Wednesday, January 18, 2017

#57.5: Perspective - People to people

Since this is a “perspective” piece, expect that some of it is going to allow me to rant. Some are no doubt under the impression that everything I say on here amounts to ranting, but that's only because they (those that suppose that all I do is rant) stubbornly stick to ideas which aren't even theirs, which they THOUGHTLESSLY (without critical examination) accepted and now expect me or anyone else offering an alternative to the present mess to compromise with. But there are no compromises: this is a quiet war that has been going on for … 7,500 years and all the evil in the world is really due to compromise … with evil. No, and emphatically no. We seek commitment not compromise; strength not weakness, will rather than acquiescence. This one could be subtitled, setting a basis for a grass-roots movement. 

Come on. How do you talk anyone into accepting your money proposal? All the philosophy and whatever behind it may be as sound as you say, but it's as if only you are selling this as your idea. No one I know of bases money on a fixed transaction, they all use commodities. Eli in Washington

Dave's dollars? No, it isn't my idea. The name on this blog is not mine. I'm merely the messenger, as usual. But the short answer is that “the one eyed man is king in the world of the blind.” Stated another way, “if you have the time, we have the plan;” if you can think and plan over spans of hundreds of years if necessary to blind everyone in society, while at the same time, you are the only one knowing what's really going on, that gives you a lot of power and money and prestige and property and advantages, etc. Let's see: how many of you ever heard of morganatic relationships? Your further research may start right there. Look into it. It's far more common than you can even imagine.

THEY, we sort of suggest, are the combined groupings of globalists, bankers and elites. Usury -as we have rigorously defined it- links them all and whether they can convince the world that fractional reserve banking originated in China or not, THEY have always maintained and used it to enrich themselves.

THEY are specifically associated with capitalism (the making of money on money without actual work) and the financial support of all state socialism back through time, as the two isms were developed side by side by the same people to allow THEM to take over the world. There is no other intrinsic or further economic merit to either of these systems as presently conceived, period! No arguments are necessary or accepted. If you are a dog habituated to your vomit, etc. There is no help there. These present monetary organisms cannot be repaired, reformed, converted back into something older, better, finer, etc. They are deadly machines that only assist criminal cliques who claim ownership of most of the world, including you by FORCE. What do you say to that?

We also admit that as an old colleague said, “the more concealed it is, the better it works” and sometimes the safest place to hide something is right out in the open where most would never suspect a thing. That has also been the case for anything and everything relating to this blog's proposal, especially all the usual economics claptrap, all of it based on an ancient con game that needs to be … renounced for something better. “Come out of her, my people” was the precise expression my mentor grabbed to make his point when he gave me this assignment.

How aware are most people? Most people know the difference between SANITY and its absence without too much trouble and most people seek to live lives with the REASONABLE EXPECTATION of continuing peace. Most people are sheep, THEY are wolves. Or perhaps most are fish and THEY are sharks. Most live and love and work naturally: work as we consistently define it on this blog, is the time out of most people's lives in which they earn barter in terms of money. But THEY do not work. THEY envy and hate us for all of that and that statement can be verified countless times and in all kinds of places and in many languages. THEY always take and all THEIR gifts are at your expense. How do those who never work acquire the means to steal the world? It's THEIR money, stupid! Another mentor upon our very first meeting warned me, “beware of the rich.” Of course, at the time, I failed to pay much attention because I was interested in getting more of THEIR money.

So let's focus on THEIR BIGGEST and MOST USED tactics; It's a psychological term called PROJECTION; “it's not me, it's you.” THEY deliberately project onto others what THEY actually feel, believe and think. Hate speech? THEY invented it and use it all the time. I find it ironic in the extreme how those who constantly warn others not to judge them, so easily spew (a very emotional word) all the usual projected invective against their own interests, with NO REGARD FOR FACTS upon people they actually don't even know, because unbeknownst to the spewers, they are unaware of the successful brainwashing they have been subjected to for most of their lives.  

So how aware are most people, really? THEY, the authors of all the brainwashing THROUGH THEIR TAX EXEMPT, TAX DODGE BRAIN TRUSTS (wow, such brains!) INSTITUTIONS (FOUNDATIONS, NGO's, etc.) WHICH SPEW ALL THE “OFFICIAL” MEMES, “HATE SPEECH” ETC. ATTEMPTING FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE THROUGH THEIR IMAGE SYSTEM; “who is like unto the Beast?,” also perfected the Stockholm syndrome: if you don't know what it is, look it up. THEIR social conditioning was working pretty well up to recent political events which shall overturn them (turn over the tables and spill out all THEIR crimes).

