Friday, December 7, 2018

0: AIM Citizens demand the end of the Federal Reserve

We'll give Douglas Gabriel his due for getting about 90% of it. The remaining 10% is Riegel's contribution, and he stood on shoulders of giants, as nothing is new under the sun. He gets what THEIR money is and skirts actually saying who the core elements of THEY are, but no matter. He get's most of it.

His basic concept of what usury is and why it is evil is lacking the mathematical certainty of saying simply that taking interest on loans of money for the purpose of renting of money is always from money that was never issued, therefore guaranteeing that all THEIR money can never satisfy all THEIR debts in it. This is one reason for promoting the proposed Valun described in this blog.

Another reason is that the “Canaanites” systems are inherently dishonest and most importantly as Douglas Gabriel pointed out, the connection between money and will. What did we describe as directly related to will in our proposal? That in terms of money, fiat and will are the same thing and therefore all money must be fiat or it's commodities masquerading as money, and all THEIR fiat money is bogus since it was not issued by any of us as individual natural persons, but by “temples” whose rules, rulers and gods are not our own. All THEIR fiat money is STOLEN fiat from us. Support the recognition of the Valun: OUR money once and for all

Gabriel's biggest failure is perhaps not being aware of our observation that a monetary system is nothing but a machine of human invention. THEY, the collective enemies of mankind, have STOLEN OUR FIAT regarding this critical human invention we call money. THEY are not entitled to monopolize it, but THEY do. The reason this persists is because it was predicted to do so … until it fails, as it has done numerous times over the last few thousand years and certainly will again.

So we need a monetary machine that expresses our WILL / FIAT in the issuance of our money, designed to be honest and to disallow many practices allowed in THEIRS. Since the core of the monetary machine is accounting, we could have our own system with off the shelf software and common hardware, and the places where the accounting was done would be local. We would be applying certain 80% rules too, such as that 80% of the financial business conducted from funds in a specific area must be applied within that area only. We will no longer stand for various practices that rob localities for the greater enrichment of other localities.

Most people who are awake and aware understand the fundamental problems in today's monetary disorder and seek to build equity wealth and capital in a money that is not one of THEIRS. Gabriel was certainly well informed to second our contention that block-chain cryptocurrencies are certainly not your money and since that is true they are someone else's money that is subject to THEIR speculation schemes.

We point out that the $2.16 of 11/2/2011 by our measurement is now worth $2.77 [12/7/18] and that no matter what happens to THEIR money, in exchange for our proposal, a Valun will never fall below $2.16 and never rise above $4.32 unless the initial transaction at inception were raised as would only happen when gold rises above $2,160 an ounce, to have in our possession. So it wont ever get that close to that high unless gold becomes so abundant that it is practically worthless.

So the Valun cannot be broken by any of THEIR money. We correct the rest by disallowing certain practices entirely. You can't loan money you don't have. You can't charge interest from money that doesn't exist. You can't farm capital out of a local area to fund some scheme elsewhere. Local people, whose money ours would be, would be in charge of their destinies, not THEM.

Land was mentioned and a land registry for every piece of land on earth is part of the monetary machine. We will have one based on Valuns in every area in which we operate. Trades in land using Valuns imply different rules of title being observed.

A tenant is anyone living on or in a property as a renter, who may be paying rent in hope of eventually securing title to the land or property in question. By far the biggest scam, one only faintly hinted at by Gabriel, is that no one who is engaged in paying off a mortgage thinks that their property isn't theirs and that once they pay the mortgage off they may come to discover that they cannot receive actual legal title to the property they believe they paid for because someone else had preferential access to obtain that property from whoever the tenant might be, BY FORCE OR OTHERWISE, at any price THEY decide, not the renter. People in California and elsewhere, please take special notice of all of this.

The point we make to Thomas and Betsy and crowd is this: yes, we know what THEIR money is and from whence it comes, but money is an essential human invention that we must rescue from THEIR eventual destruction and demise. We recognize that nothing of THEIRS can be changed in any way that would not do as Gabriel has indicated, moneyed rat lines et al, but we are considerably annoyed that people bring up the same ideas all the time:

1) Moving the power of the printing press from the Federal Reserve to the US Treasury accomplishes nothing and guarantees taxation forever. Besides which, it's not in the Constitution. In fact the government has no constitutional power to print any debt instruments, which are precisely what all our paper money are, which is why they are literally owned by the Federal Reserve and not the government.

2) The IRS exists solely to guarantee that the interest payments, from money that was never issued, are paid back first, ahead of any principal owed, else (and get this) the bankers would have no money, because though they can lend it out of nothing (stolen fiat) they cannot have or spend any themselves until those taxes flow back into them! ONLY THE MONEY THAT IS ISSUED AND TAXED BACK IS BACKED MONEY.

3) But there is all that money the government spends that is not taxed back. Is that how inflation gets going? In part, but the other element that allows the government to borrow tremendous amounts of money and hence generate fabulous sums for bankers, are expenditures on the military, which are where a lot of fresh money goes to die because nothing that is bought can be sold for what it cost the government to procure it. It's probably just as well because if all that money were set loose through THEIR speculation galleries, stock exchanges, etc. inflation would be far worse than it already is.

