
Thursday, April 18, 2019

#118 Significance of Tony Robbins' 2012 analysis

2012 US Budget Spending with Tony Robbins

The other day, I went to the post office and saw another buy 10 first class stamps for $5.50 or $.55 apiece and happened to recall when five cents would have sent a first class letter anywhere in the country and I saw one more instance of inflation. Then tonight, my sister showed me this Tony Robbins video. Now, say what you like about Robbins, but his clear analysis of our present monetary situation indicates exactly what E C Riegel identified as the cause of inflation; unbacked government spending, watering down the purchasing power of each successive dollar. And it doesn't work any differently in any other modern country that has adopted the central bank STOLEN fiat model for issuing money. We can count on endless taxes and endless public debt. We have already indicated that approximately 97% of all financial assets rests in the hands of perhaps 2% of the people. We guarantee you that none of these people ever has to work a day in their lives. They live from making money on money without work, which we have identified as capitalism. E. C. Riegel identified free PRIVATE enterprise as the goal to be served, else he would have called one of his books Capitalist Money instead.  They are NOT the same things at all.   THEY (the usual scoundrels) needed something to ensure that THEY would always remain in control, so THEY invented socialism, always the state variety, and it has been used ever since as a consolation prize to the people in return for the capitalistic gobbling up of businesses, inventions and resources into ever larger corporations which have long since ceased to be efficient to scale operations – lots of dead weight – and have become “too big to fail” because if and when they do fail, there will be hell to pay.

This blog's answer is simple; NONE of THEIR money is OUR money and therefore we need our own. You may have been searching for the answer, and this is it.  We begin with a standard of value measurement that does not change because it has already happened. It happened at the close of business on November 2, 2011 (11-2-2011) when one could purchase an ounce of gold bullion for $2,160. We divide that by a thousand and we arrive at $2.16 for each of our international standard value units or Valuns, just what Riegel called them.  No Valun will ever trade for less than $2.16.

We determine what the present value of a Valun is by determining what the current close of gold happens to be and we get $2.73 today (4/18/19) for that same unit of purchasing power. That's 26% above Valun inception. What happens should the price of gold fall? The Valun will go up in value. As the price of gold rises, it may rise above $2,160 an ounce. Then a new inception value, higher than the last, never lower, is adopted and all Valuns in existence at that time rise in value. We simply wont take less for one than we demand, based on our design. All commodities speculation stays outside our monetary system and is only allowed to take consideration when we are determining what prices should be in Valuns for something comparable in any of THEIR money.

We have further determined to rid our monetary system of some of THEIR oldest tricks to steal purchasing power from everyone else. We demand that all rent for money be paid up front. Can you imagine taking possession of a place to live without paying the rent up front? So it shall be for all money in our system. Nobody gets to loan money they don't have, so that eliminates all fractional reserve lending. Nobody gets to charge rent on rent for money either, as is done in all compounding of interest schemes. It is bad enough that THEIR system always demands back money that was never issued. This guarantees a built in scarcity and opens all businesses to the liability of a "musical chairs" economy and economics.

The Valun eliminates all of this and earning them will provide an adequate savings base for building our own businesses and eventually the purchase of all hard assets. We are pledged to provide our own land registry to be handled in Valuns. Eventually, the professionals we attract will begin to expose the terrific fraud of THEIR land registries. We will want to know in detail exactly who owns the land and resources in all of our countries and if it isn't we the people, then we will have recourse to means outside the purview of this blog's proposal to consider. Presumably we will all begin to understand better the terrific grip that THEY hold upon us in every conceivable way.
The road ahead has always been the same. It will take WILL to accomplish this. IVES, the proposed international Valun exchange society, comes first. It will be a simple, for profit, subject to local taxation, organization, in which each member has a vote as an owner. It's job is to sponsor the formation of franchise organizations that take care of local accounting - not in any way connected to the internet - for each geographical area covered. Will any of our exchanges ever seek to use blockchain?  Not in the way the cryptocurrencies work.  For secure packet transactions between exchanges?  Perhaps, but ALL the accounting still rests on the local hardcopy and equipment at each location.  Privacy is our first responsibility in accordance with the 4th amendment of the United States Constitution.  Each local exchange will be a simple for profit, tax paying, organization in which each of its A members is an owner. IVES will also determine the daily rates of exchange for the Valun, not just in dollars, but eventually in any and all of THEIR money. 

