
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

#57.13: Perspective - Correcting the Underlying Frauds

A very basic design for an obverse side of a V1/2 or V1 V-Check
Again, so as not to clutter the pages too much, THEY are the usual suspects, the enemies of mankind (male and female) and are roughly listed as globalists, bankers, elites, technocrats, pedophiles, satanists, scribes, Pharisees, etc. Notice we did not include governments, as we regard them as the chief prisoners of THEIR system; THEIR lowest risk, best credit customers.

What is THEIR goal? To take over the world, place it under THEIR private rule -no voting anymore, just sit back and relax and let THEM take care of it- to purge most of the rest of us from an earth THEY will claim to own. What's THEIR chief weapon? It's right there in your pockets, your wallets, your bank accounts, those pieces of paper with numbers and heads of dead presidents on them, etc. You and I did not issue that money, none of it is truly ours, but we are required to use it; all taxes and any other obligations contracted in it must be paid in it.

We have been asked over the years a number of questions which all boil down to asking what's wrong with THEIR money? Why can't THEIR system be fixed? etc.

We'll begin this discussion with some fundamentally flawed assumptions:

1) That all money must be issued by a bank as a loan at interest is perhaps the most basic poor assumption; neither a bank nor a government per se has any more right than you or I to be doing what they do. Let's say that $100 is borrowed at 10% interest, just to keep it simple. The bank issued you $100 but demands you pay back $110. The $100 was added to the money supply, but the $10 interest was not. Those paying debts must come up with the extra money by any means and always against the interests of their friends and neighbors and the rest of society that trades in that money.

The result is a widely felt social alienation -part of it deliberately encouraged and further milked for more profits from suffering THEY caused- and it is felt subconsciously because we are all aware of the frauds operating in our lives but we cleverly devise ways and means to keep the objective truth at bay just to survive. It is after all possible to break any human mind. We can only take so much. How we unconsciously feel about money is all related to this too. Just multiply this a few hundred billion times and you have the current frankly ghastly situation with THEIR system; money representing debt on debt eventually squeezes any economy to the breaking point. What's the breaking point? Either, “I have no money to pay you” or “I will no longer accept your money.”

Where this fully comes into view is when we consider who initially borrows the money to place into circulation and collect it back in taxes: the government is the biggest debt slave of the bank loaning it money. It too has to pay the interest and guess who is required to pay that back before any principal borrowed can ever be repaid? That's right, the taxpayers. Meanwhile nearly every taxpayer idiotically parrots the same wrong slogan that government spending is taxpayer's money when in fact it says right on it to whom it belongs, so who's the idiot? Time to get oneself better informed and stop being an idiot; all the money in existence with very few exceptions is THEIR money, not yours or mine.

You know what one of the oldest and dumbest con games in the world is? That some LIAR with a bogus message who has a bunch of phony credentials in front of or behind their names contributes anything more meaningful, authoritative or honest to any discussion than the plain truth. We try not to play those kinds of games on this blog. For instance, we don't give a rat's ass about what ANY economist has to say about anything, except about THEIR system, institutions, currencies, etc. People with economics PhDs may know plenty about THEIR system (and I do like and respect a few of them), but THEIR economics is not what's required to raise the people's expectations into the future for the billions who want better lives for themselves and others. Recall that we pointed out how disgusted we are that so many refer to the people as “the masses.” People, natural people not the phony corporate kind, have value and any object that is of value to people is determined by people, not by mere objects including any and all machines.

Guess what? We can't do anything about THEIR system. Politics is not only a waste of time and energy, it's largely irrelevant. So is most economics. Politicians; what have any of them ever really done for humanity that humanity couldn't have far better done for themselves? What was required and without which actually prevented useful and corrective efforts? Money! Even the present moves to correct what may be beyond repair in the present system fail to address the basic issues concerning money.

We don't advocate doing anything at all about any part of THEIR system. Let it run down until it can't run anymore. We can't do anything to save it, we wont bother and it wouldn't help anyone for trying when what we actually need is our own money as a natural extension of ourselves. Our own individual private will or FIAT matters, because if it doesn't matter then it proves we live under a tyranny. Once a tyranny is exposed and unmasked, one no longer participates in it or openly seeks a way out of it.

2) E. C. Riegel claimed that the source of price inflation was not bank loaned money but government issued money that was not taxed back into the Treasury and spent the next time. A dollar taxed back into the Treasury is a backed dollar, one that never comes back is an unbacked dollar. In order for the government not to contribute to inflation, it would have to tax back every last dime it spent and within every year. You obviously couldn't run an economy that way. So how much political action is ever likely to settle this issue? Forget about it! Do not expect a back seat passenger to be able to affect very much about the way a car he's riding in is being driven. It's the driver's car or maybe the driver is only being paid to drive someone else's car in which the backseat passenger is merely in the car for the ride. You see what we're saying here? All national currencies (all issued by STOLEN fiat) created in this way naturally inflate. They buy less and less, they depreciate, their purchasing power shrinks. Government spending over taxation causes inflation and eventually a Weimar meltdown as is happening in places like Venezuela. THEY and elements of THEIR media cry that it is socialism that ruined Venezuela's finances. No, it was government spending over taxation that did it. Whatever the money was spent on by the government, since it was not taxed back sufficiently and spent back into Venezuelan society, prices there eventually rose so high that no pile of their money could buy it.

There would be no way of correcting this by going on some gold or silver standard either. Why? Because the bankers control precious metals and have for far longer than the paper credit instrument money we're used to using or lately the swipe cards. All of it is THEIRS to keep ever greater tabs on us, to make sure those taxes are paid on as much as possible to keep paying them the interest from supplies of money THEY know to be artificially scarce.

Now we have cryptocurrencies, “thin air” being wagered on like the hottest 17th century Dutch tulip bulbs. And the people selling this fraud have no clue what money is or how it must behave in order to satisfy the demand for commerce where it is needed most; among the lowest tiers of society. THEY assume so much, as that the borderline illiterates in society don't deserve any monetary consideration at all, etc. “Take away their cash, let them eat cake!” is THEIR attitude. To this we respond, “People have value, not things!” Therefore, the money the people actually issue themselves shall have an ENFORCED exchange rate with all THEIR money. There wont be any speculation on the Valun allowed. Anyone trying anything like that deserves to be thrown out of our system maybe not forever, but for perhaps a very long time. Why? It is a matter of breaking trust with the rest of us that's the issue. Forgiveness? That's what's wrong with society; the unforgivable is forgiven. A predator can't be forgiven as he has no intention of being anything other than a predator. Why can't people get certain things through their heads? Brainwashing, I know. Certain things, we simply wont tolerate, after all this is to be a PRIVATE enterprise venture NOT open to the general public per se.

