
Monday, February 4, 2013

#22 Le fait de répondre à quelque chose de Opération Révolution France

4 Février 2013


Quand nous serons 3 millions de signataires dans le monde, nous nous engageons à ne plus payer…


Nous ne voulons plus payer ce système de dettes odieuses privées et publiques qui nous asservit, entraîne des destructions écologiques, lamine les principes démocratiques et les droits sociaux, entretient les communautarismes, provoque les conflits militaires et conduit aux guerres civiles.

Nous ne voulons plus payer ni la corruption des États ni le totalitarisme des marchés boursiers qui répondent à la contestation par la coercition, avec des politiques dites sécuritaires (en réalité de surveillance et de répression policières) et appuyées de discours de plus en plus déshumanisants, ouvertement xénophobes, racistes et fascistes, à travers les bandes armées et les milices mafieuses qu’ils favorisent.

Nous disons NON !…

… Car nous voulons bâtir avec nos propres moyens une société répondant à nos aspirations légitimes, contre les gouvernements à la botte du commerce international.

Dès maintenant nous construisons des solidarités concrètes, nous ré-inventons, découvrons et renforçons des modes d’échanges équitables et horizontaux.


Nous refusons de payer pour les droits inaliénables, qui n’ont par conséquent aucune raison légitime d’être marchandisés et payés.
Nous refusons de payer pour l’accès aux biens communs et aux services publics élémentaires (logement, éducation, santé, communications, culture, transports, eau, chauffage, électricité, etc.).
Nous refusons de payer pour des politiques de grands projets inutiles qui démantèlent les droits sociaux gagnés grâce aux luttes menées par nos aînés.


Nous disons NON pour sortir de l’isolement : OUI nos refus individuels se conjuguent !

Chacun de nous est rejoint par d’autres, ce qui nous conduit à s’organiser et à nous rassembler dans un réseau toujours plus large, plus efficace, dans une intelligence collective.

Nos situations sont différentes, nos raisons de ne plus payer le sont également : certains s’engageront à ne pas payer les transports, d’autres les frais de santé, d’autres les crédits, d’autres les loyers, d’autres un peu tout cela à la fois… avec le soutien de tous ici, et avec le réseau de ceux qui refusent de payer l’inacceptable.


Nous nous passons de leurs logiques de profits injustes et de conflits désastreux. Nous sommes prêts à construire ensemble un autre monde, pacifique, ouvert, responsable.

En signant cette pétition, nous exprimons aussi notre volonté d’être mis en relation avec les signataires proches de nos lieux de vie pour faire cause commune, construire des alternatives et préparer notre refus de payer par un acte de désobéissance civile de masse.

As translated by bing ...


When we get 3 million signatories in the world, we no longer pay...

STOP at the SHAM financial banking we want more pay this odious debts private and public system that enslaves us, causes ecological destruction, lamine [sic] democratic principles and social rights, maintains the communalism [sic], causes the military conflicts and led to civil wars.

Want more pay the corruption of States nor the totalitarianism of the markets that meet the challenge by coercion, with policies tell us safe (in reality, surveillance and police repression) and supported by more dehumanizing speech, openly xenophobic, racist and fascist, through armed gangs and mafia-like militia that they promote.

We say no!... Because we want to build on our own a company meets our legitimate aspirations, against the Governments controlled by international trade.

Now we build concrete solidarity, we re - invent, discover and strengthen trade fair and horizontal modes.

STOP the debt illegitimate signed by our powers CORROMPUS we refuse to pay for the inalienable rights, which have therefore no reason legitimate to be marchandisés and paid.

We refuse to pay for access to common goods and basic public services (housing, education, health, communications, culture, transport, water, heating, electricity, etc.).

We refuse to pay for major projects unnecessary policies that dismantle social rights earned through the struggles carried out by our elders.

Yes to a mutually supportive and cooperative system between all humans we say no to get out of isolation: Yes our individual refusal combine!

Each of us is joined by others, which leads us to organize and to bring together us in a still broader, more effective network in a collective intelligence.

Our situations are different, our reasons for not to pay are: some commit to not pay transportation, other health costs, other credits, other rents, other a little while that both... with the support of everyone here, and with the network of those who refuse to pay the unacceptable.


We spend their logic of unfair profits and disastrous conflict. We are ready to build another world, peaceful, open, responsible.

By signing this petition, we also express our willingness to be put in touch with close signers of our living environments to make common cause, build alternatives and prepare our refusal to pay by an act of mass civil disobedience.

This little message was so loaded, that rather than putting my comments into line with the translation, I gave you the rough translation first. Of course I did not sign their petition and I will explain why.


“WE PAY MORE!” Referring to a decision taken for the people to pay more when they have little and are losing even that.

Quand nous serons 3 millions de signataires dans le monde, nous nous engageons à ne plus payer…

“When we get 3 million signatories in the world, we no longer pay...” Why give them your identities? You do not owe them that. If you decide not to pay then simply refuse to pay, “come out of her, my people” and have no more to do with them. Do it by the millions and their system will fold.



