Saturday, October 19, 2019

#0: Killer Bankers Are Humanity's Enemies - Michael Rivero "All Wars Are Bankers Wars." - AIM

Killer Bankers Are Humanity's Enemies - Michael Rivero "All Wars Are Bankers Wars." - AIM

American Intelligence Media just published Michael Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars, originally a title derived from General Smedley Butler's book with the same title. What all of them were telling us is the same message that this blog has carried since its beginning, except we get right to the point; that NONE of the money in use actually belongs to the people using it. It all belongs to those who issued it, which in the United States isn't us, unless our name happens to be Federal Reserve.

Now, just to reiterate, the almost universal suggestion to correct what has been an ongoing battle since at least 1815, is for governments to issue the money interest free. Does that really make anything better? Would the money ever really be ours? No! It would belong to our government, but what our government does is not ours either, what an idea! Would such an idea ever cause taxation to diminish or cease entirely? No! Would such an idea prevent a government from spending itself into insolvency and inflating the money? No! So, we don't have a solution here and anyone who thinks so should re-examine the first premise of this blog; that none of the money actually belongs to the people that use it.

We refer to this situation as STOLEN FIAT; your very will has been hijacked first by the government that is supposed to protect you, your life, liberty and property, and then by the central banks, those who really own all the money. By the way, the bankers also own ALL the cryptocurrnecies and ALL of the precious metals. It's ALL their money, not yours or mine.

What do all of THEIR economists constantly rail against? FIAT currencies. Why? Because ALL ECONOMISTS ARE MOUTHPIECES FOR THE BANKERS! Therefore anytime an economist opens their mouth, you will hear a LIE! Let's examine one of the lies exposed here; if we let government issue the money everything gets better. No it doesn't! Private bankers will still lend money at interest, because to rent money paying simple interest up front would greatly diminish their take. Secondly, all STOLEN fiat money was issued either by a government or a bank, which guarantees that it will ultimately fail. So faulty reasoning; it is NOT PROVED that just because all STOLEN fiat currencies have failed, that OUR fiat currency, issued by us, would fail. In fact, as has been mentioned on this blog from time to time, there are private trading associations that issue their own fiat currencies, which are still in business today after being in business for a long time. But you can't join unless you are a producer, you must have something to sell.

What we advocate here is that everyone has something they could sell, their time, their labor, their products, their innate wealth, that capable of providing an income. We didn't say anything about a living wage, because we don't know enough to be able to determine what that would be in monetary terms. We allow others with far more hubris to do that and we take their indicators as markers for our own determination of a member's poverty. We will have a lot of people to begin with that are impecunious, as Riegel called it, who will need to issue some money based on basic need rather than productive abilities. The extra money they spend will end up in the hands of the most productive, as it should be in an honest monetary system.

We have also taken cognizance of the fact that unless new money is added to a monetary system, economies die, due to depreciation of assets, something THEIR economists rarely discuss. There are certain illusions that THEY very much want public, like all THEIR phony and obnoxious ideas concerning "sound" money. THEY want the quantity theory of money to survive in the public mind because though it is completely false, it holds up THEIR right (so THEY suppose) to have speculators make money on money without producing a thing. We oppose all of this. We don't do anything about it. We walk out of it and away from it and THEM and start our own; "come out of her, my people" is still the message.

Friday, October 11, 2019

#0: Mike and Doug Show: The Big Ugly

Mike and Doug Show: The Big Ugly

One again, our friends at American Intelligence Media have given us a few more rabbit holes to purse, for any researchers who care to ferret out the data, observe the criteria of logic and arrive at the suitable structures and objects behind the oldest game in the world; who gets to rule over everything and everyone, who gets to take over the world and subject everyone else to genocide or slavery.  Just one more reason why we need our own money.  There are hundreds of other perfectly good reasons.  So far, even after as many hits as this blog has received, we receive very little notice from anyone.  Perhaps that will change, perhaps not.  It doesn't depend on me.  It depends on you.  Be seeing you.