Bank loaned money enters the money supply (expands it) and leaves it (deflates it) with repayment of the loan. The interest repaid sucks money that belonged to someone else out of the money supply, since it was never issued and hence someone must invariably go bankrupt; musical chairs economics. Sometimes it takes a long time, but eventually, it's how all these Ponzi like schemes crash. Oh, and in the process everything belongs to fewer and fewer people who can and will care far less about maintaining any of it. Think along the lines of what the USSR began to look life and stayed that way for 70 years.

Typical STUPID economic thinking is to assume that the fiat money economies crashed because they used fiat money, therefore all fiat money must be bad. NO, STUPID. You've fallen straight into THEIR trap. ALL that fiat money was issued for those who got the right of first purchase in the economies; the governments. Both the right to issue money by fiat and the right of first purchase were assumed and or stolen from us by the banks and governments. THEY have been waiting for “sweetness and light” innocent little tykes like you to assume that some chunks of rare metal THEY also control will somehow save the day.

Precious metals as preservation of wealth? Where's the income stream? There isn't any. Even some stinking dividend paying common stock at least pays something in return for holding it even if it's measured in THEIR inflating money. All wealth must produce income or it ain't wealth. Nevertheless buy and actually hold some of those precious metals. At least they are tangible things -and they will buy Valuns. None of the rest of THEIR money is worth fooling with as it represents debt instruments (notes) of THEIR businesses as defined by THEIR intellectual property law. Hence, buy none of THEIR equities or debt instruments as you are leaving THEIR sinking Titanic, not attempting to make money on THEIR money without working while the ship sinks. Same goes for any and all cryptocurrencies; stay away from them.

Money holding its value? THAT is purely a matter of the exchange with all THEIR money and the proposal solves that. We decide, not THEM. Our organizations begin with IVES, the proposed International Valun Exchange Society, that with a very simple spreadsheet, will calculate each day the present value of the transaction representing the Valun and transmit that information to all the exchanges in the system. Right now, V1.00 = $2.68 (2/27/18).

3) You simply can't loan money you don't have, unless you're a bank in THEIR system. We wont allow that in the proposed system and you'll pay your rent up front for all money you borrow. If you borrow V100 for a week at 10% interest paid up front (the rent of the money), that interest must come from already issued money. You'd pay V10, get your V100 in return. In a week you pay back V100. You get a completed credit contract point, allowing you to become a better credit risk within the system. Yes, the proposal must include finance, but usury (the demand back of what was not issued) and its pawl on the money supply is eliminated.

In order to lend money as a B member financial business within the proposed Valun system, you must have it beforehand. No fractional reserve lending is ever allowed. In order to have it, you can buy it if you have precious metals, with certain restrictions, but usually you must borrow it from those who will have most of it when the system gets going; the pensioners, elderly, families, etc. You must borrow low and lend higher in order to make anything from this useful capitalism (making money on money without work). Finance (being able to buy what you can't afford) is necessary and contributes to the stability of society and must be on a sound accounting basis

Many seniors, veterans, retired police officers, etc. will enter the system with what to them might seem a fabulous windfall. The reason is that under the rules,we allow all pensioners 100% of the equivalent in Valuns of what they were paid in national currencies extending back to Valun inception on November 2, 2011. That's already seven years ago and nobody has really bothered to contact me about any of this. Anyway, it could end up being tens of thousands of Valuns, which is a lot of purchasing power. These people may not really need to spend all their new found funds (wealth) right away and may be willing to lend it at interest to be paid up front.

[3/1/18: 4) Yes, there's just one more thing and it is kind of important.  We do not want just another system where loan capital is snatched away to where it may be rewarded the most.  It is a privilege to be able to loan money at all in any system and the practice must serve the local people who lent the operations their money!  Finance must serve the needs of local people first.  Therefore we have, as someone reminded me, another 80% rule which states that any finance business operating within our market must have 80% of their loans within the geographical service area of each exchange.  This means that each finance business would have to operate B member accounts within the exchanges in which they're doing business, chiefly by raising money and lending it, 80% of the time to local people within the geographical vicinity of that exchange.  This practice over time will tend to build stronger communities.]

Example: Charlie has V2,000 to spare he'd be willing to lend at 5% per year. Clark borrows it from Charles paying him V100 up front and getting V2,000 which he must pay back to Charles within a year as specified in whatever terms the simple contract between them describes. 

Charles issued those V2,000 from his Issuance balance. The V100 he gets from Clark go into Charles' Income balance. When Clark pays Charles back the V2,000, they go right back into his Issuance balance to be lent again if Charles wishes

Anyone's Issuance balance is where their innate wealth originates in the system and is where all Valuns come from. All Valuns originate from an A member's Issuance balance, usually used to purchase a job, the self financing of labor, so that no one may have to ever again say that they are bought by another, a practical end to slavery at every level of society.

[3/1/18: I just had to add that indeed there is another way Valuns enter the proposed system and that is when they are literally bought into existence with THEIR money.  We will only accept gold or silver bullion, still THEIR money, in trade and we will abide by all existing law regarding how much money of THEIRS, if any, would be allowed in such a trade.  Further only A members may make these kinds of trades.  Also there is no way back: you buy Valuns, unless someone is willing to sell you something in Valuns that can be sold in THEIR system, the purchasing power remains in the Valun network until what?  Until someone buys something they can no longer sell for the Valuns that paid for it in which case that difference amounts to Valuns that are lost, gone, dead, never to return.  It is this undeniable and obvious fact that renders most of THEIR economics completely fraudulent and it is no wonder most people have a warped perception of monetary ideas.  But in fact, since the exchange to buy Valuns involves the account of the A member who is issuing them, where do you suppose those purchased Valuns are accounted?  That's right, they are added to that A member's Issuance balance, so again, all Valuns originate from A members' Issuance balances in their accountsIt is all about accounting! ]  

We explained this elsewhere: Valuns, from an employee's Issuance balance are lent to an employer at no interest and placed in their Escrow balance and paid back to the employee's Income balance as described in a very simple contract between them. Labor contracts are best at intervals of six months to a year and may be renewable, etc.

Cost accounting for all businesses in the Valun system would be streamlined to account for savings due to this self financing of labor feature. Businesses get the entire amount of Labor contracts up front and may use it for other expenses before the employees need to be paid. Employers get the float on all money issued to them and get it at no interest. Far more attention can be placed on correctly budgeting for materials and capital equipment costs for a project or production run.

The economies of the future will feature far more economic redundancy, far more specialization and smaller service areas. We expect a great deal of business in recycled or repurposed materials will emerge. Other “back to the land” scenarios everywhere are likely within the developing Valun system. Eventually, the Valun network will have an effect on the rest of the world as it takes up more of the economy, probably beginning at or near the bottom of things everywhere.