What everyone wants is a return to cash instruments freely and anonymously exchanged. Our V-Checks provide this and the number of them, their variety of design, etc will defy easy counterfeiting. And yes, they may resemble what used to be known as traveler's checks.  All of them will identify back to the member cash accounts of each exchange, so the money is always in accounts and the accounting for transfers is done locally while maintaining a single worldwide ledger for all member transactions.  [7/15/19: These cash accounts belong to the members of each exchange not to the business entity each exchange will represent.  Each business always has its own asset cash account, separately from all other business and subject to the rules and laws defining each kind of business entity.  The transaction fees would flow into each exchange's own cash account, not into the member owned cash account each exchange will maintain, with oversight when required by IVES.]

We start with each A member, a natural person 18 years or older with legal right of domicile and two other A member sponsors. Each A member pays a V1 per year dues (in THEIR money, until THEIRS is no more) and is given an account with V200 in it. We have described how issuance is separated from income so that local taxes can be determined. All taxes must of course be paid in THEIR money. This is not a tax dodge.

Purchase of Valuns will be allowed A members only, no B member business may purchase Valuns because no B member business can issue Valuns. When an A member brings in money to buy Valuns, it shall be understood that this money has already been taxed. No exchange will have anything to do with a member's tax delinquency and will submit the required forms indicating the taxes owed on all income from Valuns. This is not a tax dodge.

Further, no Valun will be sold for any of THEIR money except precious metals because this is not a money laundry. For instance someone may buy Valuns knowing that the price of gold will fall, and were we to allow it, once the Valun reached a new high, would cash out his Valuns for some of THEIR money. This is not a money laundry. We will not be able to maintain funds in THEIR money to cover any such eventualities. The Valun is intended to serve as the rock bottom of all the money in existence; once THEIRS fails, ours will be the only one left. Understood?

Robbins has given adequate proof whether he knew it or not, for exactly why we need our own money going forward. But something else seems to be required and it has nothing to do with money as a human invention enabling us to split our barter, since barter never goes away. It is this, that every economy requires the interaction of people, that it is not we as separate entities that matters as much as our recognition of others' talents, others' gifts, others' contributions, that make an economy, a society, a civilization. There has to be HEART for all of it in each and every future member of what actually becomes the missing half of the tremendous awakening taking place around the world. For none of us needs to be poor, none of us needs the constant threat of war, none of us need starve to death either, for lack of THEIR money. Please read the rest of this blog. It presents a compendium to understand the depth and breadth of this proposal. Separately, it is difficult to continue anything that requires many many people to accomplish. The exchange of time, talent, energies, everything, involves money. We are nearly done with THEIRS and THEM. Why should we EVER again accept that THEY can do for us what we should have been doing for ourselves all along? Because we have been fooled for a very very long time. But eventually it will be impossible to fool all of the people all of the time. Best.

David Burton

Friday, April 12, 2019

#0: Gold DOUBLED in price for the central banks AIM

This report should be a wake up call to all so called "hard money" advocates.  This report tells you a few more things about precious metals and what goes on behind the scenes with them.  Of course Thomas and Betsy haven't made the ultimate leap that we have, NONE of the precious metals are OUR money.  Silver and gold are THEIR money, two of THEIR oldest brands.  As for ALL fiat currency, that's all STOLEN FIAT currency to us, since no bank or government has any legitimate right to issue money.  ALL of it is frankly illegitimate.  In a day when so many FAKE institutions are falling and people's perceptions are changing and once changed they cannot be changed back, THE most importabnt perceptual change concerns money, that NONE of it is ours and ALL of it, including precious metals and certainly cryptocurrencies, are all ILLEGITIMATE as money because of WHO ISSUED IT and hence to WHOM debt is owed.  It's all a giant FRAUD and that's the primary reason this blog continues.  The only way out is OUR way.  If WE as members of our local exchanges do not issue our Valuns, THEY will crash THEIR latest brands of money and demand that we use another of THEIR brands.  Anything as long as THEY remain in control.  Getting it yet?  Understood?  This should be one of the strongest wake-up calls you will ever get.  So, we need our own money and ours is better than ANY of THEIRS, so let's get busy and organize this alternative.  If not, remain slaves.  It's as simple as that.      

