Sunday, December 23, 2012

#15.4 Bill Still's Reports 41 thru 60

2012-3-19: #41 Roger Stone 

More on the LP Presidential race, about FORCE and fraud, and about one Roger Stone in particular. Again, E. C. Riegel strongly advised NOT to involve oneself in politics. This does not mean however that the powers that be wouldn't think twice about employing “hit men” as Stone described himself. Informative.

2012-5-19: #42 Bilderberg Bill   

Still's message to the Bilderbergs. He makes many assumptions, a few of which we disagree with, including appeals to fear, a contention shared by many that democracy is not tyranny-proof, etc. Otherwise we are primarily in agreement, especially concerning issues of debt based money and the centralizing power of banking.

Still claims here and in many other places that “money must serve the public interest.” This begs many questions. We don't think that by this point Still has critically examined this notion identified as the “public interest.” Everyone who thinks in these terms has got to get a grip on reality; you are actually asking a group of individuals you do not know and have dubious reasons to trust, to do something for you called “the public interest.” You believe that just because it has never worked that somehow we can do better. This is exceptionalism, it is irrational and should henceforth be dropped completely. Repeating something that has not worked is insanity, pure and simple, the frustration always met when trying to do something with the wrong tool, or set of tools is a common analogy.

This is what made Riegel so different, he simply cut away all these false assumptions and stated his observations clearly in hope that someone would learn and think about things differently.

2012-5-23: #43 Victoria Grant – Bill 

Still has recently attended the Public Banking Institute's conference in Philadelphia. Still identifies himself as a Quaker, claims they began public banking in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, etc. Nixon was supposedly a Quaker too. Of the many speakers at this event, Still was highly impressed with a 12 year old Canadian girl, Victoria Grant, whose father and she had been studying the debt money problem and its effects on Canada.

2012-5-24: #44 Paul Hellyer – Bill

More about how Canadians dealt with their economic / banking conditions back in the 1930's, the government nationalization of the Bank of Canada. It worked very much like the North Dakota state bank. Still and I would be in virtual agreement in terms of how much healthier the economy might perform under this system, except that this solution ignores the role and rights of each individual Canadian, American, or of the people wherever such state control of money “created in the public interest” is adopted.

Still never seems to understand that asking the government to buy what you or I want is hardly right, fair or even workable long term, even if the solution seems like a “quick fix”. Those who would have the right to create money, in this case the national government of Canada, would do so for whatever reasons suit them, not the Canadian people, Still or me or anyone else. Riegel, and I believe Milton Friedman also, have pointed this out.

Also as has been pointed out by others, and is pretty obvious, asking government officials, people we don't know in most cases, to do better than we ourselves, is attributing to them higher moral standards than the rest of us, which is hardly admissible, and also quite irrational on its face. Still and this fellow, Mr. Hellyer, seem to think that just keeping whatever is going up and running, whether it would have stood the test of honest competition, or for whatever cause, is good enough. Recall also what we've said about pragmatism; it's not even a legitimate philosophy, cares nothing for the truth and ultimately provides only a solution to appearances not reality.

Band-aids care or know nothing about underlying health concerns, causes, etc. Yet, that's what most people's economic concerns seem to follow; band-aids, just get the economy up and running by whatever means possible. We're past most of this already and it will not work, it's like placing confidence in someone you expected would be a demigod (or at least a paragon of virtue) and realize that he's just a clown. Once a clown, always a clown. You can't put lipstick on a pig and call it beautiful, etc. The world meanwhile is begging for another solution, please.

2012-5-28: #45 Bill at Philly – Bill Still

The audio is terrible, use headphones for best results. This is Still's speech before the Public Banking Institute's conference in Philadelphia. Still says that the Austrian School of economics (the gold standard), which never questions the rules under which banking and finance are conducted, was brought to America by the Rockefeller Foundation. This looks a lot like other dialectics set up deliberately by those who have decided what the solution will be to begin with; in this case centralizing power in the hands of central bankers, allowing fractional reserve lending, debt piled upon debt, etc. In this case it's either Keynesianism (spendthrift statism) or the Austrian School (the gold standard), anyone else is of course pushed to the curb.