This proposal was aimed at eventually eliminating poverty and war worldwide. We do not accept that there isn't enough for everyone. We do not accept that even the worst natural and man made catastrophes cannot be repaired were we to have the money power instead of THEM.

How does one finance the colossal cleanup of something like Fukushima? The clear answer involves nanotech, but where are the foci of nanotech research directed? Weaponry and geoengineering! Stop it, you fools! You'll kill us all! But it is all being paid for with THEIR money to follow THEIR frankly selfish globalist objectives.

You are all riding as passengers in a car driven by THEM and so far you have no other means of transportation. You can't just jump out and start walking. You wont get very far or last very long. You need your own car and need to be driving it yourself. How will you accomplish that? By joining with all the passengers in the present car and organizing to leave the present car (for the most part) and begin driving their own cars as they develop.


David Burton

A very basic design for an obverse side of a V5 V-Check

Sunday, February 25, 2018

#0: The End of Everything We Know!

A montage of current developments.  Notice the messages concerning CASH and concerning THEIR (globalists, bankers, elitists, satanists, pederasts, technocrats, scribes and Pharisees, etc.) ultimate goals and plans being EVIL, the opposite of live; dead and by the way in every emphasis from the oldest scriptures invariably connects evil with error and stupidity!  So how can even the wildest delusions concerning social justice, equality, etc. have any possible relevance knowing that so much of it is led by the WRONG people with the WRONG ideas leading society straight over a cliff intentionally too?  As with ALL cryptocurrencies, since THEY started with the WRONG conception concerning money, one that resembles a typical "buy and hold" equity, subject to rises and falls in value due to speculation, none of them are suitable as money.  Blockchain is not new, but it is THEIRS not yours or mine, so any of your hard earned local currencies you throw into them are certainly subject to THEM including confiscation as we have already seen.  Our solution features a decentralized ledger too, because decentralized is more natural and likeliest to survive the longest.  But our solution preserves the vehicle we know as CASH.  We do not want THEIR internet of things to survive.  The only way for it to fail is to walk away from it.  Do it in a rational and reasonable and certain way, but plan to do so.  After all, why have anything further to do with than you possibly can a system run by people who regard you as prey?  And they do too.  Meanwhile:

"Commitment is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism."

Be seeing you!     

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#113.8 The Proposal - How It Works - Part 8
The basis for all the proposed money in our parallel market, hence, our parallel economy, is this single transaction.
This paper is going to cover a variety of topics related to this blog's proposal.

Aren't you suggesting just the same thing as a guaranteed income [THEIR proposed Universal Basic Income] if you allow any money to be issued without work? Isn't your “natural socialismabout the same as a proposed minimum monthly stipend? How is it different and why have it?

Yes, we will address this, the resurrection of any and all pensions to 100% of their value in OUR money back to Valun inception Nov. 2, 2011. We need it to establish a firm footing for independent finance within the private market established within the proposed Valun exchange network (ven) of all operating exchanges nationwide and worldwide. To the question; 

1) Aren't you aware that we live in a world where people make money on their money all the time for doing nothing? (This is capitalism as opposed to free/private enterprise, which this blog advocates) How do you know that they came by their original money by honorable means? You don't. How do you know they paid any and all taxes on it? You don't. How do relatively poor people enter “public service” and end up millionaires or billionaires? We know and frankly don't really care.

Yes, as a matter of fact, as we have said all along, socialism is what defines a failing economy. It is the crumbs given out by capitalists through THEIR fronts, the governments, to compensate for THEIR looting of an economy.

So how does all current fiat money enter a system? As a debt to a central bank that the government takes out as a loan at interest as the bank's best credit risk customer. The bank's liability is an asset to them; they have a claim on the economy for said amount of whatever goods or services the economy can provide for the money lent, from nothing or not, it actually doesn't matter. That's the way the present system works, for the benefit of the bankers, and the preferred government contractors; the arch grifters of society, not those working people paid for time out of their lives to do service for others or who have produced or grown anything of value. The rest of the money floating around was borrowed into existence from banking sources down the line from the central banks, all lent at interest that must be paid from a supply of money that doesn't include it; literally the demand back of uncreated / unissued money. Since THEIR money supply does not include this money, someone will not be paying back their debt and shall economically fail as a result. We call that the inevitable “musical chairs” effect of any and all genuine usury driven societies.

What's the difference between a bank issuing money and you or I doing it? Here's one of the differences; there is no interest to pay to anyone.

2) When we issue it, we make the choice of what to buy, usually employment, when THEY (usual suspects) do it, the state has first buy and certain sectors of the economy are benefited disproportionately compared to others; anything having to do with war making or profiteering on the backs of the already downtrodden.

3) Reliance on loaned money and payment of interest from money that was never issued insures that all money will be tight and scarce no matter how much is issued in this way. Bubbles are literally required else economies die, but bankers are lured into the biggest deals involving the least risk. The little people mean nothing to them, increasingly dealing with car and home loans is becoming onerous to those who would rather gain the sure thing in the equities markets as long as interest rates are low or near zero or even negative, where you pay someone for holding your money, which is actually THEIR money in an account with your name on it.

A Valun system would run in parallel with the existing system, each hour worked would produce eventually several Valuns per hour and there's no interest to pay to anybody. Furthermore the more industrious people are, the better they do; this system promotes productive activity. Since THEIR money is required only to pay THEM taxes on the profits of our money, strange but true until it isn't, then our reliance on THEIR money is thereby reduced.

What's the glue that holds it (THEIR system) together, that engenders lower risk than elsewhere for THEIR money? Patents and copyrights, intellectual property. The stolen ideas and techniques of others for the benefit of those who make money on money without actually working. Any idea placed into THEIR patent and copyright system is ripe to be bought by speculatively interested capitalists.

So no wonder there's a limited economy with THEIR money. THEY are getting exactly what THEY intended, keeping everyone on a shorter and shorter leash through imposed scarcity of money except among the 1%. Notice the general war on cash and we just found out that one thing that's possible in cryptocurrencies is the tracking back from point of sale to the producer of a wide range of products. All sorts of things suggest themselves as that quality issues are all related to efficiency of scale being exceeded, poor -corrupt or overpaid- management, etc. Hence, knowing this kind of information from blockchain technology automatically disqualifies all cryptocurrencies from consideration as cash because none of these sales is anonymous.

The current economy is normally in a deflationary scenario despite inflation caused by money being cashed out and returning to home markets, where it ends up in the equities markets until interest rates rise and then they'll flood into the debt markets, which are anywhere from ten to a hundred times larger than the equities markets. Having decent debt markets is fine. It has always been debt to whom and in what money that has mattered as pertinent questions. It also matters as in a Valun system, that all rent of money is from money that already exists, not as under usury.

