Wednesday, July 10, 2019

#120: A Conversation with JZ

This entry might have something to do with A Conversation or it might cover other related topics. It began with a conversation I had with someone we'll call JZ, who has decided that blockchain is nifty and the way to go and that Bitcoin in particular is destined to become the new world currency. Yes, the New World Order currency, which is just the Old World Order attempting to survive the tsunami heading its way. So I began in this way ...

Whatever it is, Bitcoin, etc. is just some more of THEIR money to take our attention off of ourselves where the true wealth resides.

Why did I say that? Because wealth, to us must provide an income or it isn't wealth, just stuff, mostly depreciating stuff at that, unless it's perhaps fine art or something in a similar category. Very little stuff actually appreciates in value, rises in price relative to everything else.

But I also reminded JZ that contrary to anything and everything else you might have heard, there is no value outside human will and effort (labor). Anything that has been done or will be done requires human effort or will to accomplish and that's where the income comes in. To those with the greatest marketable skills relative to everyone else goes most of the income. Let's pause for a moment and reflect on the many occupations that do require skills but produce nothing. There are a lot of those in a dying economy, where far too few have far too much of that key tool required to provide a basis for building and making wealth, money. No redistribution scheme using the same money will accomplish anything as history proves again and again. All of the money anyone uses is THEIRS which is why we need our own. We don't even want any more of THEIR money, we do not covet it, because THEIR money will never be suitable to us for a number of reasons that may come to light during this conversation.

So I rhetorically asked, whether I have to educate the entire world how they have been brainwashed? Yes, apparently I do as nobody else seems willing to point out the obvious.

Let's begin with the internet. Yes, you're reading this using it, but the internet belongs to THEM and not to us. Were we to be able to rescue the internet from THEM, it would still be a series of tools that promote a worldwide view of things, when the local, the regional, the state and national affairs are far more important and affect each of us individually far more. So our proposed alternative, parallel monetary system doesn't have anything to do with the internet. It isn't ours, we want our own and we don't need the internet to provide ourselves with what we need. 

I reminded JZ that all the money that we have ever used all of our lives belongs to THEM not to us. The idea that we are self-governing at all is a lie and a myth. It is all based on the bankers dialectic of either their credit or their gold. All the precious metals belong to THEM. THEY control the mines the mints and the markets.

This has nothing to do with anything political. There is no political solution to an issue that deals with free enterprise and what we want to accomplish in our own lives. This issue is about us, you and I and countless millions around the world, billions actually, who presently have no access to the internet and don't want any! I think that bears repeating; there are presently millions out there who hate computers, hate digital technology, have always felt intimidated by it and regard it as an affront to their personal aspirations. The scale turned away from the human to the machine is NOT acceptable to the vast majority and will never be accepted by most worldwide.

But these people certainly know what any paper money represents and how it works. Unfortunately, and it's just about time everyone learn, a monetary system is nothing more than an accounting machine with the tokens representing the tokens in the game of trade.

Each one of you is worth something and in order to get a new monetary system off the ground, each will be given an account with the ability to issue 200 international standard value units (Valuns). Some of you who have retired will be able to issue far more Valuns from the start because these members of society have already contributed more than those who started out and have been short-changed by the present system in any case. We would take care of part of the restoration of their wealth by recognizing their pensions, etc. right back to Valun inception on November 2, 2011. By the time this gets off the ground, enough time will have elapsed since then that some of these members will be able to issue a lot of Valuns. This is where the stores of financing potential spring from.

So, what could you do if you had the resources? What is holding us back? What has been secretly determining the basis of our lives for a long time? It's all THEIR money stupid! That's just a reminder as we're all brainwashed into thinking that the money in our accounts is really ours. It isn't and it says right on all of it to whom it belongs. Is your name Federal Reserve? Thought not.

Entreating others to get into some blockchain monstrosity that nobody wants to use doesn't change a damn thing! What is required is that we get together and get organized, away from all this technology and the internet, none of which we own. we need our own monetary system so that we need not be bothered with THEM, and that's part of the message too. “Come out of her, my people or suffer for her crimes.” 

Suit yourself, but blockchain is nothing new, can't be used by the vast majority and does not eliminate banks or bankers ELSE WHY WOULD THE SPECULATORS BE FORCING THE PRICES OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES UP AND DOWN? .Some of you people need to get some common sense, like those who sponsor Trade Genius or Noble Gold, etc. It's all THEIRS not OURS. We need our own. Nothing else will do. BTW, we have less problem with Noble Gold than Trade Genius. Were this project to get going, we'd expect to be dealing with Noble Gold and any other precious metals dealer to satisfy any of our member's demands for more Valuns based on our requirement that they be paid for in comparable value in gold or silver, the only money of THEIRS that any independent local Valun exchange would accept for our Valuns.