So like politics, we may safely sit out the economics game, since they wont even acknowledge the elephants in the room; creating money with debt attached, literally as bad notes, since the amount of the debt can never be repaid out of the existing money EVER. This means that any and all money created in this way just exacerbates the problem. Then we have interest upon interest, called compounding which is usury on steroids and demands far more money back than the money originally created, thus allowing for more thievery.

The official thievery of course is taxes, which the government and all its agencies will attempt to convince you is your moral obligation to pay (with your hand over your heart, standing at attention, etc.) when they cynically know that the taxes go to paying interest on money the government loaned from the bankers first and foremost.

The second issue conventional economics of either side of the official dialectic will never criticize and condemn is fractional reserve banking which gives bankers such tremendous power over the lives of others and the fate of their property. E. C. Riegel of course dealt with both of these issues fairly and squarely. He has been among the very few who ever have.

We agree with Still's analysis of the relationship between government debt and public control of government; if the government couldn't balance its budget, it would have to raise taxes immediately and bring about immediate public ire. Still is informative about what the Founders had to fight when they were framing the Constitution and how that wording was deliberately affected. Still's critique of Kucinich's bill is correct, but this is after all a political solution being advocated; more clowns.

Evidence of faking gold with tungsten are presented as evidence; this is not a “conspiracy theory” folks. More stuff revealed about Iceland and Virginia's nullification of the NDAA. Still is getting closer to our views, but for different reasons, if only he knew.

2012-5-30: #46 Ireland – Bill Still

About the Irish vote on the latest eurozone bid to grab more power. The election went to the eurozone. This episode is instructive for what it reveals about national debt.

2012-6-3: #47 Forbes Article – Bill 

Forbes takes a cheap shot at Still. Forbes is a discredited source, as are Reuters and The Economist; so what?  Still wants to deconsolidate money power back to the states, smaller nations, etc. How about deconsolidating it all the way back to where it belongs by honest natural right; to the individual people themselves? Will Still wake up before politics saps all his vital energies? We'll just have to wait and see.

2012-6-5: #48 Greece Vote – Bill Still   

This was a sort of message to the Greek people from Still concerning their choices. It would all become a moot point soon enough; near the end of 2012, Greece is still in the eurozone and austerity measures are ... still being worked out. Still tells them, “just create the money you need.” Isn't that E. C. Riegel's message? The difference is who gets to create it; in Still's proposal, it's the Greek government that does it, funding things “in the public good”; spending it into circulation. This is what Lincoln used in part to fund his war.

The Riegel solution by comparison asks people to voluntarily set up local Riegel exchanges and the people in each locality issue their own money as needed for themselves. Still's understanding of inflation and having some agency of government either step on the accelerator when the market is low or on the break when it is high; isn't that what we have now? Is Still a Keynesian at heart? Again, he hasn't read Riegel, in this instance what Riegel said about the natural creation and destruction of money. This is a topic we'll definitely want to cover in a future paper.

Still's certainly correct about one thing though; only producing something of value will save Greece and countries like them, not continuing to borrow, allowing the bankers the right to issue money for them rather than the people doing so themselves based on what they are each capable of producing for the local Greek market first and foremost and from thence to the rest of the world. This too is a subject for a future paper.

The rest of Still's delivery places the issues as they were and are in 2012 on the record; laying blame squarely on the bankers and their debt path to eventual slavery for Greece as well as the rest of the world that falls under their sway.

2012-6-10: #49 Greece Vote 2 – Bill Still   

This is Still's continuation of the message to Greece begun in the last episode. He describes a scenario where the euro and drachma circulate together (drachma's created the way Lincoln did; by government fiat and interest free) and that the drachmas would circulate within Greece only. What this would do of course is set up immediate arbitrage between euros and drachmas, driving down the value of any drachmas, or so the logic would lend one to believe. But not necessarily. Perhaps Greeks would prefer to be paid in drachmas rather than euros and do business in drachmas locally. If that happened, nothing the pundits say is certain except what they do not say, that the people heading the present system are likely to do anything to remain in power.