Q: what happens to any money that is lost in a stock sale? A: It is gone, perhaps forever, never to return, because stocks have and can become worthless and the currencies that measured them along with them and none of that has anything at all to do with anything you or I do. That's how all money dies, through depreciation, the inability to cash out of something for what one paid for it. Things lose value and money dies with them. So are you beginning to understand a little bit more the significance of this proposal?

If everyone of our A members is capable of issuing money, all of it to a standard adopted by us all, the proposed Valun, then we buy with it whatever we want most and eventually everything else with it, including the land, as we intend our money system to last, since it corrects the frauds of the present system and besides it would really be our property, not THEIRS. What does having a strong claim on the 2nd Amendment demand? That you accept a right to protect what is actually yours. Understood?

4) We accept as usual and normal for some people to have a claim to a living from others around them, chiefly members of the same family. Families to communities. Communities to nations. The proposed Valun system strengthens it all. This is where we ram straight through all existing schools of economics. We see it from the standpoint of the little people in this world, not from that of the high and the mighty. If the invention we call money is to last and benefit us, we, the people, NOT “the masses,” then we must resolve to join together in a certain way to make it so. Women and children were supposed to depend on what could be brought in by a breadwinner. This is the root of natural socialism. Anything else is frankly a state tyranny and hence illegitimate as socialism and is not allowed within the proposed association.

Maybe we should make this point straight too. We have in cultures extending back at least 4,000 years the idea of a family holding, a pile of money that is intended to serve the emergency needs of family members that is collected from family members only out of the proceeds of exceptional business or trading activity; increase over and above normal income. We'd organize these as B member holding companies and the accounts would have an increasing pile in their Retained Earnings balance as family members would make their contributions, all of which would have to be from money on which taxes had already been paid. All the principal benefactors of the family would be members of a B membership company. Of course a family member might have responsibility for the holding company and desire to place funds into credit contracts with other entrepreneur finance businesses within the developing Valun system; people who financed furniture, parts, recycled anything, cars, etc. and thereby over time increase the holding company's assets. We will allow certain avenues to make money on money without work as long as they obey the rules. Distributions from the company to family members would be made when a recognized need arises requiring financial aid.  Yes, this was and is the rightful tithe.

The organization of exchanges is going to begin conceptually with existing political demarcations. In the US, that would be the county level. Under the proposed IVES identification system, the United States is 3-23. In the United States, a county is a political and geographic subdivision of a state. Of the 50 U.S. states, 48 states are divided into a total of 3,007 counties. The number of counties per state ranges from the three counties in Delaware to the 254 counties in Texas. We will give examples from the US. 

After the first 3 numbers identifying continents and countries, there are four numbers that identify the states and the counties. Here's how that further breaks down: 

IVES# State #of counties
00 DC
01 Delaware 3
02 Pennsylvania 67
03 New Jersey 21
04 Georgia 159
05 Connecticut 8
06 Massachusetts 14
07 Maryland 24
08 South Carolina 46
09 New Hampshire 10
10 Virginia 134
11 New York 62
12 North Carolina 100
13 Rhode Island 5
14 Vermont 14
15 Kentucky 120
16 Tennessee 95
17 Ohio 88
18 Louisiana 64
19 Indiana 92
20 Mississippi 82
21 Illinois 102
22 Alabama 67
23 Maine 16
24 Missouri 115
25 Arkansas 75
26 Michigan 83
27 Florida 67
28 Texas 254
29 Iowa 99
30 Wisconsin 72
31 California 58
32 Minnesota 87
33 Oregon 36
34 Kansas 105
35 West Virginia 55
36 Nevada 17
37 Nebraska 93
38 Colorado 64
39 North Dakota 53
40 South Dakota 66
41 Montana 56
42 Washington 39
43 Idaho 44
44 Wyoming 23
45 Utah 29
46 Oklahoma 77
47 New Mexico 33
48 Arizona 15
49 Alaska 27
50 Hawaii 5

Now after that, we're going to assign exchange numbers to counties as they organize themselves and we want three counties in each state to organize together. For states having more than 99 counties, hexadecimal notation is used. The following are given as mere examples: 

1) The state of Delaware has only 3 counties so the IVES numbers for these exchanges would be 3-23-0101, 3-23-0102 and 3-23-0103. The state of Delaware could organize all at once.

2) The state of Texas has the most counties at 254, therefore the exchanges in that state will run from 01 to FE hex.

The state of Georgia would run from 01 to 9F hex.
The state of Missouri would run from 01 to 73 hex.
The state of N. Carolina would run from 01 to 67 hex.

Not all of these numbers may be used, because some counties will have so few residents that they can't form a local exchange, while other places might have many exchanges operating in the same county, because that county has lots of people living in it. If the number of exchanges rises above 99, switching to hexadecimal gives us 255 identifications within 2 places, but what if there are more than 255 exchanges within a single state? What we do then is to concatenate the state number with the county number and convert the entire decimal figure to hexadecimal notation. This gives us a total of 65,535 discreet identifiers in 4 places which should be sufficient.

For instance, Texas is likely to need more discreet identifiers than anyone else even though Loving County, Texas has only 67 residents and is unlikely ever to form an exchange and there are six other counties there with under a thousand people living in them. On the other hand, California has Los Angeles County with over 9 million residents and is likely to form as many exchanges as in the rest of the state.

For California, IVES identifier 3-23-31, if every county there has an exchange they would fit within 3-23-3101 and 3-23-3158 numbering just fine. But as soon as more than 99 exchanges happen in the state, the numbering system for them all switches to hexadecimal where 31 is concatenated to the number of the exchange, let's say 100 and the hexadecimal equivalent of 31100 is 797C in hex, so Hawaii at 50, were it to have 100 exchanges would be 50100 to C3B4 in hex, 50256 would be C450 and 50512 would be C550 Etc. There's plenty of space to identify lots of places. IVES of course would know all of them and provide handy Ask IVES apps for local exchanges to use in validating V-Checks from other exchanges.

In addition to these numbers, each exchange will assign cash accounts for each of the denominations of proposed V-Checks initially from the Half Valun, through the Ten Valun. We would really like to stimulate cash (anonymous) exchanges and the trust of our personal checks as well, as the will and honor of our people is better known. THAT my friends is upon what one bases one's trust of any money system.

We would eventually like to see the following full set of V-Checks: V1/2, V1, V2, V5, V10, V20, V50, V100 and V500. Who exactly runs the cryptocurrencies? Does anyone really know? These cash account numbers would be known to the exchange officers and IVES only and would not appear on any V-Check or be known to anyone else.