JZ responded:

Yes it does have to do with you not trusting certain politicians because if what you say is true, then you are saying that these politicians are only giving us the "illusion" that we are shaking off the cabal and gaining freedom from global control, which then blends in with all the people who believe these politicians are actually deep state. We don't know a fraction of the plan. Is there such a thing as free energy? Is there such a thing as not relying on an electrical grid vulnerable to attack? What was that WW wave some months ago that traveled the entire world? I choose to trust the plan even though I don't quite understand everything about it. IMHO the last thing we need are groups of people thinking they have a better plan than these politicians.

JZ still imagines that money, our money not THEIRS, has anything to do with politics. It doesn't. It has to do with us, not some government that claims to be ruing us justly or otherwise. A monetary system needs to be easily understood. The Valun is. It has to use technology that everyone knows how to use. Our proposal does that. It has to be non-political because earning a living is not a matter of one's politics and politics should have as little to do with ordinary trade among ourselves as possible.

JZ then thanked me and dismissed me. I'm used to it. So I replied:

Thank-you for not questioning my patriotism. I am still following certain politicians.

Most I have long since discarded as corrupt individuals performing roles on behalf of the real unseen rulers. So I said that I had worked for the Federal Reserve and IBM and know what I know about money and was given my assignment by a mentor, now passed on, who told me that the present monetary system was inherently evil, would not survive and that the people who run it are unspeakably evil and their deeds will be exposed. There is nothing that can be done accept to return to national economies, far more economic redundancy and far smaller units of scale. We either go that way or billions will starve. Frankly weather conditions don't look very good right now.

But here's the real truth, and I am writing it in caps so you get it. When it comes to money, IF YOU OR I DIDN'T ISSUE IT, IT AIN'T OURS! And if it ain't ours, it belongs to someone else who has STOLEN THE RIGHT TO ISSUE MONEY FROM US. Now, follow me: the 1st amendment guarantees freedom of speech, press and assembly as long as we don't advocate sedition or treason. That includes our right to contract, to organize and to print and use our own money. If we don't have that right, as most think we don't right now, then WE ARE THE ECONOMIC SLAVES OF EVERYONE WHO IS ISSUING THEIR MONEY. Wake up! I'm glad you are doing what you are doing. We need our own money back, the colonies issued their own money before the Revolution which led the British to go to war against us to replace it, which THEY did. THEY never expected to lose the American Revolution either. So THEY never gave up until the 3rd time, the Federal Reserve, and THEY still won't, because most Americans didn't know that the Constitution itself was THEIR agreement with us to have THEIR money rule over us, so THEY in Britain, could continue to rule and rob us, and most would never guess. So now, we have cryptocurrencies which use old mainframe software (blockchain isn't new) and are really controlled by the people who invented it deep within the intel / banking establishment, and we are supposed to believe that this is something for us? Sorry I'm not buying any of it because I know the truth. If politicians want to feint that way, I'm sure they know what they're doing, except for money. One in a thousand know what the real basis of money is, and it is not gold or silver.

Well THEIRS may be, but a labor contract under our proposed rules allows a member of our exchanges to issue money. Everything in the proposed system is based on simple contracts. If any contract is too complicated to understand, it's probably crooked.

JZ replies:

Sounds like you had a wise mentor, knew about the cabal and the control they had on our money supply/lives. I wish you could see what I see with this bitcoin. How else can you keep another entity from controlling our money supply unless it's something like bitcoin that "can't" be controlled? 

I used to believe that measurements of money supply meant something until I took a good hard look at depreciation of assets and put it all together. Bitcoin, etc. are all based on the commodity theory of money which says that all money itself is a commodity and that its quantity all by itself figures in price inflation. One reason Riegel stands out is that he saw right through this. If you use a commodity as your universal measure of value then as it becomes scarce, its price rises, as it becomes abundant, it's price falls. That's like trying to build a house with a ruler that changes measurement every day. THAT right there condemns ALL commodities based money to long term demise. Oh? But gold and silver are always around as people hoard it. Sure and if it becomes priceless none of it circulates. So instead we based our proposed money on something that does not change because it has already happened.

A Valun is equal to a thousandth of an ounce of gold bullion at the close of business on 11/2/11. On that date, you could have held an ounce of gold bullion in your hand for $2,160. A thousandth of that is $2.16 which is the Valun at inception. But today, 7/9/19, that same ounce of gold has fallen in price to $1,397.50 spot and our rules say that we're able to bid $1,746.88 to hold an ounce of gold. It turns out that the same unchanged unit of purchasing power is now worth $2.57 in fair trade. That's 19% above inception. We require more gold now to buy the unchanging unit of purchasing power established on 11/2/11.