Still is correct; all imports into Greece would go up in price, but this situation normally draws in those who can or would provide for less than the price of the imports and if there were drachmas even circulating only in Greece, there would soon be someone who would see this as an economic advantage and would attempt to satisfy Greek domestic demand. We are pretty much ruling out intervention by the government here and the chances of that are, of course, likely.

Perhaps, as one of Still's sources claims, the Greek central bank can print up all the euros it needs at 0% interest, but then if that were the case why all the hand wringing over Greek sovereign debt? Still points out that this was already allowed in the case of Ireland in 2011. For those who believe in law by precedent rather than statute, which is most everybody without question these days, under present circumstances of governance (think what that means concerning those who wield power or the elasticity of truth in the hands of pragmatists!), if the Irish could do it in 2011, the Greeks certainly could have done it in 2012. One would think.

Then Still tells us that the Greek central bank has already printed up more euros too. Then the rub, if the Greeks decide to do this again on their own, or pay off their sovereign debts this way, they will be kicked out of the eurozone for creating more euros without permission; thus the euro experiment is a pure game of power and certainly has nothing to do with money created “in the public interest” whatever that means. 

For the rest of it, Still has clearly doe his homework. The result is a terrible situation for Greece long term. Still's recommendation for what should be done after the euro failure is fine as far as it goes.

2012-6-13: #50 Spain – Bill Still   

Much the same as have affected all the stragglers in the eurozone continues with Spain. Still reviews the news to date. This is all for the record. So far, we're still muddling through.

2012-6-19: #51 Money Bomb – Bill 

Still gives us a run down of his personal / financial situation. He has a day job. This is typical of the researchers we're reviewing here.

2012-6-24: #52 Thanks for the Money Bomb

Still expresses his thanks. More on Still's publications, how to donate etc.

2012-6-26: #53 Greek Election Fallout – Bill Still

The political coalition of the sames in Greece; those who have formed a coalition government to deal with the country's debt problems. More instability in Greek financial affairs. Some news from Iceland. Iceland is growing at better than 4% a one year turnaround. Still calls on the rest of the eurozone nations to go back to their national currencies (without lending them into existence), etc. doing it Lincoln's way. Sure, the bankers will just go along with it, without reprisals. Of course not.

2012-6-27: #54 Nigil Farage You Tube sharing

FOX interviews Nigil Farage on contemporary eurozone news. Bill informs us of certain flaws he sees in the Libertarian Party platform, open borders, for one thing. He likes what Farage says, raises the spectre of anarchy without bothering to put the subject to critical analysis; is anarchy synonymous with chaos? We don't think so and Still needs to check his history concerning this question. All the vacuums Still imagines are filled through connivance with the same money power in FORCE today. Eliminate that power and there is nothing that could FORCE its way into any vacuum. Leaders may be as loquacious and charismatic as you please, but without funding from somewhere, they are nobodies. The same obviously goes for terrorists of all stripes. The silly idea that people are willing to fight and die for some idealistic cause, only goes so far.

2012-7-3: #55 What's The Basic Problem – Bill 

Basic Economic Questions:
Q: What's the problem with the American economy?
A: The determination of the quantity of money is out of our control.

Still is caught in a fallacy; he claims that since most people imagine that the money is created by the government, that it's the way it's supposed to be. I beg your pardon, Bill? This is calling ignorance, wisdom, if I ever heard it, with little or no further critical examination of the facts. Creating money “in the public interest” was exactly what the Whig Party that preceded the Republicans and took over from Hamilton's Federalists always wanted; let the government spend the money into the economy on “public works” or “internal improvements” which were almost always boondoggles, means of syphoning public money into private pockets, the usual suspects were always involved; corporatists and bankers.

Few even bother to define what “in the public interest” can possibly mean to the widest number of people and usually include things most people do not want the government to spend money on or otherwise involve itself in. The rest of it, Bill gets correct, how money is created, the role of debt in all of it, etc. Finally he says when it comes to politics, money talks. It sure does, but his solution doesn't fix that at all, whereas E. C. Riegel's does!