The printed paper V-Check is the outward representation of the Valuns on these accounts. They got there when the member requested cash from their account and the Valuns were transferred from the member account to one or more of these cash accounts and nothing is charged to the member for doing this. The process can be done immediately upon request by a counter clerk at any exchange or Valun counter. It's similar to buying traveler's checks but hopefully easier.

All transactions are tabulated and verified within hours on the same day, certainly all those occurring within the exchange. We did it that way in the old days and survived long before the internet appeared. We have finally come squarely back to understanding the imperative use of paper ballots only. The dullest pencil is always sharper than the … how did that go again? You see. We will need lots of paper and ink, not digits and what did someone call cryptocurrencies the other day? Oh yes, “thin air.” What have we been saying all along? That money is accounting and the tokens were just instances of the accounting.

So what then of pallets of cash, makes no difference from whence, that are flown here and there in big airplanes? Each one of them was printed and yes, accounted for by their issuing institutions. Do you suppose for an instant that THEY are unfamiliar with verifying every last one of those pieces of paper as valid money? Of course THEY are. That even goes for bogus plates with THEIR list of possible serial numbers too. Do you see where I'm going with this?  

You have perhaps been misinformed all your life that money had nothing important to do with accounting and was merely the external objects of trade, whether they be disks of precious metals or nicely printed pieces of paper. No, my friend, the accounting is everything. It's not too difficult for the literate person to understand and as I've said before, everyone in the world knows what banknotes look like and even the illiterate know how to use them, so why dispense with them? So that some people who demand to make money on their money without actually contributing anything can have their slice of the action of others making random and routine decisions about where to spend their money, which isn't even theirs? You see where this goes. Cryptocurrencies can perhaps mask who the buyer and seller are, but if all the transactions can be traced, then what is that? More snooping in on transactions? You see where this goes too. And lately, not much to our surprise, we hear that some wallets have been raided of their coin. Trying to set up a monetary system on the internet is like setting one up in the middle of a superhighway. A good place to get run over not to settle business.

V-Checks will be printed as numbered blanks to be stamped with an expiration date by the clerk at exchange or counter. On each V-Check, running along the bottom of the obverse side will be a series of eight numbers or letters defining the registry of each one in the series. On the upper right hand corner of each obverse side of a V-check will be a space where the expiration date goes. It will be stamped either with a permanent ink stamp or with one of those which punches a date in holes through the paper. For instance a V-Check from New Jersey would have 3-23-0318 241A532D on it. Because we want to help the clerks do their job fast, it would probably look more like this:
3-23/0318 241A532D 

The obverse side would also indicate how many Valuns and say something like Bearer hereby tenders said number of international standard Value Units. The reverse side would indicate the number of Valuns and feature an ad for a local business. In fact, we've given consideration to offering ads that look similar to those sometimes found on church bulletins.

The obverse sides identify the exchange and would feature some scene or landmark from the area of the exchange, an identification of the exchange and of course the IVES symbol.

We started this discussion answering a comment by someone claiming to be a libertarian / free market / capitalist who values precious metals, self reliance and preparedness. What of those in society who cannot earn a living? Some of them might be related to you. Sure, some have their problems. What would a Valun system do for them? What would doing for them do for you? Do you understand how being part of something like this in your own neighborhood would certainly build more self reliance and preparedness among all involved? You can't go it alone. In fact, anyone thinking so is deliberately playing right into THEIR game. Yes, “come out of her, my people” is the message. But out of her into what? Not into being alone and oblivion.

Community will perhaps be forced upon us by natural circumstances as the earth is definitely changing by the day; we need each other to survive and eventually to thrive no matter where we are or what we decide to be doing. This proposal offers a direct way out for each and every one who embraces it, but it will require all of us to get together to make it a reality.

What could happen. The initial transaction that established the proposed Valun could easily be eclipsed. What do we do then? The Valun must always trade at a premium to any and all of THEIR money and we do that by establishing a transaction between gold and dollars on 11/2/11. That's $2.16 per Valun and take a new initial value, a bigger chunk of purchasing power, with each successive rise in the price of gold. If our price to hold an oz of gold is $3,200 then all Valuns in the system rise to $3.20 and then if the price of gold falls, the Valun continues to rise relative to dollars as it takes more gold to purchase the same piece of purchasing power. And THAT ladies and gentlemen is how you preserve purchasing power in a monetary unit no matter how many of them are out and about at any one time.  

The rascals of economics will surely tell you that one cannot have too much money circulating about as it raises prices. How can it be that all these spare monetary units would be bidding on more than one product at a time? Since all the money does not participate in each and every sale, the argument is dismissed, thrown down, excised, discarded, shoved off the stage, etc.

What causes inflation then? Exactly what Riegel said caused it, too many unbacked pieces of purchasing power, literally bogus claims on the economy that didn't originate in a transaction to split an honest barter. Riegel didn't mean backed by gold or anything like that either. He had this in mind: the government spends $10 but only gets $2 back in taxes. That's $8 unbacked to $2 backed. Now, next go round the government can spend that backed $2 again along with perhaps $6 more of borrowed money. That's now $12 unbacked to still $2 backed and $2 taxed back. The backed money canceled out the unbacked money but it's never enough. Too much and speculation on commodities happens and economies to scale are breached everywhere and before you know it, you have today's ghastly messes around the world. You see where this leads? Everything goes up in price. Oh and by the way those who really own the money begin demanding that the government adopt all kinds of THEIR policies and the government can't do anything about it because all and everyone is bought and sold with THEIR money. And you still think this blog's proposal isn't that important?

Get back to me when you know that it is. You'll need to help set up IVES and each county represented will have to begin with 13 people who meet the criteria and one of them had best be a lawyer. 

Be seeing you.

David Burton 

Monday, February 12, 2018

#0: Is Rothschild Going To Tank The Market To Punish Trump? -- Bill Holter

Is Rothschild Going To Tank The Market To Punish Trump? -- Bill Holter

[10/16/20 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, the OWNERS of the platform have decided to censor this channel and make this report unavailable.  This proves what we have been saying on this blog from inception; that certain things we use and take for granted aren't really ours to begin with.  Our money for instance is not really ours.  So someday the OWNERS may decide to call it all back in and give you something else of less purchasing power in return.  Think THEY can't or won't?  It has certainly happened before.  THEY don't care as long as when the dust clears, THEY remain in charge.  That's all this represents.  So we will need our own money and our own everything else too.  I'm leaving this up to remind you.  Be seeing you.]