Thursday, April 4, 2019

0: Time to end the Federal Reserve and British Warlord Bankers by Douglas Gabriel

More information vital to an understanding of where we are and how we got here.  If you really want to know, in common parlance, how deep the rabbit hole goes, continue here: God or mammon? You can't serve both.  

Now, we also think it wise to recall what St Paul told St. Timothy, that the LOVE of money was the root of all evil.  NOT money itself which is just a human invention intended to save us time and energy by splitting our barter for us.  The LOVE of money for itself rests with what we have emphatically and specifically defined as capitalism, what is strictly speaking the making of money on money without work.  And contrary to common propaganda, capitalism and free PRIVATE enterprise are NOT identical.  In fact capitalism is the natural enemy and rival of free PRIVATE enterprise.  THAT is one of the chief problems with the present monetary order.

Now capitalism has some necessary contributions to make to an economy.  Unfortunately when these get going to the point of diminishing returns to scale and situations where "build it and they will come" ideas cost untold amounts of money what happens to all this money when the assets it purchased are no longer worth anything close to what they originally cost?  That money is gone forever, never to return.  The "commodity as money" gang that believe in the usual standard economics never take this obvious reality into any of their plans, because they have this weird idea that money tokens in what is essentially an accounting machine, must have some intrinsic value.  And who determines what THAT intrinsic value is?  That's right, some speculators in far away cities who control and operate that market for their own profit, not yours.  That's true of silver, gold and all cryptocurrencies.  Still want to monkey around with something that's based on fraudulent economic reality?  Be my guest.  But millions of us the world over will NEVER accept such solutions.

Who is behind all of it?  The same people who invented state socialism to sell to the poor downtrodden by THEM "masses" - never people like THEM, mind you - as a CYNICAL consolation prize for not being able to be as good capitalists as THEM.  Something THEY never teach you in any of THEIR schools is that THEY are predators upon society and you.  Why would THEY tell you that?  It's not that some of Marx' allegations against capitalists weren't in some sense true, it's that the solution, communism, which is really all any socialism is, was a solution devised by the same people that invented capitalism!  Marx himself was a paid British agent.  So any Lefties out there with an idea that their solutions are to overthrow the oppressors are falling for what was invented by the oppressors, the killers in fact.  The curtains are springing open more widely all the time so more people can see the ultimate connections that lead back to the same evil places and evil people where money of and for itself is truly LOVED by THEM.

The clarity you seek always begins with acceptance of better terms, like sharpening your mental equipment:

Work - time out of your life devoted to earning money.
Capitalism - the making of money on money without work.
Socialism - always the state variety that is emphatically run by and for THEM with genocidal purposes and agendas in mind through THEIR transnational or supranational non-governmental organizations, etc.
Nationalism - that a country has a right to exist to establish its own society based on a unity of language, religion and culture; what THEY hate.
Populism - that the average person should not be held down or prevented from exercising his/her natural right to free PRIVATE enterprise by some elite with special interests above the average person; also what THEY hate.

Now in closing, we also remind our readers that there is no political solution to matters of money or economics since the only reason governments and bankers have power over us is through THEIR money, which as more of the world is waking to understand, is a PRIVATE monopoly intended only to serve the greed and avarice (are they the same thing?) of those that run it.  Yes, THEY run THEIR money as a gigantic machine intended to get all the world in debt to THEM so that THEY control the destinies of everyone else ... until THEY don't.