4) And finally Gabriel has some of getting paid for doing nothing right. Capitalism is literally that itch with capital to make more on it without work, making money on one's money assumes one has money sufficient that one need not work, therefore only certain people who have more money can ever be capitalists and they must assume they can lose as well as win since as Gabriel says, the game is rigged. So we need our monetary system that disallows limited liability, that disallows preferences by any other means than records of completed contracts, that above all recognizes that our money issues from us, from our individual will and therefore that it is ours, not THEIRS, etc. Thus capitalism, finance which serves an essential service, must be held to some very straightforward rules that will make the playing better and more honest.

The rest is throughout this blog. It's the only thing that any informed person would recognize as what must be done. Our message has been consistent; “come out of HER my people, lest you be associated with HER crimes.” We must rescue a machine that our enemies have no fundamental right to monopolize but by the use of FORCE. We must recognize that our rightful will / fiat has been stolen by THEM (collective enemies of mankind) since before any of us were born. Some things you recognize when you are old enough to see them. Best.

Oh, and as for this blog's official position on the Federal Reserve or its fate? We accept that THEIR money and institutions are THEIRS and we also accept that there is no political solution. We simply don't care. We accept further that at present, THEY can, have and will again utilize governments to FORCE THEIR will (including and especially the use of THEIR stolen fiat money) on us.

Awake and aware people everywhere know that at present the world is under a beast tyranny we have identified as Mystery Babylon, which we maintain came into being at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. It's powers are purposely hidden from public view under layers of secrecy and the higher up in THEIR system one goes, the more incredible the obfuscations become. Babylon is associated with confusion. Babbling may be pleasant when it comes from a brook, but we are referencing the often inane and asinine antics of grown men and women posing as world leaders and have every right to wonder how and why homes, jobs and futures are in process of destruction everywhere, all must serve tribute to some center that draws more and never returns anything.

We are all adrift on an economic Titanic and it has already struck the iceberg. The reason awakened people the world over seek to do business using something other than THEIR money is that they are aware of our situation. Hence the Valun, hence the network of exchanges that must be organized, such is the effort required by each who reads this to help bring it about.

We have always advised everyone to stay out of the stock, bond and futures markets, that they are all rigged, that any excess money not spent to acquire absolute necessities, might best be used to settle old debt and acquire some precious metals, always bullion, not numismatics. Everything boils down to a perceived market for everything and most markets that are made are also rigged by those with the means to rig them. We have never experienced what valuations in money that is not subject to the usual factors influencing inflation would do to markets made by us using our money. We would expect far more stable prices over far longer periods of time.

We would expect that eventually, and in some cases it may take only a few years, inflation in THEIR money will show the difference in prices over time between Valuns and all of THEIRS. Should the price of gold crash, it would mean a strong dollar, but an even stronger Valun as it still matters what the present value of our original transaction in TIME amounts to and a Valun could go as high as $4.32 equivalent purchasing power. Should the price of gold soar, the dollar might be finished, but the Valun would have new initial transaction points set, always higher, never lower, than the previous one, and each time the exchange value of the Valun goes up. There is no way to beat the Valun. 

It is up to us to drive war and poverty from the face of the earth by walking out and away from THEM however and wherever possible until THEIR beast empire system finally fails. At that point, we will have our money and wont need any more of THEIRS. Understood?

Survival and revival of civilization is what this proposal is all about. From the local grass roots on up not as it has always been, from the top on down. Under our system, everyone has value, under THEIRS, THEY may decide that some are of great value while others are of no value. Understood? This proposal is about future survival. 

We also think these might be of interest to our readers:

California Firestorm Revelations from Robert Otey


SES Plan to Destroy America REVEALED

[12/9/18: Q Would you care to elaborate on what the proposal intends concerning a Valun based property registry? Would this be the business of each exchange? Who would be likely to administer this service?

A: The proposal includes a geographical arrangement based on present national and sub-national borders down to the county or similar area in other countries. Each of these would be specifically identified using the proposed IVES system. Within each of these a land registry would be devised by a business involved with dealing in real estate, not the exchange. So, we would presume that this service, a Valun based land title service, would be a B member business operating within the exchange; each exchange would have the opportunity to have a land registry associated with it. This service business would offer its services to its members within the same exchange, or to others who may not reside within the boundaries of the exchange, but may nevertheless desire to deal in Valuns. We thoroughly expect that with certain rules enforced to eliminate both usury (the taking of money from that which was never created) and compounding of interest (usury on steroids), our financing within the proposed Valun exchange network of ven, would be more attractive.

However, we will require certain things before we would accept any land or real estate deals within our proposed ven. Some of them include that all previous liens on the property must be cleared. This obviously includes any mortgages, 2nds, private deeds, notes, etc. All taxes on the property must be paid. Eventually we will want an assessment that certain things are as stated about any property and presented in Valuns. The assessment, plus whatever proposed credit contract, would be presented to the exchange to be circulated to find a funding source. There may be many offering certain rates, terms, etc. competing for the lowest price.

The terms for the debt instruments, standard Valun denominated credit contracts, will resemble names we are used to. A bill is a debt to be settled within a year. A note is a debt out to seven years. A bond is usually out to ten years, but we will allow certain kinds of debt to extend out to forty-nine years, should qualified financing for this length of debt exist.

All rental fees for money lent must be paid up front from existing money. What percentage of the principal a lender may require within the ven is determined by each market in each area served by each exchange.]

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