2012-7-4: #56 Audit the IRS – Bill   

A scam revealed between the IRS and illegal aliens to obtain false refunds. This is devastating to the establishment! Of course it was under reported elsewhere and even if it had been more widely reported, few would have noticed. Such are these things to most people these days.

2012-7-5: #57 Washington, DC Fireworks 2012 – Bill

2012-7-17: #58 Who Issues the Money – Bill

Oooh boy. Still continues to spread the nonsense that since an ignorant public assumes that government can and should be issuing the money “in the public interest”, whatever that is, that they should be doing so, in the same way Lincoln did, or in the same way the colonies did before the Revolution, not during the Revolution, when the Colonial scrip became worthless. Still has not read Riegel and been confronted by the obvious; governments should not be the primary buyer in any economy at all, the people themselves should be the primary buyers. Governments have nothing to sell that anyone wouldn't rather pay a reliable source, whatever it costs instead. Have you ever known of a government made product that really worked? Think of that in the widest contexts you possibly can and ask yourself whether Still's argument concerning government issuance of money “in the public interest” has any logical meaning?

Governments FORCE people to do things, including giving up their money (which is really the property of a third party, the central bank with the monopoly over issuing the money) for services that the people are FORCED to accept, some services of which people may think are good deals, while other services the people wonder just how good a deal they really are. But enough people have been bullied all their lives into believing the noble lies government people tell them that, so far, and even with all the ruckus caused by the banking and financial sectors, “the system” cranks valiantly and violently on.

The lesson, piece of information contained in this particular episode of this micro-series, is that every piece of paper currency in use around the world, everywhere, everything except the coins representing fractions of those currencies, was created as interest bearing notes; i. e. debt. What did Riegel say about this? He said that in this process the money that was created did not include the money required to pay off the interest, therefore THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH MONEY, EVER in such a system.

You can pile on more money all you want, you will only be piling on more indebtedness, which were it to be honoured would soon scoop up all the money that exists and demand even more in repayment, which is soon scooped up as assets obtained on the cheap, as is happening in Greece and soon will be happening elsewhere, unless of course it's stopped, which history shows has happened before and is likely to happen again since we refuse to obey sane and sure wisdom that usury and its practices, while seeming reasonable, are actually the foundation of organized thievery going back into ancient times.

Still would like the government to take over this money issuing function without interest bearing notes. Does anyone really think they can or would do a better job? What good would it do to empower governments with the role of first buyer in the economy? It doesn't matter what you or I think is “in the public interest”, governments the world over would vie with each other to purchase more that will keep themselves in power, more surveillance, more war making materiel, more ways to insidiously affect our lives in countless unwanted ways and especially more welfare for themselves. Still also does not know his monetary history very well, it's showing, if he thinks he can give this power that belongs to the people themselves back to the state. Is Still a statist then? Perhaps unwittingly, he is.

2012-7-18: #59 Is the Fed Part of the Govt – Bill   

The Federal Reserve is NOT part of the US Government, but superior to it, as it stands as the government's creditor and yes, it is a private corporation. This is one reason why no Riegel Monetary Exchange (RME) anywhere in the world would want to be holding the private property of some other business. That goes for all other currencies as well. This is why we came up with a solution; to have all exchanges between other currencies and Riegels handled in terms of silver and gold bullion, at prices where these precious metals freely trade. This was the intention of #2 The Price of Gold in Riegels

2012-7-18: #60 Fractional Reserve Lending – Bill Still  

This is an accurate and essential episode. Watch it many times if necessary so that you understand this key process. Still says of the banking monopoly, “they are effectively stealing a percentage form every dollar we use.” It's actually worse than that, Bill. They are demanding that we pay them back from what was never created, so there will never be enough to pay them off. This automatically creates a “musical chairs” economy everywhere so that there is no accident why people become poor as there is never enough money in circulation due to debt collection.

Still has demonstrated who wins when they get the right to create and issue the money; the banks always win. That doesn't make it right, or even in their sense, sound. In fact once you understand how fractional reserve banking really works, you may likely never want to take out a loan ever again.


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