living Substance. Being a consciously living substance, It must have the nature and inherent desire of every living intelligence for increase of life. Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, because life, in the mere act of living, must increase itself. A seed, dropped into the ground, springs into activity, and in the act of living produces a hundred more seeds; life, by living, multiplies itself. It is forever Becoming More; it must do so, if it continues to be at all.
Intelligence is under this same necessity for continuous increase. Every thought we think makes it necessary for us to think another thought; consciousness is continually expanding. Every fact we learn leads us to the learning of another fact; knowledge is continually increasing. Every talent we cultivate brings to the mind the desire to cultivate another talent; we are subject to the urge of life, seeking expression, which ever drives us on to know more, to do more, and to be more.
In order to know more, do more, and be more we must have more; we must have things to use, for we learn, and do, and become, only by using things. We must get rich, so that we can live more. The desire for riches is simply the capacity for larger life seeking fulfillment; every desire is the effort of an unexpressed possibility to come into action. It is power seeking to manifest which causes desire. That which makes you want more money is the same as that which makes the plant grow; it is Life, seeking fuller expression.
Run back though this blog and see what we said about each of us having value. Regardless of the “dressing” these ideas come in, the core of it is that all life seeks increase and that seeking increase is natural and that seeking decrease, disease, scarcity, impoverishment, barbarism, etc. leads to nothing but the demise of ourselves, society and civilization with it. And there ARE those out there who claim this is the way to think, but few of us like to think that way and that is the essential point.
The One Living Substance must be subject to this inherent law of all life; it is permeated with the desire to live more; that is why it is under the necessity of creating things.
The One Substance desires to live more in you; hence it wants you to have all the things you can use. It is the desire of God that you should get rich. [It would not run counter to the will of God for you to become rich] He wants you to get rich because he can express himself better through you if you have plenty of things to use in giving him expression. He can live more in you if you have unlimited command of the means of life. The universe desires you to have everything you want to have.
Nature is friendly to your plans. Everything is naturally for you. Make up your mind that this is true. It is essential, however that your purpose should harmonize with the purpose that is in All. You must want real life, not mere pleasure of sensual gratification. Life is the performance of function; and the individual really lives only when he performs every function, physical, mental, and spiritual, of which he is capable, without excess in any.
Real life vs. mere pleasure of sensual gratification. One is connected with doing things in a Certain Way and the other is not.
You do not want to get rich in order to live swinishly [as or like a pig], for the gratification of animal desires; that is not life. But the performance of every physical function is a part of life, and no one lives completely who denies the impulses of the body a normal and healthful expression.
You do not want to get rich solely to enjoy mental pleasures, to get knowledge, to gratify ambition, to outshine others, to be famous. All these are a legitimate part of life, but the man who lives for the pleasures of the intellect alone will only have a partial life, and he will never be satisfied with his lot.
The great lot of you who live in your heads should just have felt a great earthquake: you will not succeed without getting down to earth, getting dirty, doing menial tasks, doing anything required to fulfill what you have inside your own mind. I know plenty of people who are very well read that haven't accomplished a god damned thing!
You do not want to get rich solely for the good of others, to lose yourself for the salvation of mankind, to experience the joys of philanthropy and sacrifice. The joys of the soul are only a part of life; and they are no better or nobler than any other part.
There are plenty of people who became rich and then tried starting communities, ashrams, sects, Bohemian social experiments, etc. Most have had no long lasting effects. Idealism doesn't work anyway. One can't become wealthier chiefly to benefit those who are not wealthy. If you have followed this blog at all, you'd know that the whole concept of people NOT being wealthy at all is not strictly true (each of us has innate wealth capable of providing us an income), or at best might be the result of THEIR present dysfunctional monetary machines (directly, since we do not issue the money and thus it is not really ours).
You want to get rich in order that you may eat, drink, and be merry when it is time to do these things; in order that you may surround yourself with beautiful things, see distant lands, feed your mind, and develop your intellect; in order that you may love men and do kind things, and be able to play a good part in helping the world to find truth.
Now, don't rush to the conclusion that this is a selfish outlook (as even Wattles understands). Running counter to everything else you may have heard, read, seen, etc. to want more for yourself doesn't take anything from anyone else. Scarcity is the illusion, abundance is natural.
One more detail: this blog has a precise definition of many things because more confusion arises from imprecise understanding of the words we use. Selfishness to this blog is any action taken against someone else to benefit oneself: in order for anything to be really selfish, one must take from someone else in order to benefit oneself.
There is much that amounts to just making ourselves larger, increasing our influence, acquiring more wealth able to provide income, etc. that has NOTHING to do with taking anything from anyone else; living well is not automatically selfish or the result of selfishness. In fact, we have every reason to question the motives of anyone suggesting that it is selfish or does represent selfishness! Again, the Certain Way involves thinking what we like, not what someone else likes.
But remember that extreme altruism is no better and no nobler than extreme selfishness; both are mistakes. Get rid of the idea that God wants you to sacrifice yourself for others, and that you can secure his favor by doing so; God requires nothing of the kind.
Since this MUST be true or whoever or whatever is not God, then again, one is in good company to question where all these ideas about pleasing God by doing with less come from. Yes, we are suggesting a political / statist motivation running many centuries back in time at least. It has been very successful, but that doesn't make it right or the truth. There were and are those responsible whose activities will eventually be revealed for all to see. But that's not the concern of this blog.
What he wants is that you should make the most of yourself, for yourself, and for others; and you can help others more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.
You can make the most of yourself only by getting rich; so it is right and praiseworthy that you should give your first and best thought to the work of acquiring wealth.