Two matters: 1) More visits from Russia. If they're really from Russia, good and thank-you. If not, then scram! 2) The name of Rothschild comes up more often as a label for THEM. We suggest that it's simplistic to stop there. As for the market? We're not in it, we warned people to stay out, to play at their own risk with any of THEIR money which they might have too much of. This might be “the big one” that finishes off the easy money, “carry trade” and other highly leveraged speculations. Hint: what does one do when one has huge debts to pay? One jacks up the stock market in hopes that the equities prices, proceeds of sale will be able to hold the debt monster back a bit longer.

Bill Holter's read of events and where it ends up is that everything gets leveled. Sean brings up cryptocurrencies, the phony commodity “buy and hold” “digital air.” Holter's description of what happens to silver and gold are certain. If delivery doesn't happen at the market price then no metals move, period! In fact, if THEIR manipulated markets fail, and all of them will from time to time, then it will be our little experiment here, that establishes what we deem ounces of gold and silver to be worth, not in THEIR money, but in ours. We may be the only ones in town to cash out your metals. Of course in that case speculation would be useless and prices would probably stabilize somewhere. Establishment of price by price discovery not price planning by forced cost accounting, etc.

Holter assumes the internet is in our future. I'm almost as certain as that the trend is toward decentralization and away from anything like the present trend to centralization and total tracking and even away from the grid in most senses that is going to render internet access a whole lot less likely. It may be unhealthy besides anyway. The control meme is losing credibility by the day; the curtains are drawing back and we see the worst possible people engaged in great dangerous follies, all contending for the right to tend the sheep. Sean calls it a beast system, and Bill mentions the second coming. Seems to me they'd both best consider just who the whore of Babylon is. Those who feel things in their bones have some sense of serious impending changes.

Meanwhile this is our allotted task: to contend that money must spring forth from each one of us to be legitimate; that it is only backed by what brought it into existence to be settled by whatever backs it in trade; that it must represent an unchanging piece of purchasing power relative to all other systems of monetary exchange, an international standard not itself subject to speculation; and that to set up a system would require surprisingly little in resources and would actually inevitably benefit any state or community that adopted it.

A Valun system would remove from consciousness certain very bad ideas; for instance that anyone can be bought for the right price, when under a Valun system, anyone may seek to buy their employment and be paid back in one's own money; this is how most Valuns are issued. The Valun system presents a humane system that is kind to the illiterate among us of which it is likely that they be upwards of 40%.

How are Valuns, or any other money, destroyed? By purchasing things that cannot be sold for what you bought them for. It's called depreciation, which by the way proves all current varieties of economics unsound as regards money. Money must be replenished or else economies die.

So money considered as a scarce commodity, like gold or silver, etc. is settling barter by an intermediary that itself fluctuates enough to be annoying (-20% in five years) and in any case is controlled by outside speculators. Criminality has been discovered there and all precious metals do have blood on them!

Every single time that you buy something that cannot be resold for what you bought it for, you closed a barter transaction for more than you can get out of it in future and to you, that money is lost, never to return.

The metals bigots will tell you that in the end you still will have gold and silver if they're the only money. Certainly, we say, somebody will have them. Used to be the kings and the bankers. The circulation was FORCED by taxes. And furthermore someone who has them will be able to con people into parting with other useful things to acquire them, but what are they worth really? If there weren't an active market for them, why wouldn't an ounce of gold go back to $32 and silver to $5? In a really slow economy grinding society down for two or three generations, perhaps they would. Or some government edict would FORCE them to some compliance under terms of which fewer circulating dollars would be backed by them and all to save an essentially fraudulent system.

Money issuance is the key to having money. It must be by FIAT! YOUR fiat, not that of any stolen from you by some government or bank! If you didn't issue it, it ain't yours, despite possession of it being 9/10ths of the law. The only reason to use it is where we are FORCED to do so, beginning with all taxes.

So while we wait for the second coming, and come to grips with exactly who the whore of Babylon might be, let's at least admit we've learned a thing or two about money, one of our more important inventions, along with weapons, musical instruments, books and other important technologies. Be seeing you.

Friday, February 9, 2018



[10/16/20 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, the OWNERS of the platform have decided to censor this channel and make this report unavailable.  This proves what we have been saying on this blog from inception; that certain things we use and take for granted aren't really ours to begin with.  Our money for instance is not really ours.  So someday the OWNERS may decide to call it all back in and give you something else of less purchasing power in return.  Think THEY can't or won't?  It has certainly happened before.  THEY don't care as long as when the dust clears, THEY remain in charge.  That's all this represents.  So we will need our own money and our own everything else too.  I'm leaving this up to remind you.  Be seeing you.]

There is no compromise possible with such as these.  Our message has been to "come out of her, my people" rather than having any compromise possible with these people.  The brainwashing of "the masses" (what THEY call the rest of us, deplorable, expendable, not fitting into THEIR grand plan to take over the world).  Attention!  Those with money to pay you will get whatever it is out of you that THEY want.  Since you have no other means of exchange but THEIRS (either THEIR credit or THEIR gold) then THEY can do as THEY please.  Obviously without money, the vast majority of the world's population is defenseless against THEM.  What is the ultimate end of this?  I've told you.  THEY want you dead!  It doesn't matter what you think you want or think you are entitled to, etc.  THEY want what THEY want.  It's time to break away, not by one or two preppers, but by the thousands, by the millions.  Time to say, "NO, we wont participate in our own destruction!"  So, listen to this woman and all the rest of this information and make up your mind what you will do.  Get back to me concerning the proposal.  Best.

See also The Cooking of Humanity

Thursday, February 8, 2018

#0: NWO - New Order of Barbarians - 2 of 3, Lawrence Dunegan

NWO - New Order of Barbarians - 2 of 3, Lawrence Dunegan

Not sure how long this material (c 1991) will be up on YouTube.  There are no guarantees.  But consider how long ago this lecture took place and how far in the past THEIR plans reached.  Look around you and see that THEY have succeeded while we were ... doing what THEY expected us to do.  How come?  It's THEIR money, stupid!  Think silver and gold are any more your money than THEIRS?  Cryptocurrencies?  I was among the first to warn everyone about cryptos; fake commodity based monetary systems all subject to speculation.  Recall, since I have been consistent, If you didn't issue it, it ain't yours!  How self reliant are you?  You think there's some future in going it alone?  THEY fostered that deliberately to pick you out when the time comes.  Many businesses would rather not be specifically identified on the backs of our proposed V-Check because THEY (since THEY are gangsters and affect change through violence) would single you out for retribution.  The Constitution?  Where is it?  The perversion of it was begun as the thing came into effect under ratification and always from the same quarter, the money power.  Why?  Because it's where the power to move and motivate people comes from, that's why.  Whose life is it anyway?  Whose money do we all use?  Why is this proposal about as important as it gets?  I want to hear from more people, certainly those who value their right to keep and bear arms.  THEY want to take that right away from you and THEY have the money and will use it to flood every one of your advanced nations with as many backward people as THEY can find to kill, defile and destroy everything we thought of as ours.  It's THEIR money, it's THEIR so called public corporations, it's THEIR stock markets, bond markets, gold and silver markets, it's THEIR system imposed as a 100% compliance cult (fake culture).  Everything THEY do is fake because THEY are fake.  That too will be revealed.  Meanwhile, you are THEIR slaves, free range for the moment, but slaves nonetheless.  You can't do anything about it alone.  You have to get as many as possible to see things as they really and truly are and band together to take back your FIAT and your life!  Do it for yourself, those who follow you, for your nations, races, etc. etc.  Don't fall for ANYTHING from THEM.  Oh, do THEY have a reset?  Sure, more and worse slavery for you.  THEY want you dead.  Remember that.  THEY regard you with as much respect as that last fly that flew by.  Get into this blog.  Read it, those of you who can still read.  And get back to me.  Best.
NWO - New Order of Barbarians 1 of 3
NWO - New Order of Barbarians 3 of 3