How can you spot THEM? It's easy. THEY PROJECT, “it's not me, it's you” as a matter of course: it's so common a tactic that literally it is THEIR signature piece and biggest strategic weakness. When THEY make a charge, a JUDGMENT against someone THEY don't like, it is almost always a projection … and we are supposed to just jolly well go along with all this “official,” “approved” (by who and by what authority if not the truth?) “what to think” rubbish!

Here are some well worn examples of THEIR projections of hate:

Sexist: All of the power brokers in the world are men. No woman above the age of 28 or 30, other than their immediate female relatives, are ever usually permitted in their presence.

Oh and while we're at it, there are misogynists and misandrists as well, and then there's the whole trans-gender thing. Where do you suppose most if not all of this comes from? From sexual child abuse, asshole! That's where! So figure it out, most of THEM were sexually abused and when they grow up THEY like doing it because now it is their turn.

BTW, Sigmund Freud knew about all of this among the children of the royals and other important people in Austrian society and deliberately covered it up to remain in practice long enough to develop a theory he could use to his advantage in England; he was basically just another coward, con artist and opportunist with very little integrity. That's pulling a Paul Johnson* on someone; you dissect their lives down to their philosophical underwear and reveal what's left, if anything.  *(Johnson's book Intellectuals is a must read)

Meanwhile, right now across the world, all of this projection is paraded about and used as the social and personal dynamite that it is. But THEY use it to divide and conquer as THEY hate everyone equally.

And while we're at it, because we are discussing usually secretive organizations or associations of men (and nowadays a few women), we assert that there are “rights of passage” or “initiations” that usually involve blackmail of some sort or another and the women who do manage to gain prominence have had to shed innocent blood in some way to prove they are “worthy” of the brotherhood of darkness that power circles really are. Don't be so naive. Abortions are taken to mean just the same thing among them too.  Still think compromise is anything but a weak strategy? I have news for you: give your opponents absolutely nothing. They rarely deserve it.

Racist: All the power brokers in the world are racists. They believe that their race, specifically their personal bloodlines, should rule the world. Everyone else is just cattle, chattel, serfs (tied to the place they live) or vermin (people living over expensive resources) who can of course be sacrificed. Yeah and I do mean in the sense of making a blood sacrifice to one of THEIR gods. They have a “religion” all right and it aint atheism or even scientism. THEY would prefer that all mankind just accept THEIR right to rule and worship only THEM as gods. That was the message in Hunger Games and other popular series. If that's what THEY want and it is certainly against your best interests, then why compromise with such as these and THEIR programs? Higher purposes? THEY are LIARS! 

Homophobe: It is well known by the informed that homosexual men (and very increasingly homosexual women) are used by power brokers to get at what they most want; children. When these people are no longer of any further use, they are … liquidated, as the history of various purges plainly illustrates.

Xenophobe: Outsiders are hated by power brokers because everyone is an outsider to a power broker and they hate everyone, because they fear everyone, so they seek absolute control over everything; they have a god complex. Popular series like Star Wars are intellectual cartoon illustrations for the enlightened.

I'd like to add Femiphobe to the list too, since all power brokers really loathe and I expect fear the real power of women.

We might even see the word pediphobe invented soon. This would be fear of children? Or fear of pedophiles? I assure everyone: if we do not draw the line right here and right now and deal squarely with pedophilia and worldwide child trafficking, then frankly we are no good. Understood?

I suspect we may find out that all of THEM are mostly pedophiles and far worse! So yeah dammit, we need our own money and we need to pull away from all of such TRASH as THEM as soon as humanly possible … for our own survival.

So that's the short answer.
NOW, the longer answer:

I come with an armed mind. Some people out there are body builders. I understand and respect that. That's fine. Given my situation in life, I preferred mind building. Part of the process, is growing up to certain realities. Growing up means admitting that there really are enemies and genuinely bad people in the world and recognizing just who they are and what they do and are like in their habits, etc. There are the manipulators behind the scenes and they are aided by countless mindless drones who were created for the purpose of tearing down, jeering and destroying their opponents. For all these people spew forth for their usually unseen financiers, true self-consciousness was somehow bypassed. They are often remarkably incapable of any original thought on any important subject. A surprising number, when caught in their deceptions, attempt to escape by suggesting it was all a joke.