JZ continues:

No cabal can ever control bitcoin! That's the beauty of it!  

I'm calling instant BS on all of this! OF COURSE Bitcoin, etc. are controlled by some cabal, they were NOT issued by any of us and are stooge stand ins for the real thing which must ultimately spring forth from us. Why is money supply less important? Because not all units of money participate in bidding for every sale, that's why. Economists like to pretend that they know something when often they either don't or are just keeping up the illusion that the present monetary system is sound, sane, fair or natural when it is almost none of these. I assure you, an application of a software technique that started the virtual use of mainframe computers back in the late 60's early 70's is only going to appeal to THEM and believe me, THEY have already figured out how THEY will control and benefit from it, because that's the nature of all commodity based money. The proposed Valun is based on a single transaction that defined a specific unit of unchanged purchasing power at inception on 11/2/11. That's why we call it an international standard value unit, because it is more like a unit of distance measurement that doesn't change, than the changing contents of a pail of water.

JZ prattles on, as if she is trying to convince me otherwise:  

Except our minds have a hard time comprehending that.

NOPE: money is not that complicated. It's a set of accounts with various tokens representing flows in or out of said accounts and that is all! Intrinsic value of the tokens? Says who? Some speculators making plenty of THEIR money on THEIR money without contributing a thing to production of goods or services. Intrinsic value of money is both a lie and a fraud practiced now for many thousands of years. It's about time we did something completely different. But JZ says,

Greenspan & the white hats knew what they wanted. They created a system that cannot fall into "anyone's" hands to be controlled. I think in the early stages [they] might have been able to take it down. But now? It's on auto pilot and nothing can stop it. Nothing...;)

I responded: I'm not about to consider Greenspan a white hat. Nor is it likely that someone dreamed up some better machine to prevent the money supply from being increased. The only purpose for blockchain would be to process transactions anonymously and without possibility of being hacked. But that's why bitcoin exists, to support activities that most of us want stopped. If blockchain networks were sending the proposed international standard value unit or Valun instead of the FAKE SCARCE COMMODITY model represented by Bitcoin etc then it would be a good telecom improvement. But we still don't need it and it doesn't belong to us. Everybody is going to have to face the fact that public corporations and banks are largely irresponsible organizations that care nothing about anybody locally and focus all their attention on the biggest deals they can possibly negotiate. I honestly believe that some politicians are attempting to keep as much of the system alive as they can through a transition that will see the too-big-to-fail organizations either broken up or dissolved entirely. You can use any basis you like, many of these big organizations are bankrupt and will never recover. Meanwhile the real economy that always matters is the local economy, the state economy, the national economy, not international trade. 

Besides all of this, I contend along with E C Riegel that any money that is not issued by a producer is illegitimate. It still works as money, but it is illegitimate. Anything illegitimate is fake and will ultimately fail. When a Valun is issued, it is always based on work. The person who worked wants the barter for their work and issues the Valuns to barter among the community of Valun traders for his needs. 

Parenthetically, another BIG source of confusion concerns settlement of barter. Whole barter is trade without money. If money is used, barter doesn't go away, money splits the barter between buyer and seller allowing for far wider ranges of exchange.

The Valun he issues circulates among Valun accounts until someone pays less for anything than it originally sold for in Valuns and in this depreciation process, Valuns are eliminated from the accounting and are destroyed, gone forever, never to return. That's what happens to all money: it is issued by someone, in our case by a central bank, is spent into the economy by the government and circulates among dollar users until someone pays less for something than it cost brand new, depreciation occurs and those dollars disappear never to return. Depreciation of assets is a natural break against inflation, but since the issuance is illegitimate and so is the spending, great diseconomies to scale always result.  The government does not deserve to be the first time spender in any economy, because no government produces anything we wouldn't better buy from a producer. 

So there's a lot of deliberate disinformation out there. Most economics is bunk. They never really deal with depreciation, their view of money as a scarce commodity only benefits speculators, which explains why cryptocurrencies bounce up and down all the time. The proposed Valun will never fall below $2.16 nor rise above $4.32 and is immune from speculation. The basis of the Valun is a transaction that has already happened that we take the present value of each day. The only people who care about money supply are money lenders.

We could have a gold backed dollar, we had that during the Great Depression and it didn't work. We could substitute a fake commodity like bitcoin and anyone off the internet would be out of luck. We need our own money that we issue and actually belongs to us. We can set up a system using off the shelf open source technology that keeps everything off the internet, which is not ours, and allows us to preserve our privacy, 4th amendment. The government only need know our taxable income so we can pay our taxes, in THEIR money of course, until the income tax is abolished as income taxes are a detriment to wealth and under the progressive tax, penalize the most productive. Getting the government out of the money business is really the only way forward to regain our freedom.

David Burton

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