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

#113.7 The Proposal - How It Works - Part 7
The basis for all the proposed money in our parallel market, hence, our parallel economy, is this single transaction.
Current news concerning alternative currencies has indicated certain distinct directions for this blog's proposal. The question relates to our dealing with other monetary systems, while they last. Remember, we wouldn't have to be advocating an alternative monetary order if all that's out there were really ours. We can't rely on THEM for anything except to pay THEM our taxes in THEIR money. Therefore (by direct extension) it is proposed that at a minimum, each local independent exchange would have an account in some regular bank for the purpose of paying taxes and for the time being, paying any other expense that must be paid in THEIR money

But as for dues – one Valun each year from each A member - we accept those as income to each local exchange, that might better be secured in precious metals, because we cannot be doing business with our enemies by having too much of THEIR money tied up in one of THEIR businesses. 

We recognize that precious metals are the two oldest brands of THEIR money, but they are besides actual tangible objects valued for their metal content as it is determined by and for THEM and they are easily traded back into THEIR money for paying taxes. So we would start by suggesting that each independent exchange do what it will inevitably need to do eventually anyway; start some kind of account with a preferably local precious metals dealer.

So each independent exchange would be organized to have:
1. A regular business bank account with which to pay taxes in THEIR money.
2. An account with a local precious metals dealer where annual dues are exchanged for precious metals. (All exchanges of money other than dues would likewise be traded for precious metals) : Each exchange would need a vault. 

At this time (2/4/18) gold and silver are trading at a ratio of 79.96 to 1. That means for every nearly eighty ounces of silver, one has one ounce of gold. What buyers for each local independent Valun exchange would be doing is stacking precious metals to pay for its own needs and ultimately if necessary to be sold into the bank account to pay taxes. 

We are building a sinking fund to provide for setting up and maintaining an exchange, a local for profit business. We would rather be holding that fund in precious metals than any of THEIR stolen fiat currencies. We recognize that what we would be holding our dues in is in either of THEIR “buy and hold” commodity money tokens. But, as the saying goes, though paper may fly, metals are forever. They aren't actually, as electrolysis is capable of corroding any metal.

If everything were to fall back to whole barter, we will still have our precious metals with which to barter, and then one would be surprised to learn how little gold and silver would really buy. Some people wouldn't even take them. When everything falls back to whole barter, everything is worse and disintegrates rapidly because money, performing it's function to split barter, also allows improved usage of labor and energy.

We cannot do without money. Besides being insurance against THEIRS inevitably failing, our proposal is specifically aimed at preventing a fall back to whole barter, since to fall back that far is to doom most to lives that are “nasty, brutish and short.” Think the times of the 3rd through 6th centuries. 

These precious metals reserves, the buffer between our system and THEIRS, are the joint property of each local independent exchange and cannot be considered as separable assets among the owners of said exchange.

For ease of analysis, we're going to use a base unit of 10,000 A members. 

At this point in time (2/6/18), a Valun is $2.65, so each A member would pay the dues of 1 Valun and the proceeds of all that would be used to buy precious metals. 10,000 A members generate dues of around $26,500 which today might buy almost 16 oz. of gold or 1,271 ounces of silver. 

The treasurer of each exchange would work with the metals dealer to maximize the retained value for exchange with the local public currency for preserving purchasing power in the local currency for paying any expected taxes on the income of the exchange which would primarily be through transaction fees and the sales of advertising that would go on the reverse sides of the circulating cash in our system, the V-Check.

But again, this is a sinking fund in THEIR money (in this case precious metals) that is used to set up the exchange. None of this is our money!

For each of these units of 10,000 A members, we might require:

20,000 ½ Valun V-Checks 
20,000 1 Valun V-Checks 
10,000 2 Valun V-Checks
5,000 5 Valun V-Checks and
1,000 10 Valun V-Checks

to be printed every six months. We may need even more depending on how each community develops. Before we got started, we'd have to ask our members what they want; how often they'd be likely to spend cash, use a personal check (yes, we will have those too), etc. There will be printing costs to be covered from the sinking fund; sell the metals you need and buy the print jobs with local money. Likewise, each exchange takes in local money from selling the advertising to B member businesses which appear on the reverse sides of these V-Checks. These are sources of income to the local exchange. 

We see that through THEIR credit/debit cards, THEY (usual suspects) collect around 2% per transaction. Our costs would be 0.01% per transaction; one tenth of one percent. At present (2/6/18), 2% of a Valun would be slightly more than a nickel. One tenth of one percent of a Valun would be $0.00265 or about a quarter of a penny. The more transaction volume occurs, the more income the exchange makes, always in Valuns.

You would have three sources of income to the exchange;

Membership dues in local money
Advertising revenue in local money
Transaction fees in Valuns

Taxes on the Valuns each exchange makes must be paid in local money. So this is where the sinking fund comes in. Who has first (senior) claim on anyone's supposed money? (We're talking about THEIR money in THEIR institutions with your name on it) Creditors do, beginning with the state under which one lives. All taxes will be paid and eventually the states will thank us for it. THEY have the FORCE, you don't.

Exchanges will also exchange local money for Valuns, a one way exchange as this is not a money laundry and we're promoting our own parallel economy to be there when THEIRS fails. There wont be any exchange fees for this, but there certainly will be limits to the amounts we'd be willing to accept in exchange, to be established completely under the local terms of law. Law is FORCE. THEY have it and you don't. There are laws against structuring exchange out of any of THEIR money that may be in effect. That's why we need lawyers to sort those details out. All local “public” money we accept will be traded immediately for precious metals.