Wattles tells us that he too subscribes to wealth = substance, regardless of the prospects of that substance to provide anything constituting a regular usually monthly income might come from. To us, nothing is wealth unless it produces an income and one cannot have an income without the will to work and the will to think what one likes. We have already defined work. If you work without being paid, that may be an indication of NOT thinking what you like, NOT acting in a Certain Way.
Parenthetically, we advocate all that would NOT be undervalued to consider this blog's proposal and since becoming rich and successful doesn't need to mean reliance anyone else's STOLEN fiat money or THEIR clunky chunks of metal, that you consider working to make this proposal a reality. As Wattles says, one thinks in a Certain Way and things begin to organize around the projected idea. It is similar to “build it and they will come.”
Remember, however, that the desire of Substance is for all, and its movements must be for more life to all; it cannot be made to work for less life to any, because it is equally in all, seeking riches and life.
Intelligent Substance will make things for you, but it will not take things away from some one else and give them to you.
We're glad he says this. It means he's on OUR side, not the side of the usurers or those making more money on their money without work. Now the next one runs completely counter to EVERY school of THEIR economics which rests on the supposed reality of momentary scarcities and runs through all standard economic thinking:
You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what is already created. You do not have to take anything away from any one. You do not have to drive sharp bargains. You do not have to cheat, or to take advantage. You do not need to let any man work for you for less than he earns.
You do not have to covet the property of others, or to look at it with wishful eyes; no man has anything of which you cannot have the like, and that without taking what he has away from him.
You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now.
I am aware that there are men who get a vast amount of money by proceeding in direct opposition to the statements in the paragraphs above, and may add a word of explanation here:
Men of the plutocratic type, who become very rich, do so sometimes purely by their extraordinary ability on the plane of competition; and sometimes they unconsciously relate themselves to Substance in its great purposes and movements for the general racial [sic] upbuilding through industrial evolution. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, et al., have been the unconscious agents of the Supreme in the necessary work of systematizing and organizing productive industry; and in the end, their work will contribute immensely toward increased life for all. Their day is nearly over; they have organized production, and will soon be succeeded by the agents of the multitude, who will organize the machinery of distribution.
We hear the yearning of the first socialist workers' movements of a century or so ago. But Wattles was misinformed. Rockefeller in particular but the others too to a great degree were very interested in distribution and in fact sought to monopolize not only the vertical integration but the horizontal integration of markets for their products. This has hardly all gone away because Wattles' historical analysis was faulty. But that's not why we're presenting this here. It is for all of us that are interested to acquire the attitude required to get what we want out of life. In order to do so, we will perforce need to work together or we will be poorer for not making the effort.
The multi-millionaires are like the monster reptiles of the prehistoric eras; they play a necessary part in the evolutionary process, but the same Power which produced them will dispose of them. And it is well to bear in mind that they have never been really rich; a record of the private lives of most of this class will show that they have really been the most abject and wretched of the poor.
Maybe, but now from this vantage point and entirely because we live under Mystery Babylon which shall follow all the “beast” systems that preceded it to perdition, oblivion, etc. we consider that thinking what we like to improve our lives and acting in common purpose in the Certain Way, would benefit all of us tremendously. What good is proposing a newer better monetary system if it wasn't to enable more people to get rich? One can't be rich without obvious physical manifestations of improved life or one is not rich.
Riches secured on the competitive plane are never satisfactory and permanent; they are yours to-day, and another's tomorrow. Remember, if you are to become rich in a scientific and certain way, you must rise entirely out of the competitive thought. You must never think for a moment that the supply is limited. Just as soon as you begin to think that all the money is being "cornered" and controlled by bankers and others, and that you must exert yourself to get laws passed to stop this process, and so on; in that moment you drop into the competitive mind, and your power to cause creation is gone for the time being; and what is worse, you will probably arrest the creative movements you have already instituted.
How many times have all of us seen that someone come up with an idea and the first thing that concerns them is whether someone will steal their idea? So they go about getting their idea patented or fall under some international copyright and all this does is signal to any of the sharks out there that someone has a good idea for sale in THEIR money. What else do you suppose a patent is good for? It is establishing a specific idea for sale to someone that didn't come up with it. What's the result? The idea might be purchased and never see the light of day. No furtherance is made, no money of any kind made, nobody's life made better, etc. We have little but contempt for most “intellectual property” law and its implication that one can sell something while retaining ownership of it, something that we regard as dishonest. But even so, the reason I make mention of it here is that people have been kept from acting in a Certain Way by thinking they have to acquire patents and copyrights which are often difficult, tedious and expensive to acquire and meanwhile you have done nothing concerning getting rich. So the acquisition of patents, copyrights, etc. comes AFTER one is already rich, if at all.
KNOW that there are countless millions of dollars' worth of gold in the mountains of the earth, not yet brought to light; and know that if there were not, more would be created from Thinking Substance to supply your needs.
KNOW that the money you need will come, even if it is necessary for a thousand men to be led to the discovery of new gold mines to-morrow.
Never look at the visible supply; look always at the limitless riches in Formless Substance, and KNOW that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them. Nobody, by cornering the visible supply, can prevent you from getting what is yours.
So never allow yourself to think for an instant that all the best building spots will be taken before you get ready to build your house, unless you hurry. Never worry about the trusts and combines, and get anxious for fear they will soon come to own the whole earth. Never get afraid that you will lose what you want because some other person "beats you to it." That cannot possibly happen; you are not seeking any thing that is possessed by anybody else; you are causing what you want to be created from formless Substance, and the supply is without limits. Stick to the formulated statement:
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
So, the only real question concerns the form of your particular aspiration: it is what you like to think about most. It is particularly yours. It may take many forms but usually centers on one desired form. Consider the process as well as the final result. You really have to want it to make it happen.