In my process, I have come to understand that enemies attempt to literally take control of your mind, your thinking, your decisions, your desires, your dreams, everything. Recent exposures of THEIR surveillance aparat proves this beyond doubt. I have developed and honed my present view of the world (it changes based on awareness of concrete evidence) based on a frank and intellectually incontestable analysis of groups of people. I used the emphasized words precisely: I intend to hold my views (until they are no longer my views) and am willing to defend them against contests from any source.

In other words, in order to suggest that what I say may be tendentious or untrue, you'd have to present incontestable relevant evidence. I said I come with an armed mind. I don't suffer fools gladly: if you are a clown, I will pull a Paul Johnson on you. I'm too old already to be doing this: younger, stronger and better men should appear to take this proposal to the next level. I have already outlived better men, true geniuses. But who cares about any of that these days? “While you were sleeping, THEY came and took that all away.” So instead, everyone is running scared, when they aren't fast asleep.

Meanwhile, while we all sleep, THEY are determining whether to kill us or to make it so difficult to move or make a living that THEY will give you a restricted sustainable income (THEIR money, not yours, of course) and FORCE you into THEIR multicultural cities (crime ridden slums), while THEY own the world. 6 people currently own more than half the rest of the world's population. Understood? So this blog's proposal really IS about YOUR future.

To begin with, about the first thing one throws out is all the usual academic or official bureaucratic attacks on your free speech. You toss out all of THEIR conceits. Sorry you may have paid for, or may still be paying for, a miseducation so terrible that frankly you've been scammed. When it comes right down to it, no matter what anyone else may claim to know, they are no more worthy than you of any more personal admonition or respect, except that they may use FORCE against you. I didn't mention BULLYING although I have mentioned jeering. They usually exert FORCE through control of THEIR money. (Right now we hear that THEIR offered prices for professional political agitators are pretty high. We have known that THEIR offered prices for professional terrorists has been and is pretty high as well).

Discovering the deceits, lies, subterfuges, etc. I no longer accept as true THEIR views. Yes, there is a fundamental social dialectic and always has been, between the ruled and the rulers, but it's not as simple as that. THEY are the people BEHIND the rulers. THEY are so mysterious to most people, seriously, as though THEY were part of some unseen FORCE that could never be contested. It would be like looking behind the forbidden door leading to all that is so evil that it is never spoken of.

Economics? Money and banking? Finance? It's all THEIRS. It is NOT from you therefore it is not of you, it doesn't issue from you, it is not yours. You are allowed to use it and that is all. Oh and ALL precious metals are also THEIRS.

So, all that academic or official economic analysis has to be tossed out as more than mere mental garbage; excess fat if you will. If you don't happen to agree, then I frankly may not even want to know you until your blinders fall off and you see things the way they are, void of all the usual claptrap.

Yeah, I went to college, ok? One of my basic impressions from my experience of “higher” education was spotting claptrap, except that we were often advised to gulp and accept it as necessary. THAT was mostly all of economics, banking and finance. Part of waking up consists in taking all the blinders off and seeing things exactly as they are, not shrouded in a lot of excess deference, respect or superstition.

Growing up and waking up consists in seeing everything as objectively and rationally as possible, as systems, background, all of it rather mechanical in fact and based on medieval, outmoded or archaic ideas. This list includes states, laws (THEY know nothing of law and strive to mold it to preserve the status of slaves and chattel and of course all law is mere FORCE), all schools, churches, synagogues, mosques, temples,  all religion, all politics, all economics, all academics, all of it is polluted by THEIR money and THEIR power structures. Truth is what sifts out of all of it and remains the truth regardless of whose interests are affected. Truth is the ultimate authority. Truth cannot be effaced by lies, slander, misdirection, as eventually as enough data is presented and properly organized and run through the time honored trivium, it remains truth.

If you wake up to discover that you are working for THEM, as I did, and I had my mentor to thank in part, then you quit. You make it a point of personal virtue to refrain from ever considering any occupation where you would work (take time off from the rest of your life to earn barter) for such as THESE with about the same resolve as one renounces sin.

But perchance you do work for any of these; are your services necessarily evil? Of course not. Most public servants, law enforcement and military really are among the best of us. We have reason to assert again that most people are aware enough to recognize and assume SANITY among others they deal with and for the most part seek a life with the REASONABLE EXPECTATION of continuing peace. Most do not presently live in war zones, but there are changes afoot.