Who will care about the bankers fraud when it is exposed as it will be anyway and millions of people suddenly figure out what has been going on for all of their lives, their father's lives, their grandfather's lives, all just the same, with war for profit into the bargain; our sons are lost while they grow rich? Let nature take its course. Meanwhile build something for yourselves that will outlast and overtake their system. 

Nous ne voulons plus payer ce système de dettes odieuses privées et publiques qui nous asservit, entraîne des destructions écologiques, lamine les principes démocratiques et les droits sociaux, entretient les communautarismes, provoque les conflits militaires et conduit aux guerres civiles.

“We do not want to pay any more [to or into] this system of public and private odious debts which enslaves us, draws away [causes in a derogatory way] environmental destruction, rolls [as if to flip them aside] democratic principles and social rights, maintains communitarianism [collectivism], causes military conflicts and driven to [drives people to] civil wars.” 

It looks like we understand the same factors. 

Nous ne voulons plus payer ni la corruption des États ni le totalitarisme des marchés boursiers qui répondent à la contestation par la coercition, avec des politiques dites sécuritaires (en réalité de surveillance et de répression policières) et appuyées de discours de plus en plus déshumanisants, ouvertement xénophobes, racistes et fascistes, à travers les bandes armées et les milices mafieuses qu’ils favorisent.

“We do not want to pay any more either the corruption of States or the totalitarianism of the stock markets which answer protest by coercion, with security said policies (in reality of surveillance and suppression police) and supported by speeches more and more déshumanisants [dehumanizing, actually applied to the people with this viewpoint], openly xenophobes, racists and fascists, across the armed bands and mafieuses [mafia] militias that they [states or bankers] favour.”

What does the medical practitioner tell you when you are about to get a shot? “Hold still and just relax.” The bankers have the states as their abject debtors who put YOU the people up as collateral for their debts to the bankers in case they could no longer pay the INTEREST on their loans. So the bankers are using their creature, the state (yes, their CORPORATIONS which masquerade as states], and they will be coming for the people to get their hands on their stuff and they expect the police to continue to support them even though the police are being paid in banker money, all created as debt, that will never belong to them, that in fact their rulers could care less about the police who protect them. But certainly they have paid mercenary armies, the mafia militias spoken of. These goons are paid far more than the average police officers. And of course all these people believe themselves to be above the law that affects the rest of us.

Nous disons NON !…

… Car nous voulons bâtir avec nos propres moyens une société répondant à nos aspirations légitimes, contre les gouvernements à la botte du commerce international.

“We say no!...... Because we want to build on our own a company [that] meets our legitimate aspirations, against the Governments controlled by international trade.” 

Whose permission do you need? In fact whose permission do you need to start boycotting their corporations, their stores, their fees and taxes, their rules, their everything? What are they going to do when millions walk out on them and then turn on them to deliver the justice that surely comes to those who have maintained their positions in society through lies, cheating and stealing, going back now many hundreds of years? Oh yes, we are certain that as events in Iceland proved, when the people finally say they've had enough and do something, things happen the way the people want. Remember I said in a previous post that when one looks back over the 20th century, the wars needed those who would willingly go to war and fight against people who they didn't even know personally, those who were in all likelihood their closer blood relatives, etc. etc. But force them to make the first violent move, else there could be disaster.

Dès maintenant nous construisons des solidarités concrètes, nous ré-inventons, découvrons et renforçons des modes d’échanges équitables et horizontaux.


“Now we build concrete solidarity, we re-invent, discover and strengthen trade fair [fair trade] and horizontal modes. ILLEGITIMATE DEBT SIGNED BY OUR CORRUPT POWERS, STOPS.” 

You could stop it all, but then what would you have? You must build that concrete solidarity yourselves without expecting anything new or better from those who have only practised lies, cheating, stealing and deception for many hundreds of years now, so they are very good at all of it. The proposed solution is the Value Exchange Network (the VEN) made up of probably eventually thousands of local “horizontal” Independent Exchanges (IEs) scattered throughout the world. It's not that free and fair trade cannot be had, it's that it has never been in the right hands to begin with. Technology being what it was, this may have been the best that could have been hoped for, but certainly now we could all do better. Again, decide to “come out of her, my people” and begin to start talking among yourselves about making a fresh start by building something yourselves. 

Nous refusons de payer pour les droits inaliénables, qui n’ont par conséquent aucune raison légitime d’être marchandisés et payés.

Nous refusons de payer pour l’accès aux biens communs et aux services publics élémentaires (logement, éducation, santé, communications, culture, transports, eau, chauffage, électricité, etc.). Nous refusons de payer pour des politiques de grands projets inutiles qui démantèlent les droits sociaux gagnés grâce aux luttes menées par nos aînés.


“We refuse to pay for inalienable rights, as a result with no reason legitimate to be marchandisés and to pay. We refuse to pay for the access to common property and to basic utility (accommodation, education, health, communications, culture, transport, water, heating, electricity, etc).