At present $1 = V .3573 or slightly more than a third of a Valun. $100 gets you V35.73 stated as thirty-five Valuns seventy-three cend (send, fen, our penny). $1,000 = V357.30 and $10,000 = V3,573.00 and I can't imagine those levels of exchange, except perhaps to establish a financial business within the trading community (Valun exchange network or ven). All businesses B members understand that it is our intention to establish trading in Valuns and that there is no way back into THEIR money from ours. This is not just some other “buy and hold” investment or money laundry. Once up and running, we are willing to defend something that is actually ours, that we each have ownership in, where the money in our accounts is issued by us and backed by our work and our will (Fiat). What's a Valun worth? It's worth what we say it is worth based on very simple rules, again all under contract. Today it would be worth $2.65 and no exchange would take anything less. All THEIR stolen fiat currency would be exchanged for precious metals and those would belong to the exchange for purchasing needed staples and paying taxes.

There is a fellow out there, David Morgan  (yeah some of you might want his services), who made a few statements the other day regarding competing monetary systems. He lumped them conveniently into two categories; commodity based and contract based. He said he preferred commodities basis, without even considering that any and all commodities are subject to speculation, the making of money on money without work (capitalism) by a few speculators. Supposedly all this speculation contributes to the stability of prices which is an outright lie and has little to no bearing on how actual prices for anything are actually established in any market.

Establishing prices using a commodity is measuring one commodity with another, like measuring with an infinitely elastic ruler, where today's inch or mile is likely to get shorter tomorrow. No, David. Contract basis is infinitely superior to commodity basis as for instance in order to preserve purchasing power you select a nice chunk of purchasing power that has already happened and you just take the present value of that chunk of purchasing power determined by THEIR speculators. At inception the proposed international standard value unit or Valun began at $2.16 but to purchase that same unit of purchasing power today you need more gold, so today (2/8/18) it takes $2.65.

Everything our members do will be associated with sets of very simple contracts, usually one page. Recall that many of our members may be illiterate, so everything has to be kept very simple. The money basis will be a transaction that has already happened between the local currency and gold that can never fall lower than the inception exchange rate because were that to happen, the authority vested in the proposed International Valun Exchange Society or IVES, would raise that transaction (can never lower it), and the result would be that every single last Valun would become heavier against the local currency. The potential tops for any Valun are what the initial chunk of purchasing power would be worth if gold became worthless. Right now, that's $4.32 so this is not some get rich quick, sky is the limit, speculate on some “buy and hold” digital commodity posturing as money. Long term, our money will be the one to be holding and will retain its value over all others including gold and silver, which are still THEIR money, not ours, because we have nothing to do with determining its value, THEY do. THEY also control the majority of the mines, mints and all the speculation on them, we don't. It's not likely we ever will. We don't even really want or need any gold or silver per se. We have better things to do, like make things, grow things, provide services, do things, raise families and enjoy our lives.

We want to encourage local commerce and build local networks of supply to reliable local customers paying in a reliable currency where prices will tend to fall into predictable price points and where cost accounting can be more accurate over far longer periods of time. Rather than seeking over inefficiencies to scale which are subject to sharp changes in demand and of course are intended as monopolies, we prefer greater economic redundancies and more competition, respect for efficiencies to scale, different ways of approximating the real costs and advantages of competing techniques, etc.

If people say they want diversity, then we prefer a diversity that each diverse tribe and society decides for themselves, not one dictated to them from on high by some supreme “scientific” authority with no real local stake in anything. Again, the solutions are not political, they are economic; having to do with the flow of money and where the flow of money can be encouraged, there will be more opportunities to extend and develop each member's innate wealth. Don't expect to realize anything with THEIR money, which is shrinking in value with every passing day.

If you intend on being a long lasting local business using Valuns, it makes sense that you would want to enroll as many of your friends and neighbors as possible into the effort. Begin to see things in a different way; we all live in societies where we are at the mercy of money that isn't ours for the things we want and need to do most. All that money belongs to somebody else over whom you have no control whatsoever. Whether politics; all that babbling, name calling and destroying of people's reputation for sport, accomplished much of anything, more and more people are seeking to move back and away from all that and figure out what to do to make their own lives better and it all boils down to not enough money.

We offer a proposed system that starts every member with V200 or about $530 comparable purchasing power. Again, 10,000 A members with V200 each represents $5,300,000 of purchasing power.

We also offer to resurrect any and all pensions up to 100% of their value in local money in Valuns and to do that going back all the way to Valun inception in the month of November, 2011. All of that, David, and others, is under proposed contract and has nothing to do with commodities or stores of any kind. The value in money, David is where E. C. Riegel observed it to be, in what it buys. You show me a pile of metal coins and say that's value? I'll show you half a dozen people and consider their time and skills and tell you that that's where real value is.

So it really is up to you. Do you really want your kids, grandkids, etc. to have to live under the present monetary disorder or would you prefer something better? You can't expect anything good from THEM. So you'll have to organize and do it yourself. Give me twelve good people, one of them being a lawyer and I'll join them as a thirteenth and we'll set up IVES and then get busy setting up local exchanges and getting this engine of economic freedom off the ground.

David Burton

[2/8/18: Yes, I was reminded of a program years ago on Republic Broadcasting, where certain people were addressing the American Open CurrencyStandard and in a disparaging way, owing to knowing what we know about money; that it is issued and that it is destroyed! If that's the case, then it matters not at all if money is a commodity, but rather that it diminishes without being continuously supplied. And who does that in all our systems? THEY do. Either THEIR credit or THEIR gold and THEY'd prefer THEIR credit and soon it will be THEIR cryptocurrencies.

A group of gold and silver traders would serve as the needed buffer and basis for equivalent exchange between THEIR world, which we require to meet THEIR taxes, but to put our stick in the ground and say to everyone that in exchange for our units of exchange, we will not accept anything less than what we demand in gold or silver, thank-you. Else, we simply can't hold THEIR money because 1) it is diminishing in purchasing power guaranteed and 2) other than as taxes on what we already make on our own money, holding it becomes way too expensive.

The matter of control over exchange and settlement in precious metals is absolutely key to this proposal. We firmly stick to the idea of paper instruments as circulating money too.  We WILL (FIAT) have our cash back!  Many will contend that this is outdated technology. We'd reply that the sitting back and letting someone else take care of it attitude has gotten us where we are today.

This whole proposed system could be run on a loosely communicating network of laptop computers with adequate printing equipment to make paper backup copies of everything we do. This is to be a PRIVATE business, a society where you are asked to join, where you meet the requirements and then proceed to issue your own money based on contracts. We reacquaint you with your responsibilities for handling something as lethal as a firearm and as important. We expected back in 2011 that probably the Valun network would become the largest customers of the precious metals dealers. We recommend that all precious metals dealers should review this blog and its proposal. Events are making like this more important than ever.]