Groups are naturally formed around basic natural associations which include family, extended families, nations, races, cultures, cults, traditions. THEY (globalists, bankers, elites) seek to destroy all that by whatever means and replace it with THEIR totalitarian PRIVATE corporate worldwide dictatorship. They'll use mass migrations of peoples to do whatever they want if possible. All THEIR plans and objectives are long since written and available. THEIR publicly stated religion is atheism, but the truth is now being revealed more openly. THEIR religion is called satanism more broadly. It promotes an amoral and unethical projection into the rest of natural human society and rewards its promoters. It is commercial, it always aims to sell, sell, sell, to patronize, pander to and project some exquisite view of possible prosperity to its victims. We have seen this satanic projection among more primitive cultures, in New Guinea, Indonesia and parts of India and the Arab world. It is always a minority but has tremendous power that is often as not associated with THEIR money, beginning with gold and silver.

So people being naturally people, the best thing each group of people could possibly be doing is getting its own act together. It doesn't matter at all, or help at all how anyone outside each group might feel or care about it. But come on now, it does take money. What? THEIR money? No, YOUR money. We have given all of you out there a BASIS for establishing your money. Why is this important? Money is as we've said, a human invention. Anyone could use it. It isn't cultural, and can be adapted to all cultures that we know of. It tends to lift the material living standards of the societies that use it.  Whole barter is what one has when civilizations have vanished and barbarism returns, times when life is for most, "nasty, brutish and short."

I'd like to think that it is possible for people everywhere to ask themselves just how much they complain about in the rest of the world is actually the result of chasing money. All the problems between the races? The police? Money. All the crazy passions set loose over the past year in America Pick a President 2016? Money. All the worldwide pedophile crime syndicate and even worse to be revealed that will sicken the best of you? Money, THEIR stinking money!

The rest of this blog is the long answer. I was not the author, only the messenger. Copernicus and Galileo were observant enough to see the obvious. So was E. C. Riegel and Arthur Kitson and others before him. You really want your Life, Liberty and Property back? You must take back your will and that invariably involves that indispensable human invention; money. Will you continue to be THEIR slave?

David Burton 
Current Hypothetical Value of a Hypothetical Value Unit

[1/24/17: Q: I really suppose that the Left proved themselves to be every bit as authoritarian as the right, except that their attempted overthrow of reality that these people have always dreamed of, so they could do what?  Act like they did at the recent events in DC?  Lily in California

A: Actually and people don't believe this of me, they always think I prefer the right, when I don't.  The GOP began in the 1850's as almost a communist party compared to the post war invention of the present Republican party.  My father was the first Republican in the family and said he did it for business reasons as lots of his clients  were GOP.  But both my grandfathers voted for Roosevelt and my great grandfather actually corresponded with him, which was brought to my attention by an official of a ... government spy organization from which I had inadvertently sought employment.  I could and probably should pen a short story about that interview.  It had the characteristics of a great story, including the lighting of the day, a cold and overcast typical New York City winter day. 

The issue has been equality.  It has been the issue since the end of the 18th century.  But the delusional ideas that we are all equal or in some sense must be FORCED to be is of no benefit to anyone ... except to THEM.  It is no benefit to those who feel wronged.  If you feel that way, honestly, healing begins from within and it doesn't matter what anyone else outside yourself says or thinks or does about you.  It's the time each one of us and each distinctive group of us is to be
getting its own act together

Here's where my recollection goes: it was back in the 1970's and I was a student in Berkeley, California and even in my shocking whiteness, I would walk down into Oakland to the Black Muslim Bakery to buy baked goods because they had the best product!  It was worth the walk and the money!  Now, you tell me what would have happened to that product had it gone big time industrial production?  It would have been destroyed.  Size and service area for each business matters and if the market is there we can and should have sufficient redundancy.  THAT my friends is civilization and a prosperous neighborhood worth living in and being proud of.  Am I getting through to some of you?    Oh, and BTW, it didn't matter AT ALL whether some white student bought from them, what really mattered was that their own people supported them! 

The current directions we all need to pursue are not the euphemism of perfect equality, which is impossible, but by establishing from the ground up the distinctive capabilities of each one of us as individuals and as groups.  Economics, the movement of money, begins with where the money comes from.  If it comes from governments or banks then it is THEIRS and THEY decide.  If it is YOU who issue it, by extension any group, then it is YOU who decides.  Understood?  I certainly hope so.  Peace and prosperity in these coming years to all!]   

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