
Monday, June 4, 2018

#0: They Are DESPERATE To Keep The TRUTH Hidden

In this title, who are "they" being spoken of?  Those few who have paid any attention to this blog know exactly who THEY are AND you would be among those who KNOW that THERE IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION possible because of THEIR control of the MONEY which is more than the tokens used.  The entire money invention includes "the books" the ACCOUNTING.  EVEN CRIMINAL GANGS USE ACCOUNTANTS.  Why?  Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to have money without accounting.  

But our first lesson of observation is that none of the money anyone knows of is ours.  Especially when it all says exactly to whom it belongs.  So ALL the money you know of is THEIRS not yours or mine because WE DID NOT ISSUE IT. To get us upset over taxes, when NONE OF THE MONEY IS ACTUALLY OURS is a HUGE political gimmick.  To suppose anything idealistic or whimsical other than the absolute truth is frankly ... not very smart.  So we can continue to DOUBT the soundness of THE SYSTEM, etc.  THEIR system kills people because to THEM, we are all fit to be THEIR prey.

Over the weekend I met a man who insisted that all this "new" stuff - like the internet and social media - wasn't really all that new or unforeseen for what it is; it was all predicted - a spy and manipulation tool, and of course eventually there would be some kind of END to all of it and nothing but basic skills and raw talent would do as regards assessment of value for time and production.  Money DOES NOT eliminate barter, it splits it, ACCOUNTS FOR IT.  Barter never goes away.  

We discussed many things regarding the current state of the populace at this time, how many are functionally illiterate (most can barely even count) and yet there would be work for them to earn a living if the wealth destroying technologies weren't everywhere intended to continue the current obvious and apparent slavery.   He suggested that most who would most like to know of this alternative would never bother to get on line or read any blog.  So perhaps before too long I will have to raise funds to publish yet another book on the proposal.  It would have to be far shorter and smaller than what this blog contains.  It would be good to hear from a few more people out there concerning the idea of taking a basic idea off line where it could do more good.

Meanwhile we have situations where the EVIL deeds of THEM and THEIR savage baby minions are being exposed.  THEY cannot win and THEIR money will all fail because it is based on FRAUD.  But meanwhile we have the greatest human invention in the hands of our enemies.  It is NOT up to THEM to change anything, it is up to US to do things for ourselves!  

When we begin to want to be paid in our own money as well as THEIRS (because taxes are paid in THEIR money) then we have made an important promise to ourselves and our families, friends and neighbors.  Waiting to hear from more of you.