We have not known enough to make what this blog proposes happen.  No government should be issuing any money, period.  That's a sure way to ensure endless government spending and taxation.  No bank should be issuing money because the only money THEY get back in return is the interest THEY collect, which is all from uncreated money.  That's why, though you can get commodity price inflation, there is never enough money to repay all debts all at once in the system where money is issued in this way.

So We the People, NOT through our government, but by mutual association, must determine to make our own money that we truly issue and own, a reality.  Because sooner or later, because it has happened before, THEIR Ponzi-scheme, bloodsoaked, military-industrial complex linked, death culture sponsored money, that was never ours in the first place, will fail.  And when it does, after millions of people's savings and everything else based on that money are ruined, what will THEY do?  Turn around and offer the people some more of THEIR money operating just the same way except now it will be gold based or silver based or blockchain based or something else that nobody wants.

What people really want is a cash instrument.  Our proposal brings that back.  Most people want their money to retain its value.  We have achieved that with this proposal.  All we require is a little of THEIR money to get started and a good deal of personal and social will.  Would you rather crawl into another hole and just accept the worst as if you can't do anything about it?  Perhaps you can't.  Perhaps you can walk away, gradually at least from THEIRS until we have ours.  Once it gets going, its favor will spread.  The proposed international standard value unit or Valun is designed to beat anything THEY have to offer long term as a standard for money.  Best

Monday, April 1, 2019

#0: Britishgate and the Privy Council EXPOSED by Douglas Gabriel

 Britishgate and the Privy Council EXPOSED by Douglas Gabriel

 Britain may or may not be America's friend.  Those who take this blog's proposal seriously wont care because anyone who knows this much knows far more and would have to know what one of my very well placed friends knew.  He was English too.  He told me in 2009 that if I ever intended in helping my fellow man, that I would have to find a replacement for what we use as money.  He gave me th8is assignment before I knew anything about E. C. Riegel.  

Those who have followed this blog know for instance that any money that is not based on monetizing the innate wealth of each individual natural person is fraudulent.  That rules out ANY and ALL commodities masquerading as money.  We have a place for gold and silver in our proposal.  If you believe your gold and silver have actual intrinsic value, we'll accept them AND NOTHING ELSE as payment for any of OUR money and oh yes it will be on OUR terms of value, not yours, er or THEIRS, since you don't know what your metals are worth without THEM telling you so.  Today it's $1,300 of THEIR dollars while tomorrow, for no better reason than to prop up some banks, it becomes only $32 an oz and you can't even legally own any.    Therefore of course, ALL precious metals are THEIR money not yours.  Cryptocurrencies?  Same deal.  Blockchain, shomckchain.  It's not new, it wasn't invented by some shy genius in Asia, it was and is a deep state creation intended to keep you enslaved to THEM.  If you didn't issue it, it isn't yours.

So meanwhile, here Gabriel is bringing some of it up to date.  He's leaving quite a bit out too, but he's got the basic outline.  More to come, I'm sure.  Be seeing you.     

#0: The Venetian Takeover of British Banking by Douglas Gabriel

The Venetian Takeover of British Banking by Douglas Gabriel

Continuing his series, Gabriel presents part of the puzzle here. The other parts are supplied by sources that came to Britain from other parts of Europe before the critical 17th century, when the British monarchy was re-seated and the Bank of England established.

As we have said, there is nothing presented here that is new, it is just well expressed and encapsulated for easier understanding of the facts of our lives. The piece by Webster Tarpley that accompanies this video is here. Tarpley has come under criticism for his support of various political camps in the past. We don't care, either he is correct or he is in error. We expect you to make up your own mind. Facts are facts, whether Tarpley says so or anyone else. Since the material is highly relevant to the purpose of this blog, we will continue to post these lessons here as contemporary testimony to a growing awareness and awakening worldwide.

Of course we recommend The Babylonian Woe by David Astle as basic reading and this work still remains on our list of must reads. Best.