We refuse to pay for policies of big useless plans which dismantle social rights earned thanks to conflicts led by our elders.


The word marchandisés is related to the word marchand which is trader. It is close to the English word merchandise which is to be used by a merchant, a trader, and in this case to turn people into things that can be traded or perhaps discarded if they have no more commercial value. This is the traditional way all those way above our heads view us. But let's take a look at what this activist thinks is inalienable and we'll recognize something else.

We have said that inalienable rights rest with each individual human being and that they extend to life, liberty and property. We earlier heard this same activist claim that communautarismes communitarianism, which let's face it folks is just the same as collectivism, communism, etc. is an evil, but somehow these common properties and basic utilities are or include (accommodation, education, health, communications, culture, transport, water, heating, electricity, etc). Well, come on folks, which would you rather have, since you can't have both, either some “common property” that no one takes care of anyway because it doesn't belong to anybody, or the money you need (as a real inalienable right, since it stems directly from YOU) to buy subsistence in a monetary system (the Value Unit rather than the dollar, euro, etc.) that allows you to rise to buy and own properties that can and would be your own? In fact you might look closer at some of these “common properties” and ask yourselves what they are really worth, especially education.

Then we have this remarkable statement: We refuse to pay for policies of big useless plans which dismantle social rights earned thanks to conflicts led by our elders. Yes, yes; big useless plans. What could those be? Might those be some “holier than thou” activities carried on by all those “really smart” people who went to those “special schools” and have all those swell jobs up in Paris, while the petits Bernard et Claudine dans le pays, can jolly well conform or ... go off somewhere and die quietly and not disturb their big useless plans. Attention, mes amis, those plans had nothing to do with you except to turn you into a thing, something to be treated like cattle and milked just the same and disposed of when your usefulness TO THEM was at its end. So that was and is their goal. Problem is, for them. There's far more of us than them.

Nous disons NON pour sortir de l’isolement : OUI nos refus individuels se conjuguent !

Chacun de nous est rejoint par d’autres, ce qui nous conduit à s’organiser et à nous rassembler dans un réseau toujours plus large, plus efficace, dans une intelligence collective.

We say no to get out of isolation: Yes our individual refusal combine! Each of us is joined by others, which leads us to organize and to bring us together in a still broader, more effective network in a collective intelligence.

Well, collective intelligence may be preferable to collective stupidity.  

Nos situations sont différentes, nos raisons de ne plus payer le sont également : certains s’engageront à ne pas payer les transports, d’autres les frais de santé, d’autres les crédits, d’autres les loyers, d’autres un peu tout cela à la fois… avec le soutien de tous ici, et avec le réseau de ceux qui refusent de payer l’inacceptable.


Our situations are different, our reasons for not [refusing] to pay are: some commit to not pay transportation, other health costs, other credits, other rents, other a little while that both... with the support of everyone here, and with the network of those who refuse to pay the unacceptable.


Yes, but the question is one of authority; theirs. Do they need you? They need you to pay them, to keep up their jobs, their lives, their plans, etc. Otherwise as far as they are concerned, you might as well ... go off somewhere and die quietly. Stand up then and really admit that you don't need anything from them, that you are prepared to get together to make sure that each one of your inalienable rights; life, liberty and property is not taken from you by FORCE. Otherwise you are exactly as they say you are, nothing better than cattle to be milked and slaughtered at their command. There's no idea like the VEN that can solve the problem and begin to turn things around on them. 

Nous nous passons de leurs logiques de profits injustes et de conflits désastreux. Nous sommes prêts à construire ensemble un autre monde, pacifique, ouvert, responsable.

En signant cette pétition, nous exprimons aussi notre volonté d’être mis en relation avec les signataires proches de nos lieux de vie pour faire cause commune, construire des alternatives et préparer notre refus de payer par un acte de désobéissance civile de masse.

We spend their logic of unfair profits and disastrous conflict. We are ready to build another world, peaceful, open, responsible. By signing this petition, we also express our willingness to be put in touch with close signers of our living environments to make common cause, build alternatives and prepare our refusal to pay by an act of mass civil disobedience.

Well, OK, but it really promises nothing. because they hold all the important strings, making you one of their slaves or puppets. Better to leave them and start building your own thing. Then if they object or try and shut you down by FORCE, you will know then with whom you are dealing. Meanwhile, why show your cards? Why sign anything that can and will be used against you in the future? Start thinking about the VEN instead. There will be much more soon that will give you an idea of what this alternative monetary system looks like and how and why it works. Build a better future for yourselves and your children instead of losing life, liberty and property in direct clashes with their hired goons. E. C. Riegel said that political activism was a waste of your time and energy. He was right. All that political structure that you see does not and cannot ever belong to you because the state is the debtor of the banks. It's their money, not yours and it's their government, not yours. It's time to wake up to these realities and dare to do something else.

David Burton

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